Archive:Whitney and Clifford Manuscript, 213
Archives > Archive:Whitney and Clifford Manorial Records > Whitney and Clifford Manuscript, 213
Transcription attempted by Robert L. Ward:
24 Mar 1 Edward VI [1546/7, not 1547/8 as given in the index!]
"THIS WRYTYNGE made the xxiiijth day of Marche in the firste yere of the reign of our sovreign lorde Edward the syxte by the grace of godde kynge of England Fraunce & Ireland defender of the faither & in erthe suprme hedde of the churche of England & Ireland WYTNESSITH that Where the late noble prynce Arthor deceassed the firste begotend son of Henry the viith late kynge of England by his wrytynge indentted berynge date the xxth day of February in the xijth yere of the reign of the said late kynge henry the vijth hathe demysed graunted & to ferme lette to James Whytney Esquyer decessed all that his demayne landes of Clyfford & the parke there Wt. all thygs to the said parke perteynynge to have & to hold to the said James Whytney & to his assignes From the feste of seynt michell the.. ..sto folowynge unto thende & terme of lx yeres then nexte folowynge & fully to be copleted & ended DAME BLANCHE Herbert Wydowe late Wyfe of Sir William Herbert late of Troy knyght decessed & before Wyffe of the said James Whytney & executryxe of the testament & laste Wyll of the same James Whytney for certen causes & consyderacons me at this tyme specally movynge have assigned geven & graunted & by these psents do assigne geve & graunte to Robert Whytney Esquyer all the right title & interest Whiche I the said Dame Blanche as executryxe of the testament & last Wyll of the said James Whytney have or in any Wyse may give in the resydue of the terme of yeres to come of & in the said landes & parke TO HAVE & to holde to the said Robert Whytney & to his assignes durynge the said resydue of yeres to come in the same leas in as ample & large maner as the said James Whytney occupied the same yeldynge & paynge therefore yerely to the kynge oure sovreign lorde & to his heyres & successors the rents by the same leas re..ued IN WYTNESSE Wherof the said Dame Blanche Herbert to this Psent Wrytynge hathe put hir seale the day & yere aboveWryten ... Wytnesses Henry Carey Thomas [?Morgane?] Pr me morn ap Howell
The witness [Sir] Thomas Morgan of Arkestone, Herefordshire, was husband of Elizabeth Whitney, daughter of Dame Blanche (Milbourne)(Whitney) Herbert above; and the witness Henry Carey, on 21 May 1545, married Ann Morgan, their daughter and Dame Blanche's granddaughter.
Copyright © 2006, Robert L. Ward and the Whitney Research Group