Archive:Whitney News and Genealogy, Number 3

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Archives > Archive:Extracts > Whitney News and Genealogy, Number 3

[p. 2]

Notes and Misc. Information Mail, letters, subscriptions, etc, may be sent to HOUSE OF GENEALOGY, P.O. Box 106, Knoxville, Iowa, 50138. Subscriptions $15/hr; Alaska, Hawaii, and other countries are $18/yr. Funds must be in United States money. An International Reply Coupon is required with other country subscriptions. If you owe something that is less than $1, you may send it in U.S. postage stamps instead of coins. Iowa subscribers must add appropriate tax. *************************************************************************** Queries are free to subscribers, and 10¢/word to non-subscribers. Phone numbers, initials, abbreviations are all counted as words. Your name and address in not counted as words. *************************************************************************** WHINTEY NEWS AND GENEALOGY is issued Jan-April-July-Oct. Personal help on your genealogy problems is given free,-only through the pages of this news- letter, with regular personal research at $15/hr. (includes most costs). Published by Lisa Ellen Barnett, P.O. Box 106, Knoxville, Iowa 50138 *************************************************************************** Linda Jean Ellis, 1587 Edgefield Rd, Lyndhurst, Ohio, 44124; is a subscri- ber to our other newsletter (The Melting Pot of Ancestors) and is not a Whitney descendant, but she kindly sent in this information that she had noticed on Whitney: LOGAN COUNTY, OHIO CENSUS 1870 Page House Name Age Sex Born 1) 5 69 Henry Whitney 30 M Ohio Eliza Ann 24 F Ohio Ella M. 4 F Ohio Clara A. 3 F Ohio Delmer F. 4m M Ohio 2) 5 77 James Whitney 56 M Conn. Hannah 56 F Va. William 20 M Ohio Thomas 18 M Ohio Gifford 16 M Ohio Ashford 14 M Ohio Alford 12 M Ohio Edwin LOWE 8 M Ohio George H. 6 M Ohio M. W. 3 M Ohio 3) 32 49 Jonathon Whitney 31 M Ohio Leaphia 25 F Ohio James H. 6 M Ohio Reason J. O. 4 M Ohio William E. 1 M Ohio 4) 273 120 Leander Whitney 27 M Ohio Sarah J. 20 F Ohio *********************************************************************************** Linda also sent in the listings of Whitney from Marysville, Ohio Oakdale cemetery: 1) Alonzo J. Whitney, 23 Nov 1829, Susquehanna Co., PA 4 July 1900 2) 1/w Ruby L. (Tuttle) Whitney, 4 Feb 1869, 35 yr-9 mo-1 day, moved here 5 Dec 1884 3) 2/w Kate (Peck) Whitney, 27 Jan 1839, Mulford, Conn. 4 Jan 1903 4) Children of A. J. and R. L. Whitney: a) Ada R. Whitney, 29 May 18862, 6 mo-19 days, moved here 5 Dec 1884 (continued next page) (2)

[p. 3]

(Children of A. J. and R. L. Whitney, continued) b) Carrie A. Whitney; 5 Sept 1864, 1 yr-21 days, moved here 5 Dec 1884 c) Minnie M. Whitney, 20 Oct 1865, 5 mo-19 days, moved here 5 Dec 1884 d) Bessie E. Whitney, 9 Sept 1873, 11 mo-14 days, moved here 5 Dec 1884 5) George E. Whitney, 29 Aug 1875, Union Co., Ohio, 18 Apr 1890 6) Mary M. Whitney, wife, 11 April 1876, 3 Feb 1964 7) Willard A. Whitney, 18 April 1890, 13 yr-11 mo-27 days. **************************************************************************************

