Archive:Whitney and Clifford Manuscript, 474
Archives > Archive:Whitney and Clifford Manorial Records > Whitney and Clifford Manuscript, 474
Will of Thomas Whitney of Middlewood, dated 12 Oct 1609, proved 28 Apr 1610.
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Bottom of will:
Transcription attempted by Robert L. Ward:
In the name of God Amen, the twelvethe Daye of October in the yeare of or. lorde
god one thousande six hundred and nine I Thomas Whitney of Middlewood wthin the
Countye and Diocs of Heref beinge of Pfect memorye god I prayes for it doe by this my
psent writinge make and sett downe this my last will and testament in maner hereafter
ensewinge First I comende my soule to allmightye god my maker and redeemer and by whome I
verylye hope and trust to be saved, my bodye to be buried in the Pishe churche
of Lanvayre y Brynne I give towarde the repacons of the sayd churche five shillings, It I
geve bequeathe and divise to Baldwyne Whitney my seconde sonne one messuage or seconde
tenement nowe in the tenure and occupacon of Evan Owens the yonger and one medowe
underneathe the sayd howse and seaven acres of lande lyenge above the sayd howse
and a Pcell of wood and pasture contayninge three acres called tom gron all wch are in
occupacon of the sayd Evan Owens, And all that Pcell of medowe called y Lannerch heere
and all that cottage and aboute seaven acres of meadowe and pasture in the occupacon of Watkin
Lewes, And all that pasture called close y dayre and one little medowe thereunto
adioyninge in the possession of one William Myles and all that house and barne lyenge by the wood
called Middlewood in the possessione of one John Nicholas and all lands thereunto belonginge
in the possessione of the said John Nicholas and all that Pcell of medowe and pasture grounde
contayninge by estimacon aboute fower acres in the possession of Harrye Prees to
have and to howlde the sayd messuage howses lands and tenements and all other the premisses wth
the appurtaynaunces and the yearelye rents issuinge oute of the same Pmisses And the revcon
and revcons of all and
singular the Pmisses thereby geven devised and bequeathed to the sayd Baldwyne Whitney his heires
and assignes fore ever, Provided allwayes that if my oldest sonne Robert Whetney and his
heires doe well and trulye contente and paye unto the said Baldwyne Whitney for and duringe
the naturall life of the sayd Baldwyne the some of ten pounds of courrent englishe
moneye pa[id yearly at everye feaste of] S[aint] Michaell Tharchangell and the Annunciacon of the
blessed virgin marye by eaven and equall porcons the first payment hereof to be made at the feaste
of Sancte Michaell thearchangell after the saide Roberte shall accomplish the full age of one and
twenty yeares Then my will is and I doe by this present will geve bequeathe and devise All the
sayd messuage howses lands tenemts medowes leasones and pastures and all other the Pmisses before
bequeathed and all the rentes issuinge thensforthe unto my sayd eldest sonne Robert Whitney
and his heires and assignes for ev. It I geve devise bequeathe and devise unto Margaret my
wiffe towardes the mayntenaaunce of her selfe and my fower children, all my the messuage howse
and tenemt wherein I doe nowe dwell in, And all lands tenemts medowes leasowes pastures woods and
and underwoods there unto belonginge and apPtayninge, scituate lienge and beinge in Middlewood
aforesaid nowe in the possession of me and my assignes, and latelye assured over by me by waye of
morgage unto one John Smithe and his heires to have and to hould the same Pmisses unto the sayd
margaret for and duringe the tearme of her naturall life, The sayd Margaret my wife yeldinge and
payenge doinge and Pforminge all and singuler suche covenantes Articles
Pmisses and agreements wch one the Pte and behalfe of me the sayd Thomas Whitney are or oughte to
be Pformed and kepte conteyned in one payer of Indentures made betwene me of
the one Pte and and the sayd John Smithe one thother Pte It I geve and bequeathe all the
sayd lands and tenemets (morgaged unto the sayd John Smithe) after the decease of the sayd
Margaret my wiffe unto my sayd eldest sonne Roberte Whitney and his heires forever It I geve
bequeathe and devise unto the sayd Margaret my wiffe for and duringe the tearme of naturall liffe
one Pcell of pasture lienge in Middlewood called whronge y thoy nant, and one Close called hoppes
felde and after her decease to my sayd sonne Robert Whetney and his heires forever Item whereas
I have
barganed with my brother in lawe Paule Delahay Esquier for the maner of Newton and Foxbrooke and
at the last assisses at Heref have acknowledged a fine thereof by wch bargaine in cosideracon
of three hundred pounds to be payed me my executors and administrators I assured him the sayd
manors in trust for six yeares now my will is and by this my Psent writinge I doe geve and
bequeathe unto Margaret my sayd wiffe all the sayd three hundreth pounds towards the payment of my
debtes Item whereas my brother in lawe Leyson Thomas houldethe of me my farme
