Family:Thomas, David (s1540-1604)
David Thomas, (Thomas ap David, Dafydd ap Hywel Fychan, Roger ap John) of Michaelchurch, Esquire was born say 1540, and died after the codicil to his will 11 Mar 1603 and the probate of his will 14 Apr 1604. See Bartum's WYNSTON 2(F).
He married Elizabeth Parry daughter of George Parry of Poston, Esquire, by his wife Isabel ferch James Vaughan of Hergest, Esquire. See Bartrum's DRYMBENOG 12(A). See also: Bag. 87, SE 88; HT sub 1 230; SA24v; Harl. 5058 fo. 4f.
He left a will dated 27 Feb 1603.
- Thomas, David - of Michaelchurch [Escley] co Hereford (Diocese of St David's) Esq, 27 Feb 1603.
- To be buried at Michaelchurch if I die there; 2/- to the church of St Davids, 5/- to Hereford Cathedral (both for repairs) and 20/- to the church of Michaelchurch for repairs and towards making a new top for the old decayed steeple
- All my lands held in fee-simple etc not already assured and covenanted (by Deed made between William Leighton Esq and me, assuring them to my son Leyson Thomas) to Michael Thomas son of the said Leyson and his heirs for ever (and if no heir, then to Leyson's heirs for ever) and all my leasehold lands and copyhold lands (except for the lease of my farm at Blackhill which I hold by grant of Thomas Myle Hunt and Jenkin Hunt for 1000 years) and my lands in fee simple lately bought from David Powell ap David Powell and my lease of the farm of The Grainge - all three of these to my grandson David (son of Leyson) Thomas.
- My 3 other tenements or farms now occupied by Nicholl William Thomas Nicholl Watkin Harry and John Saunders; the wife of Elln John Richard; Jane late wife of Thomas Phillip Lewis; Jane daughter of Elln ap ?Gwillim; my brother Lewis Price; my sister's daughter Jane Prythergh; my nephew John Thomas; my daughter Jane Price; servant Harry Belman; daughter Anne (living) the late wife of Thomas John ap John/Jones, her son David and her 2 youngest daughters; lands in Cusop of Walter Carwardine; John Thomas and Zachary Gilbert; Thomas Harry Price, John Thomas Price and to Thomas John ap Thomas Powell; all the children of my son-in-law John Baily by my daughter Isabel his wife; my daughter Elinor Whitney and her children; my grandchild John Price - £5 to be used by my son Leyson for the best advantage of the child, Richard Price [?his father] not to be involved; Thomas ap John Thomas Powell - the house and garden in his occup'n for life and then to Alice Harrye or Harvye, widow (his daughter-in-law) for 3 years rent-free; old workmen and hired men Richard Price and John Price - 10/- a week; Margery (the wife of Richard William Prichard) - 20/- for her pains taken with me and my wife in our sickness long ago; 12 gowns to 6 poor men and 6 poor women; to 100 (sic) poor people of Michaelchurch and Clodock - 4d each, a loaf of bread apiece and some meat and drink; my old servant Harry Belman - a suit of apparell and I order that he shall be maintained with meat, drink and clothing in my house for the rest of his life; my godchildren (un-named) - a yearling sheep each.
- After the payment of my debts, legacies and funeral charges, the rest and residue of my goods etc to my son Leyson (he to be Sole Executor); Leyson's wife Elinor.
- Names: Maude v[erc]h Rosser; Harrye Thomas Powell and his ch'n Lewis, Andrew, William, Joane and Jane; servant Zachary Gilbert; my farm at Castleton; son-in-law John Baily gent to be Overseer; grandchildren Elizabeth Thomas and Marie Thomas; Thomas Jenkin son of Richard Jenkin.
- Witnesses: John Baily, William Baily, Reece William David Thomas Morgan, David Powell John Thomas Morgan John Thomas and Zachary Gilberte Thomas.
- Debts due uppon me: £250 to my son Thomas Whitney to redeem his lands upon Candlemas day next; £30 to my said son-in-law TW at the end of 11 years which I have in the said farm at Castleton; £40 to my cozen Jenkin Hunte at Michaelmas next and the one thereafter [ie £80]; be it remembered that my said 6 tenements are in my own hands to be disposed of at my will and pleasure.
- After the sealing of my Will: 14 Mar. None of the legacies made in my Will are to be paid until St Mary's Day 1606; some of the monies I bequeathed to my servants to be spent in buying them clothes.
- Codicil: 11 March 1603. The annuity of 20/- given by me to Harry Belman to be paid [?instead/on his behalf] to William Harrye Lloide and his wife 5/-; Joan vhe William 5/- and to Lewes Harvie and Joane Harvie 5/- apiece for 21 years if Harry Belman lives so long. Signed David Thomas.
- Witnesses: John Thomas Rice William David, David Powell, John Thomas Morgan; ?Idiff Carwardine, Katherin Watkin Probert Harry Thomas.
- More Witnesses: John Bailey (sic), Sybell Harrie Powell, Katherine Watkin Probert [Leyson Thomas' maide servant], John George (the Testator's man), William Edward (his man), also Jane Prythergh (his maidservant) (sic) John Thomas.
- Proved PCC 14 Apr 1604 by Leyson Thomas, son of the deceased.
Children of David Elizabeth (Parry) Thomas (order uncertain):
i. Leyson Thomas of Michaelchurch, m. Elinor -----. He left a will dated 25 Sep 1635. He served as the guardian of his nephew Robert Whitney (and perhaps his brother Baldwin Whitney) after his brother-in-law died in 1610. In 1630, Baldwin Whitney sued him over lands that he supposedly had improperly purchased from Robert Whitney. ii. Elinor Thomas, m. Thomas Whitney. iii. Jane Thomas, m. ----- Price. iv. Anne Thomas, m. Thomas John ap John/Jones, Ch: David, 2 daughters. v. Isabel Thomas, m. John Baily.
See The History of Michaelchurch Court and its Estate for additional details about David Thomas.
Batrum's WG2, Drybenog 12(A); Bartrum's WG2 Wynston 2(F). The Parry family of Arxton and Dulas/Dewlas is Bartrum's WG2 Drymbenog 12(B1). John Parry was father of the John Parry of Dulas who left a will in 1604. By his first wife Margery Davies, (he married, second, Ann, sister of Thomas Vaughan of Penbre), he was father ofRowland, Myles, JOHN PARRY ("who had issue"), Lewes, William, Symon, Hugh & George Parry. Rowland is the only one carried down in the Visitation of 1634, having married Blanch Parry [sic], daughter and sole heir of John Parry of Morehampton, Esquire. I guess she is the Blanch Parry, daughter of John Parry of Morhampton who was age 3 in 1569 (born 1566). That John had a sister named Olyve Parry. He was son of Stephen Parry, son of John Parry, 2nd son of Myle[s] Parry by the daughter of Henry Stradling (this Myle was father of the Henry/Harry Parry who married Alice Mylborne). This information was provided by Paul C Reed, F.A.S.G.
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