Family:Whitney, Thomas (?-1589)
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Thomas Whitney of Boughrood, Radnorshire, Wales, parentage unknown, died after 29 May 1589, the date of his will, and before 18 Aug 1589, when it was proved. In that will he mentions a certain Thomas ap John Whittney, who seemingly would be a relative, but whose identity is unknown. Because he named a son Watkin, he may have been related to Watkin Whitney (s1495-?).
He married Mary (-----) Duppa, widow of James Duppa. She had by her first husband Mary, John, James, Blanche, and Katherine Duppa.
The will of Margery, late wife of Thomas Whittney, Gent., of Boughrood, was probated in 1636.
Will of Thomas Whittney of Boughrood, equier |
29 May 1589. 'Thomas Whittney of Boughrood, esquier: sick; soul to God; body to Boughrood; to repair p. ch. Boughrood 12d; to vicar of same for tithes forgotten 12; to repair cath. ch. St. Davids 12d; to my son Ewstaunce Whittney all my capital messuage where I dwell called Tier Enuadd (marignal note in later had reads "lived in Tyr y Neuadd in Boughrood & held Pwll Piran in Llanstephan") in Boughrood & Llanstephen of chief lords of the fee etc; to sd Ewstaunce my great pan, one great brass pot, my best wayne & a plowe & my best broyche & 6 oxen, 1 bull, 10 kyne, 2 heifers of two yrs, 4 yrling beasts towards payment of £33 6s 8d wh. I give to Elnor my dau. & to be pd by sd Eustaunce; to sd Ewstaunce for that consideration one truckle bed at my house in Bringwine; Elnor shall have & enjoy by herself 1 messuage & 40s acr. land belong'g called Tier Rs David ap Andrewe & 1 meadow called Gwerne y Rhiw til John Whittney my son pay to sd Ell'or £20 money all wh. premises lie in par. Llanstyphan; to sd John all rest of lands called Poolle Piran in Llanstephan as amply as Hoell ap Richard now occupies the same of chief loar of fee etc. provided John Whittney shall suffer Hoell ap Richard to enjoy it for years agreed betw. us ending A.D. 1590; to sd son John 1 bedstead in the roof eldest on the loft or soler & 1 vat or great vessel to weat, ottes or barlie, my 2nd broych & 2nd brass pot, my bald horse or gelding & 2 calves wh. are at Pooll y Piran; & my 2nd brass pan; to my son Richard Whittney my messuage called Pen y Come in par. Llanbedr, Radn., of chief lord etc; to my son Robert Whittney 1 messuage called Tier John Dio Kydwgan and Thomas Dio Kydogan in Llanbedr of chief lord etc; to my son James Whittney all lands I have in Nantscallen in par. Llanigan, Brecons, sometimes the lands of Lewis William Vaghan dec'd to have etc provided that if heirs of Lewis William Vaghan pay to James Wittney £14 13s 4d they shall have the same; to sd James 1 acr. arab. in field called the Mayse dan y die wh. I late purch. of Thomas ap John Whittney in Boughrood of chief lord etc; to sd James 1 parcel or plot of ground called Werne Dee, 1 acr. called Kaye Lloid & 1 cottage & 1 garden wh. cottage is now used as a tanhouse, in Boughrood, to have etc of chief lord etc, provided that if sd Thomas John Whittney pay 26s 8d they to have premises, W. E. & K. L., & James to have money, and if heirs of Ll'in or Lewis ap Robert pay £3 6s 8d they to have cottage and James the money; to my son Robert Whittney all my strawes and hey at the Bringwyne due on Thomas Davies my tenant there & one colt colour baye of 2 yrs of age; to Mary Duppa, my wife, 40s (marginal note: his woyres Mary Duppa, John Duppa, their father was James Duppa); to John by 2nd wyre . . . .; to my son Robert 12d due to me on lands called Pooll Wilkin wh. I had of John ap Hughe ap Hoell; to my son James 10 sheep, 5 lambs, on my lands called Pooll Pyran & 15 gottes & 3 kydds upon my lands in Llanbedr called Pen y Come; if sd James will abide & remain with his foster father then my son John Whittney shall deliver to James at harvest next out of my corn at Pooll Pyran 12 bushels of grayne, viz. 6 bushels rye, 6 bushels ottes, towards his mntnce; to Hughe Whittney & Robert Whittney all those my woods wh. are growing in a parcel of land called Lloynie Alson in Llanstyphan with all my right etc to