Alfred the Great 16 Hapgood 8 I N D E X Christopher 5 Joanna 17,18,19 Roderick 7 Audley 16,18,19,20 Harbert 18 Clara A. 2 John 6,7,8,13,15,16,19 Ruth 8 Awdley 17 Harper 17 Russell 17,18,19 Clark 8 Jonas 8 Samuel 8 Axtel 11 Hastings 8,18,19,20 Savage 17,18,20 Constance 17,19,20 Jonathan 2,8 Sarah 2,7,8 Baker 8 Haven 7 Sayer 9 Constantia 17,18,19 Joseph 8 Sarah Ann 7 Ball 20 Herbert 17,18,19 Schiefelbein, JoAnn 15 Constantine 17 Joshua 8 Silas 7,12 Barnard 8 Herrick 7 Schlegmilch 14 Cyriah 7 Josiah 8,16 Solomon 7,8,9,10, Barrett 7,12 Hewes 5 Schumacher 7 David 7,8,12 Josiah Dwight 5,16 11,12 Barringer 8 Heyer 8 Searles 8 Delmer F. 2 Katherina 18 Stephen 7 Barton 7 Hichens 5 Sheldon 14 Dolly 8 Kenneth 7,15 Stephen S. 4,7 Baskervile 18 Hill 4 Sibley 10,14 Donald 7,9,10 Kenneth L. Whitney 20 Susan 7 Baskerville 16,17,18, Holbrook 5 Skidmore 4 Ebenezer 8,20 Lauretta R. 20 Susanna 8 19,20 Hoskin 10 Slough 19 Edith 10 Leander 2 Suzan 17 Baskervyle 19 Houghton 8 Smallman 17 Edith F. 7,10,11 Leaphia 2 Sylvanus 8 Bastard 17,18,19,20 Hyde 4 Sperry 14 Edward C. 8 Lee 7 Taylor Rose 7 Bastardus 17 Ironsides 16 Stebe 7,10 Effie 7,10,11 Leona A. 7,10,11 Thomas 2,7,8,13,16, Batchilor 19 Jacob 8 Stiers 5 Eleanor 17 Levi 15 17,18,19,20 Beers 5 Jeffries 15 Suydam 4 Eleazar 18 Louis H. 7,10,11 Thomas, Sir 16 Berge 8 Johnson 8 Thompson 10,14 Eli 16 Lovet 20 Watkinus 17,18,19 Bergeman 9,10 Jones 8 Thorson 7 Elieonora 19 Luce 17 Watkyn 20 Bigelow 11,14 Keating 10 Todd 6,7,9,10,11 Elinor 8,17 Lucia 18 Willard A. 3 Billings 8 Kedall 7,13 Towers 19 Elinora 18 Lucy 8,9,17 William 2,8,17,18,20 Blodgett 8 Kendall 7,10 Tracy 5 Elionora 17,18 Lucye 20 William Collins 16 Branerd 7 Kinney 10,14 Tuttle 2 Eliphalet 8 Luther 8 William Dwight 5,16 Bray 13 La Combe 5 Twitchell 8 Elisha 4 Lydia 8,15 William E. 2 Brigham 5 Laliberte 5 Underhill 4 Eliza Ann 2 M. A. 11 William Lee 7 Brooke 17 Lawrence 7,13 Utley 11 Eliza Sophia 8 M. D. 11 Willimus 19 Brooks 5 Letendre 5 Van Sinderen 4 Elizabe 18 M. W. 2 Willis Rodney 4 Bruce 5 Loopold 14 Vaughan 17,18,19,20 Elizabeth 8,17,18,20 Mabel 7,9,10,11 Zilpha 8 Buntrock 7 Lorion 5 Vieth 7,9,10,11 Elizabetha 17,18,19 Margaret 20 *********************** Burns 5,7 Love 7,9,10 Ward 7,10 Ella M. 2 Margareta 17 End of Whitney listings Button 11 Lowe 2 Webster 11 Ellen 20 Margarett 18 *********************** Card 5 Lucy 17,18,19 Wigmore 17,18,19,20 Ellenora 8,17,20 Margat 18 Cary 18 Lucye 20 Whitcomb 4 Elleonora 19 Maria 8,17,18,19 William the Conqueror 16 Castle 15 McCoy 7 White 4 Ellinor 19 Martha 4,8 Williams 4,8,17,18,19,20 Chaundler 20 McKee 9 Elnathan 8 Martin 7,10 Wilson 7,12 Clanbow 17 McMichaelis 14 WHITNEY Ephraim 8 Martin D. 11 Wood 8 Clancy 5 McPherson 7,11 Eustace 16,17,19,20 Mary 4,8,20 Woodward 5 Clanvow 19 Melbourne 18 A.C. 11 Eustace, Sir 20 Mary Elizabeth 8 Wye 17,18,19,20 Cleveland 11,15 Meyer 7 A.M. 11 Eustachius 17,19 Mary Kathleen 7 Yaw 8 Clough 17,20 Milberue 20 Abbie 7,10 Eustacius 18 Mary M. 3 ********************* Cloughe 18 Milborn 17,19 Abigail 8 Francis 17 Matthew 7 * Have you met some * Clow 7,9,10,11 Milbourne 17 Abijah 7 George 20 Maude 7 * new kin through * Costello 7 Miles 18 Ada R. 2 George E. 3 Maurice 7,10 * your research? If * Cousins 14 Miller 8,10 Adelbert 7,10 George H. 2 Maynard 7,10 * you'll write and * Cox 7,10 Mills 11,17,20 Albert 5 Georgius 17,18,19 Melvin R. 7 * tell me about it * Crispe 13 Mix 8 Albert O. 5 Gifford 2 Mercy Maria 7 * I'll share that * Cusson 5 Molsberry, Frances 15 Alford 2 Giles E. 6,7,10 Micah 20 * "news" in the * Cutler 4 Morgan 17,18,19,20 Alonzo J. 2 Gladys 7,9,10,11 Michael 7 * newsletter! With * Davis 6,7,10,14 Mylborne 17,18 Alyssa 7 Grace 8 Millie 7,10 * no "news" on the * Devereux 17 Palmer 5 Amos 8 Gulielmus 18 Minnie M. 3 * subscribers life * De Whitney 16 Parker 7 Andrew 7,10,14 Hannah 2,8 Minnie S. 7,10,11 * and events that * De Wytteneye 16 Parrey 7,19 Andrew Clow 6,7,9, Harriet Rebecca 8 Molly 8 * happen in lives, * Dorsey, R.W. 15 Pearson 7,12 10,11 Harvey 7,9,10,11 Montie 7,10,11 * it makes this * Dufresne 5 Peck 2 Andrew Melvin 6,7, Hattie Irene 5 Moses 4 * newsletter "only" * Dugllm 17 Pike 8 9,10,11 Henry 2,4 Myrtle 7,10 * "genealogy" and * Evans 8 Plantagenet 16 Ann 4,19,20 Henry Asa 7 Nathan 8 * not a "news" - * Everton 15 Poor 15,20 Anna 8,17,18,19 Henry Mason 8 Nathaniel 8 * letter too! Let * Eylesford 17 Powell 17,18 Anne 5,17,18 Henry Melville 16 Neil Otis 20 * me know about * Eynesford 17 Price 17,20 Ashford 2 I. G. 11 Nicholas 18,20 * your families! I * Fairbanks 15 Pritchard 14 Baldwin, Sir 20 Ida May 7,10,11 Nicholaus 17,18 * am no doubt kin * Faricy 7,10 Prout(y)15 Baldwinus 17,18 Irving 7,10,11 Noah 7,8 * to many of you * Forbes 4 Pryce 17,18,19 Benjamin 7,8,12, Irving G. 6,14 Noah Francis 7 * and I want to * Forman, Jerry 15 Pychard 17,18,19 13,20 Isaac 8 Olive 8 * "know" my family! * French 7,8 Pye 20 Bessie E. 3 Israel 8 Oliver Cromwell 8 * ...Lisa * Gale 4 Ramussen 7 Betsey 8 J. G. 6 Peter 7 ********************* Gardner 6,7,9,10,11 Ream 20 Blanch 17,18,19,20 Jacob 7 Polly 8 George 11 Rebridge 17 Blanche 7 Jacobus 17,18,19 Raymond 7 Gibbs 7 Reece 17,18,19 Blaunch 17 James 2,7,8,9,16, Reason J. O. 2 Gillis 5 Reed 15 Caroline 4 17,18,20 Rhoda 8 Greevill 19 Reges 5 Carrie A. 3 James D. 7 Richard 7,8,17, Grevile 17 Reynolds 8 Catherine 17 James H. 2 18,20 Grevill 17,18,20 Robadge 18 Charles 7,10,11 James Scollay 16 Richardus 18 Guilliams 20 Robage 18,20 Charles French 7 Jasper 4 Robart 18 Hasse 5 Robinson 8 Charles Irving 9,10 Jenkin 20 Robert 16,17,10,20 Hagar 8 Rodde 17 Charlotte 8 Jenkyn 17,18,19 Robert, Sir 7,16, Haines 5 Roe 11 Chloe 8 Jim Whitney (subs) 6,7, 19,20 Hand 9 Rogers 7,11,17,19,20 Christa Anne 7 9,10,14,15 Robertus 17,18,19 Hanna 5 Rogerus 18 Joane 17,20 Robtus 17,18,19 (3)

[p. 4]

The following listings were found in "Colonial Families of The U.S.". Abigail Cutler Whitney, was married to Elisha Gale. He was b: 6 May 1802, the son of Nahum Gale and Hannah (Forbes) Gale, Westboro (there's a West- borough in MA). I have more on the Gale family if anyone connect to it. ---------------------------------------- Samuel Hill, b: Billerica (doesn't say state, but there's a Billerica in MA.) d: Mason, Hillsborough Co., N. H., 21 June 1798 (Birthdate was 20 Feb 1715/16). Soldier in French-Indian War, Rev. War; married to Sarah Cutler, she was born 5 Sept 1735, d: 30 Dec 1808; she was the daughter of Capt. Ebenezer Cutler and Ann (Whitney) Cutler of Lexington. Children of Samuel Hill andSarah (Cutler) Hill (Ann Whitney's grandchildren) were: a) Samuel Hill, b: 1764, d: Mason, N. H., 23 May 1813 b) Ebenezer Hill, b: Jan 1766 ---------------------------------------- Mary Suydam was married first to Henry Whitney, and second, to Adrian Van Sin- deren. She was the daughter of Hendrick Suydam and his 3rd wife Phebe Skidmore. Mary b" 5 Sept 1780. ---------------------------------------- Harriet Suydam was married to Stephen Whitney. She was b: 1 Sept 1782, the daughter of Hendrick Suydam and his 3/w Phebe Skidmore. Harriet and Mary (above) were sisters. ---------------------------------------- Caroline Whitney, married to Ferdinand Suydam; he was b: 14 Feb 1816; d: 25 June 1872; he was the son of Ferdinand Suydam and Eliza Underhill of New York City. ---------------------------------------- Martha Whitney, married to Isaac Williams; he was b: 1 Nov 1686; he was the son of Isaac Williams (1661-1739) of Roxbury, N.Y.; and his 1/w Elizabeth Hyde, (1659-1699). ---------------------------------------- Mary Whitney, daughter of Moses Whitney and Elizabeth (_____) Whitney; married to John White, son of Josiah White Jr., and Abigail (Whitcomb) White. John was b: 10 April 1720, Lancaster, MA. He and Mary were married in Lunenburg, Mass., on 22 Feb 1753. Mary b: Little, Mass., 28 Sept 1728; Mary d: 15 Sept 1793. They lived in Lunenburg until 1773, then settled in Canaan, Maine. ********************************************************************************* WILLIS RODNEY WHITNEY Born 22 Aug 1868, Jamestown, N.Y., died 9 Jan 1958, Schenectady. Received his doctorate in chemistry from University of Leipzig 1896 and returned to teach. He moved permanently to Schenectady in 1904, and helped to establish the Gener- al Electric Research Laboratory there; director of the laboratory until 1928; and for a while, was vice-president in charge of research, at the General Elec- tric Co. Developmental contributions made under his guidance included such as a) Developments in radio tubes. b) Development of high-voltage X-ray equipment. c) Applications of cathode-ray tubes in radar and television. d) Improved incandescent lighting. e) Devoted personal research to the metalized lamp filiment; inductotherm machines for applying energy to local areas of body; heating units for electrical ranges; and the hydrogen cooling system for turbine generators. ********************************************************************************* Misc. Whitney Information 1) Jasper Whitney, (on tax list, Seneca Co., Ohio 1826) 2) Henry Whitney, (Proprietor, Union Co., Ohio; no date, but these listings are from early 1800's) 3) Elisha Whitney, (tax list, Washington Co., Ohio, 1800) (4)