of Castleton beinge the thirde Pte of the Deamanes of Clifford for three yeares and upwards yet to
come and afterwardes by force of certeyne covenantes made betwene me and my late Father in lawe
Davide Thomas Esquier he the sayd Leyson is to yealde and deliver the possession thereof unto me
and my executors and assignes, Nowe my will is and by this my Psent last will and testament I
doe geve devise
and bequeath and devise the sayd farme and all my righte title interest and tearme of yeares
therein to come for and Duringe all the tearme of yeares then to come and not expired unto my
executors, to be at theire
pleasure demised graunted and leased forthe by them, for and duringe all the residue of yeares
therein conteyned then to come and not expired. And my will is that my sayd executors shall
content and
paye out of the rents yssues and Pfitts yssuinge out of the sayd farme all the residue of such
debts due by me unto anye Pson or Psons as shalbe then unpayed out of the sayd three hundred
pounds to be
receaved of my sayd brother in lawe Paule Delahaye as aforesayd, and also towards the payment of
all suche of all suche gifts legacies and bequeaths by me in this my Psent last will and
geven and bequeathed. And moreover my will is that after my said debtes legacyes and bequeathes
shalbe fullye conteyned contented and payed that then the residue of all the rents issues
and Pfytts yssuinge out of
the sayd farme for and duringe all the residue of all the tearme of yeares then to come and not
expired shalbe receaved by my Executors to the use and behooffe of my three children (viz)
Baldwyne Whitney
Marye Whitney and Elizabethe Whitney, and for and towards the better mayntenance of margarett my
said wiffe to be equallye devided and Pted betwene them and used and imeployed for the best
advauntage and comoditye of my sady wiffe and children for and towards their porcons and
mayntenaunce in livinge, It I geve and bequeathe to Margarett and Oliffe Parrye two of my wyffs
daughters the some of twentye pounds viz. ten pounds Apeece to be payed them out of the rents issues
and Pffittes issuinge out of the sayd farme of Castleton It I geve and bequeathe unto
Margerye the
daughter of Ales Griffithes the some of twentye pounds to be likewise payed her out of the rents
yssues and profits of the sayd farme of Castleton It I geve and bequeath unto my sayd three
Baldwyne Whitney Elizabethe Marye Whitney and Elizabethe Whitney the somme of thirty pounds
remayninge in the hands of my brother in lawe Leyson Thomas due to be payed by him at thend
and expiracon of the tearme of yeares wch he hath in the farme of Castleton It I geve and bequeath
unto my sayd three children the some of five pounds remayninge likewise in the hands of my
said brother in lawe Leison Thomas unto me and my sayd children due by the laste will and testamente
of my sayd late father in lawe David Thomas, It I geve and bequeathe unto my sayd sonne Robert
Whitney if suche
[tyme as he shalbe of the age of one and twenty yeares two greate] brasse potts one bell and other
implements of houshould stuffe remayninge in the Custody of the saide Leison Thomas And untill
[such tyme]
he shall accomplishe that age upon payment made unto the sayd Leison Thomas of forty sixe shillings
and eight pence I geve and bequeath the sayd brasse [pottes Bell and the saide other]
implements of household stuffe to be used by margarett my wife It I geve bequeath and devise my
manor of Newton and all the rest of my lands and tenements unbequeathed to my sayd sonne
Robert Whitney and to his heires forever It I geve unto Margaret my wife towards the mayntenaunce
of my fower Children untill they be married or accomplishe the age of one and twenty yeares
all my goods Cattells and Chattells howshould stuffe corne upon the grounde, corne in the barne and
all other my goods moveable and unmoveable what soever. And my will is that she shall have
the goverment custodye guidinge and keepinge of all my sayd children duringe their minoritye and
that she shall receave take and have the rents Pffits issues and comodytyes of all my lands
and tenemts to my foresayd sonnes before geven and bequeathed duringe their minorityes for the
better mayntenance of her selfe and my foresayd sonnes and daughters and for the better paymt
of my debts and legacies in this my will geven and bequeathed It I doe make and appoint the sayd
Margaret my wiffe and Baldwyne my sonne my Executors of this my last will and testamt Paule
Delahay Esquier
and Miles Parrye gent overseers of the same my will And I doe revoke all former wills heretofore
by me made In witnesse whereof I the sayd Testator have unto this my Psent will put
my hande and seale the day and yeare first above written in the Psence of these wittnesses The
marke of the said Thomas Whitney Gabriell walweine Charles Parry John Wallweine Leonard
[Transcription and/or translation of probating of the will not attempted.]
The will was proved and a copy recorded in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury.
Copyright © 2006, Robert L. Ward and the Whitney Research Group