pass & repass; to my sd son Hughe my bay mare in consid'n that my son Ewstaunce pay to Robert Davies of Bringwine £5 15s at M'mas next due on me to Robert; to sd Ewstaunce my best gelding; to my son James my 2nd gelding, a white ambling gelding; to John my son all the swine & gese on my lands called Pooll Pyran; to Hoell ap Richard 1 acr. in Clirow in a piece called Danden e Wenlle to have etc of the chief lord etc; to my son Watkin Whittney lands called Tyer Lewis ap Ricahrd ap Rs Ddy in Llanbedr to have until Richard Whittney my son pay him £16 6s 8d in redemption of sd lands, when payment made land shall remain to Richard; to my son George 1 tenement called Tier pen y Lan in Boughrood to have etc of chief lord etc; James Duppa my son in law to have issues etc of all land etc afsd toward eduction & bringing up of sd George Whittney until he is 20 yrs & I have delivered to sd James Duppa eight evidences of conc'g sd lands to be re-delivered to sd George when 20; to Elnor my dau, towards her chamber 2 featherbeds viz 2 coverlets, 2 bolsters, 2 pair flaxen sheets; to Katherine my servant 10s; to Lewis Watkin my servant 10s; to Marie my servant 10s; my son Robert to forgive Robert Thomas my tenant £4 rent due to him first yr next after my decease for lands Robert occupies; if Elnor my dau. die before marriage or being pd her legacies then her legacies etc come to Hughe, Ewstaunce, John, Richard, James, Robert, Watkin & George equally, provided my Exors pay £16 13s 4d; to Blaynche vz James & Caterin vz James my too wyres 2 kine out of my house at Boughrood; Ewstaunce to maintain my children at home with meat and drink & bedinges till harvest time next or else I bequeath to my sd seven sons Hughe, John, Richard, James, Robert, Watkin & George half corn in . . . and half corn in ground at Boughrood & for to keep them of my sons abiding with him next yr likewise so to keep them next yr with meat drink & clothes or else be that shalbe put awaye to have 20s in his pursse; my son Hughe shall have education of Elnor my dau. thill she is 14 yrs & in consid'n of her diet . . . clothing in honest sort Hugh shall have yrly of John his Bro. 33s 4d rent for lands of sd Elnor in Poolle Piran & sd John to have lands there as long as he pay rent or els Hughe set the lands at his pleasure to the use afsd; my son Ewstaunce yrly to for 4 yrs pay sd Elnr £3 6s 8d at All Saints and St. John the Baptist; Ewstawnce to leave 2 oxen at Poole Pyran till Allhalotide next & then have them home with him; if any afsd sons die before marriage or without issue his part to remain to survivors, but the part of him that first deceased to remain to James Whittney my son; to my son Watkin 10 lambs at Pen y Come; to my son Robet half swine at Boughrood about the house; rest of goods to Ewstaunce, Exor; on Thomas Vaughan clk 51s; Debts due on testator: Thomas Cachemon of Herford about 10s; Debts due to testator: on David Thomas for Hoell Inggens daus. land; Witn: John Phe'e Prickard; Robert Thomas; Phe Istaunce; Phe'e John Prickard; Hyggyn Dd; Dd ap Gwatkin; Thomas ap Rs; Water ap Jevan.
Was he perhaps the same man as Thomas Whitney of Clyro?
i. Hugh Whitney. Perhaps the Hugh Whittneye of Llanstephan whose will was probated in 1646. ii. Eustance Whitney. Perhaps the Istance Whittneye, Gent. of Llanstephan whose will was probated in 1641. Could he have been the Eustace Whitney of Boughrood, father of Eustace Whitney (c1662-1713)? iii. John Whitney. Perhaps the John Whitney of Glasbury whose will was probated in 1613. iv. Richard Whitney. v. James Whitney. Perhaps the James Whitney of Llangynidr whose inventory was taken in 1623. vi. Robert Whitney. vii. Watkin Whitney. viii. George Whitney, under 20 in 1589. ix. Elnor Whitney, under 14 in 1589.
1.^ Michael A. Faraday, abstracts of sixteenth century wills of Radnorshire people from the archives of the Episcopal Consistory of Hereford (at Hereford) and the Archdeaconry Court of Brecon (at Aberystwyth), Transactions of the Radnorshire Society, vol. 58 (1988), pp. 30-32.
Copyright © 2006, Robert L. Ward and the Whitney Research Group