[p. 5]

1 Unknown Whitney
.. +Polly Haynes
.... 2 Christopher Whitney
....... +Dolly Brooks
......... 3 Albert Whitney 1832 - Abt 1910
............ +Maria Jane Tracy
.............. 4 Hattie Irene Whitney 1863 - Abt 1902
................. +Frederick Payson Beers Abt 1859 - 1923
................... 5 Alfred Whitney Beers 1890 - 1953
...................... +Ardella Lydia Clancy 1892 - 1919
........................ 6 Charlotte Elizabeth Beers 1916 -
........................... +Douglas McIntyre Bruce 1912 - 1991
............................. 7 Donald Roger Bruce 1941 -
................................ +Carolyn Rose LaCombe
............................. 7 Robert Arthur Bruce 1944 -
........................ 6 Roger Whitney Beers 1919 - 1982
........................... +Hilda Gillis
2nd Wife of Alfred Whitney Beers
...................... +Albertine Lorion
................... 5 Edith Louise Beers 1893 - 1979
...................... +Charles Seymour Card 1893 - Abt 1965
........................ 6 Edith Irene Card 1915 -
........................... +William Burns 1915 - 1969
............................. 7 William Burns 1946 -
................................ +Unknown
............................. 7 Thomas Burns 1948 =
................................ +Unknown
........................ 6 Robert C. Card 1917 -
........................... +Irene (Cusson) Card-Woodward
............................. 7 Robert C. Card, Jr.
............................. 7 Richard Card
............................. 7 Kenneth Card
................................ +Dorothy
.................................. 8 Carol Card
.................................. 8 Stephen Card
..................................... +Unknown
....................................... 9 Kelly Card
.......................................... +Unknown
............................................10 Unknown
.................................. 8 Michael Card
..................................... +Unknown
....................................... 9 Peter Card
.................................. 8 Dennis Card
..................................... +Unknown
....................................... 9 Dennis Card
....................................... 9 Ashley Card
....................................... 9 Denise Card
....................................... 9 Patricia Card
........................ 6 George Luther Card 1919 -
........................... +Patricia
............................. 7 Richard Card
................................ +Unknown
.................................. 8 Unknown
.................................. 8 Unknown
............................. 7 George Card
........................ 6 Elizabeth Whitney Card 1922 -
........................... +John Hanna
............................. 7 William Norris Hanna 1943 -
................................ +Unknown
.................................. 8 Unknown
.................................. 8 Unknown
.................................. 8 Unknown
............................. 7 Mary Hanna
................................ +Unknown
.................................. 8 John Hanna
.................................. 8 Unknown
.................................. 8 Unknown
........................ 6 Jane Tracy Card 1931 -
........................... +Erie Palmer
............................. 7 Linda Palmer 1954 - 1954
............................. 7 Jere Palmer 1955 -
................................ +Deborah Ann Thornton 1957 -
.................................. 8 Laurie Jean Palmer 1958 -
................... 5 Florence Jane Beers 1901 - 1989
...................... +William A. Stier 1889 - 1951
........................ 6 Arthur William Stier 1927-
........................... +Larue Brigham 1931 -
............................. 7 Charlotte Elizabeth Stier 1961 -
................................ +Rex Reges 1988 -
.................................. 8 Michael Reges 1990 -
.................................. 8 Matthew Reges 1993 -
............................. 7 Catherine Ann Stier 1963 -
................................ +Glenn Hichens
.................................. 8 Ryan Hichens 1988 -
.................................. 8 Kelsey Hichens 1990 -
.................................. 8 Connor Hichens 1993 -
............................. 7 Laura Jane Stier 1965 -
............................. 7 Paul Arthur Stier 1969 -
........................ 6 Marjorie Jane Stier 1929 -
........................ 6 Miriam Ruth Stier 1929 -
........................ 6 Elsie May Stier 1931 -
........................... +Gerald Letendre 1926 -
............................. 7 William Jon Letendre 1951 -
................................ +Barbara Dufresne
............................. 7 David Brooks Letendre 1954-
................................ +Doris Laliberte
.................................. 8 Ian Letendre 1974 -
............................. 7 Nicole Marie Letendre 1970 -
................................ +William Hasse
.................................. 8 Ariel Hasse 1991 -
.................................. 8 Ryan Hasse 1988 -
........................ 6 Florence Louise Stier 1935 -
........................... +Herbert Holbrook 1936 - 1979
............................. 7 Kenneth Tracy Holbrook 1957 -
................................ +Linda Hewes 1956 -
.................................. 8 Jonathan Holbrook 1980 -
.................................. 8 Mellissa Holbrook 1983 -
.............. 4 Albert O. Whitney 1874 -
.............. 4 Unknown 1884 -
This information was sent to me quite
some time ago by:
Donald R. Bruce
8312 Morrow Rd., N.E.
Albuquerque, N.M. 87110
Donald wrote: "Happy to share what little
info I have found in my ancestry. Hope-
fully what I have enclosed will help some-
one. Yours Truly, Donald R. Bruce"
NOTE: from Lisa: I appreciate and will
certainly print non-subscribers charts
and information, and I sent Donald my
letter of thank you,for his contribu-
tion, but in all fairness to my subscri-
bers, I need to print their information
first, and fill in with any other items
on Whitney as I can. I hope some of you
will be able to fill in some empty places
with Donald's help! My gratitude goes to
anyone (subscriber or not) for information
they send to me!
* WHITNEY, hwit'ne, Anne, American sculptor;
* b. Watertown, Mass., Sept. 2, 1821; d. Boston,
* Jan. 23, 1915. Self-taught, she began sculptur-
* ing in her 30's and in 1872 opened a studio in
* Boston. Very shortly, she was commissioned by
* Massachusetts to do the marble statue of Samuel
* Adams for the Capitol in Washington. The work,
* which she executed in Italy, has been praised
* for its "feminine power." Her statues of Charles
* Sumner in Harvard Square, Cambridge, and of
* Leif Ericsson of Commonwealth Avenue, Boston,
* are other major works.
*                 WHITNEY, William Dwight, American philologist;
* To the right,   b. Northampton, Mass., Feb. 9, 1827; d. New
*                 Haven, Conn., June 9, 1894. He was the brother
* is an article   of Josiah Dwight Whitney (q.v.). After grad-
*                 uating from Williams College in 1845, he studied
* on William      at Yale (1849-1850) and then went to Germany,
*                 where he continued his philological and San-
* Dwight Whitney  skrit studies under Franz Bopp at Berlin and
*                 Rudolf von Roth at Tubingen. He was appointed
* who is listed   professor of Sanskrit at Yale in 1854, and in 1870
*                 professor of Sanskrit and comparative philology,
* on page 16 of   retaining the post until his death. In 1856 he
*                 published, with Roth, an edition of the Atharva-
* this issue. He  Veda Sanhita, and in 1862 issued at New Haven
*                 an edition, with translation and notes, of the
* is the philol-  Atharva-Veda Praticakhya. His Language and
*                 the Study of Language (1867) was an admirable
* ogist, and is   exposition of the main principles of comparative
*                 philology. Among his many other published
* descended from  works, his Sanskrit Grammar (1879) was out-
*                 standing. He was also an editor in chief of the
* John Whitney.   Century Dictionary: an Encyclopedic Lexicon
*                 of the English Language (6 vols., 1889-91)
*                 and first president of the American Philological
*                 Association (1869).


[p. 6]

Beginning here is the information from Jim Whitney, mentioned on page 23, July '96 issue: Dear Lisa: Thanks for sending the Whitney News and Genealogy so quickly. Reading it has been enjoyable and informative. I am enclosing pedigree charts, a descendant chart, family group sheets, and a newspaper article that you might find interesting. Unfortunately, my great aunt, in whose belongings I found the article, had neglected to note the date or the paper that it was printed in. It relates to the J.G. Whitney that you mention on p. 8 of the July newlsetter. The text has also been entered in a more abbreviated form in the family group sheet for Giles E. Whitney. Now this might be a bit confusing (I know it is for me), but the Pierce genealogy, which has the source of most of my database, seems to have gotten Irving Giles name entered incorrectly. It is my conclusion, based on the wedding to Adaline Davis, that J. G. Whitney (in the July news- letter), Giles E. Whitney (in the Pierce genealogy and my database) and Irving G. Whitney (in the newspaper clipping) are really the same person. If I had to make a guess as to his real name, I think I would go with the name Irving G. The family group sheet for Andrew Clow Whitney and Mary Todd, is enclosed and is mentioned on p.8 of the July issue. He is my great-grandfather. I thought you might be interested in some of the family detail. This leads to the first of my inquiries. I have not been able to trace the ancestry of Mary Gardner Todd, Andrew Clow's wife. I have a fair amount of informa- tion on the Todd's (the family Bible and other genealogical information) but would be very interested in the Gardner side of the family. Also enclosed is a family group sheet for my grandfather Andrew Melvin Whitney. You mentioned him in the quotes from the History of Kossuth Co. (Iowa). He was the son of Andrew Clow Whitney. The descendant chart shows the Whitney family descended from the John Whit- ney who arrived in the Boston area about 1635. Much of the actual Whitney lineage in these charts is taken from Pierce's genealogy. The associated lines are mostly my own research. I can provide family group charts for many of the families that you see in the descendant and pedigree charts. Of course these provide another level of detail, describing the siblings and other family details, including some text notes describing the individuals. I can send those family group charts later if you want. I am interested in the Whitney and Todd families in Iowa and would also be interested in knowing your connection with the Whitney name/family. Jim Whitney, 2410 Prairie Rd, Madison, Wisconsin, 53711 ****************************************** Jim: I always appreciate information sent in for the newsletters! and I'm sure the other readers will benefit from your charts and other items! Thanks! As for J. G., Giles E., and Irving G., possibly being the same per- son, let's just wait a bit on that as I will be researching more Iowa records and the "problem" may straighten itself out. However, if it doesn't, I will certainly research specific records here in Iowa, to try to help untangle who-is-who. On the names Todd and Gardner, I have another newsletter starting January 1997, called THE MELTING POT OF ANCESTORS and is for any surname and any location. Queries are free to everyone, (continued next page) (6)

[p. 7]

whether they subscribe or not. I'd beglad to print your queries on the two names if you'd like. Let me know soon, as April issue is filled and July's is partly filled. (This offer is open to all my readers). On my connection to Whitney, my great-grandmother was a Whitney. I thought they had come from Illinois, but I've found that their son (my grandfather) was born in Iowa. I also have not found what early ancestor I descend from. When I have something more definite to offer, then I'll print it for every one. I don't know a lot about my own family as I was raised in foster homes and Children's Homes during the 1940's. Your information in this issue may bring some additonal information to you. After you know what results from this issue, let me know what you still need or want printed, or what you still need me to help research for you. On the other family group charts you mentioned, the more I have in my files, the more I am able to help the compiler as I write every surname in my re- cords, and I pass compilers names on to other people who order things from me, or who send for researcher names from me....Lisa ****************************************************************************** DESCENDANT CHART OF JIM WHITNEY, (Madison, Wisconsin)

Column 1 Column 2 John Whitney (11 May 1589-) | | | | | | | |--Raymond Whitney (21 Nov 1912-) sp: Elinor Ellen (1599-) | | | | | | | `--Wiliam Lee Whitney (-) |--Thomas Whitney (1629-20 Sep 1719) | | | | | | |--Blanche Whitney (5 May 1890-) | sp: Mary Kedall (-) | | | | | | | sp: Lou Costello (-) | |--Thomas Whitney (24 Aug 1656-12 Apr 1742) | | | | | | | `--Kenneth Costello (3 Mar 1911-) | | sp: Elizabeth Lawrence (28 Feb 1659-8 Feb 1741) | | | | | | |--Maude Whitney (28 May 1892-) | | |--Benjamin Whitney (7 Oct 1687-Oct 1737) | | | | | | | sp: Charles Schumacher (-) | | | sp: Sarah Barrett (28 Nov 1692-15 Feb 1730) | | | | | | | |--Robert Schumacher (13 Jan 1922-) | | | `--David Whitney (21 Jun 1717-) | | | | | | | | sp: Virginia Barton (-) | | | sp: Mercy ? (-) | | | | | | | | `--Gail Lillian Schumacher (21 Apr 1947-) | | | `--Silas Whitney (1737-13 Mar 1813) | | | | | | | `--Betty Jane Schumacher (27 Sep 1927-) | | | sp: Jane Pearson (1738-5 Feb 1800) | | | | | | | sp: Thomas Burns (-) | | | `--David Whitney (31 Aug 1761-25 Jul 1806) | | | | | | | |--Gary Richard Burns (6 Nov 1949-) | | | sp: Sarah Wilson (28 Mar 1761-30 Jun 1804) | | | | | | | |--Nancy Lee Burns (28 Dec 1952-) | | | |--Solomon Whitney (3 Jan 1795-21 Mar 1840) | | | | | | | |--Terry Lynn Burns (16 Jun 1953-) | | | | sp: Besheba Clow (1 Sep 1795-26 Jun 1854) | | | | | | | `--David Thomas Burns (21 Sep 1957-) | | | | |--Andrew Clow Whitney (11 Aug 1833-22 Jan 1909) | | | | | | `--Kenneth Whitney (1 May 1889-) | | | | | sp: Mary Gardner Todd (9 Nov 1836-25 Jun 1928) | | | | | | sp: Maisie Hoffman (-) | | | | | |--Andrew Melvin Whitney (14 Jan 1871-11 Oct 1953) | | | | | |--Edith F. Whitney (18 May 1861-) | | | | | | sp: Augusta Vieth (1879-22 Aug 1965) | | | | | `--Ida May Whitney (31 Mar 1860-13 Feb 1925) | | | | | | |--Harvey Whitney (12 Feb 1916-13 May 1967) | | | | | sp: Lyman Beecher Rogers (8 Jun 1860-28 Jul 1931) | | | | | | | sp: Sylvia Love (1 Apr 1917-28 Nov 1942) | | | | |--Roderick Whitney (28 Sep 1825-) | | | | | | | |--James Whitney (24 Aug 1938-) | | | | |--Stephen S. Whitney (23 Oct 1827-) | | | | | | | | sp: Sharon Brainerd (7 Aug 1939-) | | | | |--James D. Whitney (25 Nov 1829-) | | | | | | | | |--Andrew Whitney (20 Jul 1964-) | | | | |--Giles E. Whitney (4 Mar 1836-) | | | | | | | | | sp: Terri Ward (2 Jul 1962-) | | | | | sp: Adaline Davis (17 May 1844-) | | | | | | | | | `--Christa Anne Whitney (12 Oct 1995-) | | | | | |--Montie Whitney (15 Jun 1868-) | | | | | | | | `--Michael Whitney (5 Feb 1968-) | | | | | | sp: Clara Cox (-) | | | | | | | `--Susan Whitney (5 Nov 1939-) | | | | | | `--Cyriah Whitney (1898-) | | | | | | | sp: Glen Buntrock (-) | | | | | |--Maynard Whitney (16 Mar 1870-) | | | | | | | |--Dan Buntrock (28 Feb 1968-) | | | | | |--Martin Whitney (-) | | | | | | | |--Bill Buntrock (-) | | | | | |--Maurice Whitney (21 Dec 1877-) | | | | | | | |--Jackie Buntrock (-) | | | | | |--Millie Whitney (5 Oct 1866-) | | | | | | | | sp: Scott Ramussen (-) | | | | | | sp: Louis Stebe (Aug 1848-) | | | | | | | `--Jennie Buntrock (-) | | | | | | `--Bessie Stebe (Apr 1891-) | | | | | | | sp: Rosalie Faricy (22 May 1918-) | | | | | |--Irving Whitney (22 Jun 1880-) | | | | | | | |--John Whitney (23 May 1944-) | | | | | |--Adelbert Whitney (27 Nov 1883-) | | | | | | | | sp: Mary Catherine Thorson (17 aug 1944-) | | | | | |--Myrtle Whitney (24 Apr 1872-) | | | | | | | | |--Stephen Whitney (2 Jun 1970-) | | | | | | sp: William Cox (-) | | | | | | | | | sp: Lynn Meyer (-) | | | | | `--Abbie Whitney (16 Feb 1886-) | | | | | | | | | |--Peter Whitney (-) | | | | | sp: Marion Kendall (-) | | | | | | | | | |--Alyssa Whitney (-) | | | | |--Melvin R. Whitney (10 Feb 1839-) | | | | | | | | | `--Taylor Rose Whitney (-) | | | | `--Sarah Whitney (19 Apr 1831-) | | | | | | | | |--Matthew Whitney (6 Mar 1973-) | | | |--Richard Whitney (1785-15 May 1857) | | | | | | | | `--Jacob Whitney (23 May 1976-) | | | | sp: Jannet McCoy (-) | | | | | | | `--Mary Kathleen Whitney (27 Nov 1947-) | | | |--Abijah Whitney (-) | | | | | | |-- Gladys Whitney (29 Dec 1914-) | | | |--Sarah Ann Whitney (-) | | | | | | `-- Donald Whitney (-) | | | | sp: Jonathan Parker (-) | | | | | |--Effie Whitney (12 Oct 1880-) | | | |--Noah Whitney (1 May 1791-20 Jan 1876) | | | | | |--Mabel Whitney (18 Oct 1876-) | | | | sp: Mercy French (26 Feb 1794-1 Oct 1871) | | | | | |--Charles Whitney (4 Dec 1874-) | | | | |--Mercy Maria Whitney (7 Apr 1815-8 Dec 1892) | | | | | |--Minnie S. Whitney (15 Mar 1868-) | | | | | sp: Merrick H. Gibbs (21 Dec 1815-7 Oct 1878) | | | | | |--Leona A. Whitney (25 Oct 1865-) | | | | |--Noah Francis Whitney (19 Aug 1817-Dec 1892) | | | | | |--Louis H. Whitney (6 Aug 1863-25 Aug 1935) | | | | |--Chester French Whitney (11 Feb 1820-) | | | | | | sp: Grace McPherson (25 Jul 1870-) | | | | | sp: Persis Herrick (-) | | | | | | |--Lee Whitney (4 May 1888-) | | | | |--Henry Asa Whitney (19 Nov 1822-) | | | | | | | sp: Jess Haven (-) | | | | | sp: Sara C. Ward (-)


[p. 8]

(Children of Noah Whitney and Mercy French; continued from Jim Whitney descendant chart):

Column 3 Column 4 | | | | |--Mary Elizabeth Whitney (3 Jul 1825-) | | | | | | |--Royal Jacob (-) | | | | | sp: Elbridge C. Twitchell (4 Apr 1832-) | | | | | | | sp: Clarinda Mix (-) | | | | `--Eliza Sophia Whitney (27 mar 1828-) | | | | | | |--Asa H. Jacob (-) | | | | sp: Simon E. Pike (26 Jun 1810-) | | | | | | | sp: Louisa S. Blodgett (-) | | | |--Nathan Whitney (1793-) | | | | | | |--Lorenzo Dow Jacob (5 Aug 1815-25 May 1859) | | | | sp: Abigail Whitney (-) | | | | | | | sp: Hester Ann Johnson (10 Jan 1828-15 Sep 1864) | | | | |--Edward C. Whitney (22 Oct 1817-) | | | | | | |--Milo E. Jacob (1818-) | | | | | sp: Elvira T. Yaw (5 Dec 1820-10 Jul 1854) | | | | | | | sp: Srah Evans (-) | | | | |--Oliver Cromwell Whitney (26 Apr 1826-) | | | | | | |--Celestia Jacob (1824-) | | | | | sp: Harriet Williams (3 May 1829-31 Mar 1854) | | | | | | `--Betsey Ann Jacob (2 Jan 1827-) | | | | |--Abigail (daughter) Whitney (-) | | | | | `--Clark Whitney (8 Apr 1794-) | | | | | sp: John B. Searles (-) | | | | |--Jonas Whitney (14 Jun 1751-) | | | | `--Harriet Rebecca Whitney (6 May 1834-) | | | | |--Sarah Whitney (15 Jul 1753-) | | | | sp: William Whitney (-) | | | | |--Eliphalet Whitney (4 May 1757-) | | | |--Susanna Whitney (-) | | | | `--Martha Whitney (5 Aug 1759-) | | | | sp: ? Barringer (-) | | | |--Ebenezer Whitney (25 Apr 1714-) | | | | |--Sylvester Barringer (-) | | | |--Joshua Whitney (25 Mar 1714-) | | | | `--Nelson Barringer (-) | | | `--David Whitney (1716-) | | | |--Lydia Whitney (-) | | |--Sarah Whitney (12 Feb 1678-) | | | | sp: ? Miller (-) | | |--William Whitney (6 May 1683-) | | | |--Polly Whitney (-) | | |--Samuel Whitney (17 Jul 1687-) | | | |--Maria Whitney (-) | | |--Hannah Whitney (Mar 1688-) | | | | sp: Unknown Mason (-) | | | sp: Billings (-) | | | `--Henry Mason Whitney (19 Jul 1806-12 Nov 1878) | | |--Elizabeth Whitney (15 Dec 1692-) | | | sp: Maria Wood (-) | | `--Grace Whitney (1700-) | | |--Thomas Whitney (17 Sep 1681-) | |--John Whitney (17 Sep 1643-) | | | sp: Mary Baker (-) | |--Ruth Whitney (15 Apr 1645-) | | |--Elizabeth Whitney (16 Feb 1682-) | |--Samuel Whitney (26 Jul 1648-) | | |--John Whitney (13 May 1684-) | |--Mary Whitney (29 Apr 1650-) | | | sp: Elizabeth Barnard (-) | |--Joseph Whitney (15 Jun 1651-) | | |--Mary Whitney (13 Jan 1685-) | |--Sarah Whitney (17 Mar 1653-8 Jun 1720) | | `--Nathan Whitney (18 Nov 1689-) | |--Elizabeth Whitney (9 Jun 1656-) | |--John Whitney (9 May 1659-) | |--Hannah Whitney (-) | |--John Whitney (22 Aug 1660-) | `--Benjamin Whitney (28 Jun 1660-) | |--Eleazar Whitney (2 Sep 1662-) |--Richard Whitney (1626-) | |--Elnathan Whitney (2 Sep 1662-) |--Nathaniel Whitney (1627-) | |--Martha Whitney (30 Jan 1673-) |--Jonathan Whitney (1634-1702) | `--Sarah Whitney (23 Mar 1666-) | sp: Lydia Jones (-) |--John Whitney (1620-) | |--Lydia Whitney (3 Jul 1657-) | sp: Ruth Reynolds (-) | |--Jonathan Whitney (20 Oct 1658-) | |--Nathaniel Whitney (1 Feb 1646-7 Jan 1732) | | sp: Sarah Hapgood (-) | | sp: Sarah Hagar (3 Sep 1651-7 May 1746) | |--Anna Whitney (28 Apr 1680-) | | |--Nathaniel Whitney (5 Mar 1675-23 Sep 1730) | |--John Whitney (27 Jun 1662-) | | | sp: Mercy Robinson (-) | |--Elinor Whitney (12 Oct 1666-) | | | |--Nathaniel Whitney (23 Jan 1696-) | |--James Whitney (25 Nov 1668-) | | | |--Sarah Whitney (3 Mar 1698-) | |--Isaac Whitney (12 Jan 1670-) | | | |--Amos Whitney (19 Apr 1701-) | |--Joseph Whitney (10 Mar 1672-) | | | |--Elizabeth Whitney (23 Jul 1702-) | | sp: Rebecca Burge (-) | | | |--Jonas Whitney (Dec 1703-) | | |--Jonas Whitney (7 Jun 1708-) | | | |--James Whitney (2 Mar 1704-) | | |--Joseph Whitney (1710-) | | | |--Israel Whitney (1710-) | | |--Sylvanus Whitney (1712-) | | | |--Susanna Whitney (17 Jun 1711-) | | |--James Whitney (1714-) | | | |--Solomon Whitney (17 Jun 1711-) | | | sp: Ellinor ----- (-) | | | |--Samuel Whitney (17 Jun 1711-) | | | |--Ellenor Whitney (23 Jul 1740-) | | | | sp: Elizabeth Hastings (-) | | | |--James Whitney (4 Nov 1742-) | | | | |--Elizabeth Whitney (30 Nov 1735-) | | | |--John Whitney (15 Aug 1745-) | | | | |--Elizabeth Whitney (26 Feb 1738-) | | | |--Jonathan Whitney (15 Aug 1745-) | | | | |--Samuel Whitney (23 Sep 1739-) | | | |--Elizabeth Whitney (21 May 1748-) | | | | |--Lydia Whitney (22 Mar 1740-) | | | `--Lucy Whitney (5 Jan 1755-) | | | | |--Nathaniel Whitney (5 Dec 1742-) | | |--Ephraim Whitney (1716-) | | | | |--Lydia Whitney (1 Jun 1746-) | | `--Abigail Whitney (5 Mar 1707-) | | | | |--Susanna Whitney (26 Feb 1748-1 Feb 1805) | |--Abigail Whitney (18 Aug 1675-) | | | | |--Nathaniel Whitney (30 May 1749-4 Jun 1829) | |--Benjamin Whitney (6 Jun 1678-1718) | | | | | sp: Mary Houghton (Jun 1751-27 Sep 1844) | `--Josiah Whitney (19 May 1664-) | | | | | |--Solomon Whitney (7 Mar 1781-) |--Joshua Whitney (5 Jul 1635-) | | | | | |--Nathaniel Whitney (15 Sep 1771-) `--Benjamin Whitney (6 Jun 1643-) | | | | | |--Charlotte Whitney (4 Apr 1785-) | | | | | |--Zilpha Whitney (8 Jun 1789-) | | | | | |--Luther Whitney (2 Oct 1777-) | | | | | |--Molly Whitney (Mar 1776-) | | | | | |--Dolly Whitney (29 Jul 1774-) | | | | | |--Chloe Whitney (4 May 1783-) | | | | | |--Rhoda Whitney (9 Jul 1787-) | | | | | |--Molly Whitney (10 Sep 1772-) | | | | | |--Nathaniel Whitney (24 May 1779-) | | | | | |--Betsey Whitney (22 Aug 1791-) | | | | | | sp: Asa Jacob (1786-19 Feb 1835) | | | | | | |--Edwin Jacob (1 Aug 1810-4 Jan 1866) | | | | | | | sp: Elizabeth Mix (-)


[p. 9]

Pedigree Chart Chart no. 1 Prepared 9 Aug 1996 by 16 Solomon Whitney James Whitney ------------------------- 2410 Prairie Rd |B 3 Jan 1795 cont. 2 Madison, WI 53711 8 Andrew Clow Whitney |D 21 Mar 1840 608 271 5440 -------------------------| |B 11 Aug 1833 |17 Besheba Clow |P Franklin Co., VT ------------------------- |M 31 Dec1858 B 1 Sep 1795 cont. 3 4 Andrew Melvin Whitney |P Alden, Iowa D 26 Jun 1854 -------------------------|D 22 Jan 1909 |B 14 Jan 1871 |P Alden, Iowa 18 John Todd |P Alden, Iowa | ------------------------- |M 22 Mar 1906 | |B 18 May 1817 cont. 4 |P Gowrie, Iowa |9 Mary Gardner Todd |D 6 Dec 1844 |D 11 Oct 1953 -------------------------| |P Radcliffe, Iowa B 9 Nov 1836 |19 Lucy B. Gardner | P Killawog, NY ------------------------- 2 Harvey Whitney D 25 Jan 1928 B 17 Apr 1818 cont. _ ----------------------------- P Alden, Iowa D 24 Oct 1865 |B 12 Feb 1916 |P Calloway, Minn. 20 |M ------------------------- |P |B cont. _ |D 13 May 1867 10 Henry Vieth |D |P Eau Claire, Wis. -------------------------| | | |B |21 | |5 Augusta Vieth |P ------------------------- | -------------------------|M B cont. _ | B 1879 |P D | P Germany |D | D 22 Aug 1965 |P 22 | P Eau Claire, Wis. | ------------------------- | | |B cont. _ | |11 Charlotta Bergeman |D | -------------------------| | B |23 | P ------------------------- | D B cont. _ | P D |1 James Whitney | ------------------------- 24 Samuel Love | B 24 Aug 1938 ------------------------- | P Minneapolis, Minn. |B 1830 cont. _ | M 11 Aug 1962 12 Samuel Love |D | P Bruce, Wis. -------------------------| | D |B Jul 1850 |25 Isabella Unknown | P |P Canada ------------------------- | 6 Lindsay Love |M 4 Jan 1874 B cont. _ | -------------------------|P St. Croix Falls, Wis. D | |B 1879 |D | |P St. Croix Falls, Wis. |P 26 Linsey McKee | |M | ------------------------- | |P | |B cont. _ | |D 1949 |13 Martha McKee |D | |P Minneapolis, Minn. -------------------------| | | B Jul 1870 |27 Martha Hand | | P Alabama ------------------------- | | D B cont. _ |3 Sylvia Love P D ----------------------------- B 1 Apr 1917 28 P Hopton, England ------------------------- D 8 Jan 1984 |B cont. _ P Minneapolis, Minn. 14 John Sayer |D | -------------------------| | |B |29 | |P England ------------------------- |7 Ethel Sayer |M B cont. _ -------------------------|P D B 20 Sep 1890 |D P Hopton, England |P 30 D 8 Jun 1984 | ------------------------- P Minneapolis, Minn. | |B cont. _ |15 |D -------------------------| B |31 P ------------------------- D B cont. _ P D HUSBAND NOTES: Andrew Melvin Whitney WIFE NOTES: Augusta Vieth Andrew finished high school in Alden and taught school for some Augusta came to the US from Germany at age 16 (1893 or 1895). time. Then he started work at the Alden Creamery. After She settled at Hubbard first, and then moved to Alden. She was attending school in Ames he worked in creameries of his own at married at Gowrie. She and Andrew had three children, Steamboat Rock, Garden City, Whittemore, Owasa, and various other one, a son (Donald), prceeded her in death. Besides her five Iowa towns. He lived in Radcliffe for the 25 years before his grandchildren and six great grandchildren, she was survived by a death. At the time of his death his sister Mabel lived in sister, Mary Ward, of Des Moines. Alden, and his brother Charles Irving lived in San Pedro, Calif. At the time of his father's death (1909) the family was living in CHILD NOTES: Harvey Whitney Whittemore. The family was living in Steamboat Rock in 1918, according to a CHILD NOTES: Gladys Whitney "Cradle Roll' card sent to Harvey. CHILD NOTES: Donald Whitney Died at age 1 month. (9)

[p. 10]

From the chart on page 9:

BELOW: Andrew Melvin Whitney
and his brothers/sisters.
CHILD NOTES: Andrew Melvin Whitney
Andrew finished high school in Alden and taught school for some
time. Then he started work at the Alden Creamery. After
attending school in Ames he worked in creameries of his own at
Steamboat Rock, Garden City, Whittemore, Owasa, and various other
Iowa towns. He lived in Radcliffe for the 25 years before his
death. At the time of his death his sister Mabel lived in
Alden, and his brother Charles Irving lived in San Pedro, Calif.
At the time of his father's death (1909) the family was living in
The family was living in Steamboat Rock in 1918, according to a
"Cradle Roll' card sent to Harvey.
CHILD NOTES: Effie Whitney
CHILD NOTES: Mabel Whitney
In 1909, at the time of her father's death, Mabel was teaching
school in the Alden high school.
CHILD NOTES: Charles Whitney
CHILD NOTES: Minnie S. Whitney
In 1909, at the time of her father's death, Minnie was teaching
school in the Iowa Falls high school.
CHILD NOTES: Leona A. Whitney
Leona attended the Alden schools, but felt it her obligation to
leave before graduating to care for and maintain the home, since
her father, mother, and sister Edith were in poor health.
CHILD NOTES: Louis H. Whitney
Louis grew to young manhood in Alden and attended public school
there. He took up the occupation of plumber and tinner early in
life, and worked for Wm. Keating, John Hoskin, and Wm. Miller.
Following his marriage his family moved to Dow, and then to
Allison. They moved to Libertyville about 1900.
CHILD NOTES: Edith F. Whitney
Edith was in business as a milliner.
CHILD NOTES: Ida May Whitney
Andrew Melvin
Whitney; with
his wife and
Family Group Record
Husband Andrew Melvin Whitney
Birth    14 Jan 1871       Alden, Iowa
Death    11 Oct 1953       Radcliffe, Iowa
Marriage 22 Mar 1906       Gowrie, Iowa
Father   Andrew Clow Whitney (b 11 aug 1833)
Mother   Mary Gardner Todd (b 9 Nov 1836)
Wife    Augusta Vieth
Birth    1879              Germany
Death    22 Aug 1965       Eau Claire, Wis.
Father   Henry Vieth
Mother   Charlotta Bergeman
1 M Harvey Whitney
Birth    12 Feb 1916    Calloway, Minn.
Death    13 May 1967    Eau Claire, Wis.
Spouse   Sylvia Love
Spouse   Rosalie Faricy (m 12 Nov 1943)
2 F Gladys Whitney
Birth    29 dec 1914
3 M Donald Whitney
Prepared 9 Aug 1996 by:
James Whitney
2410 Prairie Rd
Madison, WI 53711
608 721 5440
Giles E. Whitney
with his wife -
and children:
Family Group Record
Husband Giles E. Whitney
Birth    4 Mar 1836        Highgate, Vt.
Marriage 15 Apr 1865       Alden, Iowa
Father   Solomon Whitney (b 3 Jan 1795)
Mother   Besheba Clow (b 1 Sep 1795)
Wife    Adaline Davis
Birth    17 May 1844       Ionia, Mich.
1 M Montie Whitney
Birth    15 Jun 1868
Spouse   Clara Cox
2 M Maynard Whitney
Birth    16 Mar 1870
3 M Martin Whitney
4 M Maurice Whitney
Birth    21 Dec 1877
5 F Millie Whitney
Birth    5 Oct 1866
Spouse   Louis Stebe
6 M Irving Whitney
Birth    22 Jun 1880       Alden, Iowa
7 M Adelbert Whitney
Birth    27 Nov 1883       Alden, Iowa
8 F Myrtle Whitney
Birth    24 Apr 1872       Alden, Iowa
Spouse   William Cox (m 27 Apr 1892)
9 F Abbie Whitney
Birth    16 Feb 1886       Alden, Iowa
Spouse   Marion Kendall 

HUSBAND NOTES: Giles E. Whitney
Giles and Andrew came to Alden in 1857. Giles made three trips
to the Rocky Mountains during the time that gold was being found
there. In the spring of 1860 he made his first tour of inspection
of Pikes Peak, accompanied by Messrs Sibley and Thompson, and John
W. Kinney, father of Chris and Clark Kinney of Buckeye. Council
Bluffs was the outfitting point at that time, and Julesberg was
the place of disappointment for many. He once saw two
partners divide there, one turning back. They even sawed the
wagon in half, each taking a set of wheels. The first trip was
disastrous. He returned and spent thewinter at the 'American
House' in Alden, then under the management of M J Davis, returned
to Colorado in the spring and stayed for a year and a half. The
third trip the Alden party joined up with the Bozeman train and
continued to Virginia City. He returned to Alden in 1865
and married Adaline Davis, daughter of M J Davis. They had moved
to Alden in 1857 from Michigan.
WIFE NOTES: Adaline Davis
HUSBAND NOTES: Andrew Melvin Whitney
Andrew finished high school in Alden and taught school for some
time. Then he started work at the Alden Creamery. After
attending school in Ames he worked in creameries of his own at
Steamboat Rock, Garden City, Whittemore, Owasa, and various other
Iowa towns. He lived in Radcliffe for the 25 years before his
death. At the time of his death his sister Mabel lived in
Alden, and his brother Charles Irving lived in San Pedro, Calif.
At the time of his father's death (1909) the family was living in
The family was living in Steamboat Rock in 1918, according to a
"Cradle Roll' card sent to Harvey.
WIFE NOTES: Augusta Vieth
Augusta came to the US from Germany at age 16 (1893 or 1895).
She settled at Hubbard first, and then moved to Alden. She was
married at Gowrie. She and Andrew had three children,
one, a son (Donald), prceeded her in death. Besides her five
grandchildren and six great grandchildren, she was survived by a
sister, Mary Ward, of Des Moines.
CHILD NOTES: Harvey Whitney
CHILD NOTES: Gladys Whitney
CHILD NOTES: Donald Whitney
Died at age 1 month.


[p. 11]

Family Group Record
Husband Andrew Clow Whitney
Birth    11 Aug 1833       Franklin Co., Vt.
Death    22 Jun 1909       Alden, Iowa
Marriage 31 Dec 1858       Alden, Iowa
Father   Solomon Whitney (b 3 Jan 1795)
Mother   Besheba Clow (b 1 Sep 1795)
Wife    Mary Gardner Todd
Birth    9 Nov 1836        Killawog, NY
Death    25 Jan 1928       Alden, Iowa
Father   John Todd (b 18 May 1817)
Mother   Lucy B Gardner (b 17 Apr 1818)
1 M Andrew Melvin Whitney
Birth    14 Jan 1871       Alden, Iowa
Death    11 Oct 1953       Radcliffe, Iowa
Spouse   Augusta Vieth (m 22 Mar 1906) 
2 F Effie Whitney
Birth    12 Oct 1880       Alden, Iowa
Death                      Alden, Iowa
3 F Mabel Whitney
Birth    18 Oct 1876
4 m Charles Whitney
Birth    4 Dec 1874
Death                      Ft. Dodge
5 F Minnie S Whitney
Birth    15 Mar 1868
Death                      Alden, Iowa
6 F Leona A Whitney
Birth    6 Aug 1865        Alden, Iowa
Death                      Alden, Iowa
7 M Louis H Whitney
Birth    6 Aug 1863        Alden, Iowa
Death    25 Aug 1935       Libertyville, Ill.
Spouse   Grace McPherson
8 F Edith F Whitney
Birth    18 May 1861       Alden, Iowa
Death                      Alden, Iowa
9 F Ida May Whitney
Birth    31 Mar 1860       Alden, Iowa
Death    13 Feb 1925       Alden, Iowa
Spouse   Lyman Beecher Rogers (m 30 Jun 1886)

HUSBAND NOTES: Andrew Clow Whitney
Andrew began learning the carpenter trade at the age of 16. He
became a resident of Iowa in 1855, working as a carpenter in
Independence until June 1857, when he, his brother Irving, and
others drove through to Alden. He and the few who had preceded him
then began construction of the new town. He was soon the owner of
a carpenter shop, which developed into a cabinetmakers shop and
then into a furniture store. He ws in the furniture business
for thirty years. Eleven years before his death the store was
destroyed by fire. He was a member of the first town council, and
also served on the school board and as treasurer. Funeral
services were conducted by Rev. A. G. Axtel of the Congregational
Church. He was interred in the Alden Cemetery.
Andrew built his own home at the corner of Maine and Pearl streets, and
made most of the furniture in that home.

WIFE NOTES: Mary Gardner Todd
Attended school in Killawog until aged 11 (1847), when she became
a member of the Deacon Rogers family of Marathon, NY, through the
second marriage of her mother. In 1856 the family moved to Alden,
Iowa. Her paternal grandfather was a soldier in the Revolutionary
War. She had two sisters, Mrs Eva Cleveland of Two Harbors, Minn,
and Mrs Jennie George of Ashland, Wis. She also had a
half-brother, Dr. R R Rogers of Jamestown, NY.
Pallbearers were the nephews, M.A. Whitney, M.D. Whitney,
I.G. Whitney, and M.L. Webster. Out of town attendees at the
funeral were Mr and Mrs A.M. Whitney, Gladys, and Harvey of Garden
City, Mr Montie A Whitney of Ft. Dodge, Mr and Mrs Martin D
Whitney of Albert Lea, Minn, Mr and Mrs M.L. Webster
of Independence, Iowa.
LEFT: Andrew Clow Whitney with his wife
Mary Gardner Todd, and their children:

RIGHT: Mary Gardner Todd Whitney's
parents, brothers.

Family Group Record
Husband John Todd
Birth    18 May 1817
Death    6 Dec 1844
Father   Henry Todd (b 1799)
Mother   Elizabeth Mills (b 10 Dec 1798)
Wife    Lucy B Gardner
Birth    17 Apr 1818
Death    24 Oct 1865
1 F Mary Gardner Todd
Birth    9 Nov 1836        Killawog, NY
Death    25 Jan 1928       Alden, Iowa
Spouse   Andrew Clow Whitney (m 31 Dec 1858)
2 M Henry W Todd
Birth    18 Jan 1841       Killawog, NY
Death    23 Oct 1912       Marshalltown, Iowa
Spouse   Jeannette Bigelow
3 M Chauncy D Todd
Birth    17 Jul 1844       Killawog, NY
Death                      New York, NY
Spouse   Ellen Button


WIFE NOTES: Lucy B. Gardner
Todd Geneology, CS71 T634 1920 p. 361:
Lucy B. Gardner married Jesse Rogers of Alden, Iowa

CHILD NOTES: Mary Gardner Todd
Attended school in Killawog until aged 11 (1847), when she became
a member of the Deacon Rogers family of Marathon, NY, through the
second marriage of her mother. In 1856 the family moved to Alden,
Iowa. Her paternal grandfather was a soldier in the Revolutionary
War. She had two sisters, Mrs Eva Cleveland of Two Harbors, Minn,
and Mrs Jennie George of Ashland, Wis. She also had a
half-brother, Dr. R R Rogers of Jamestown, NY.
Pallbearers were the nephews, M.A. Whitney, M.D. Whitney,
I.G. Whitney, and M.L. Webster. Out of town attendees at the
funeral were Mr and Mrs A.M. Whitney, Gladys, and Harvey of Garden
City, Mr Montie A Whitney of Ft. Dodge, Mr and Mrs Martin D
Whitney of Albert Lea, Minn, Mr and Mrs M.L. Webster
of Independence, Iowa.

Enlisted in Company F, 2nd Iowa Cavalry, on August 9, 1861. He
was mustered out Sept 19, 1865, at Selma, Alabama. For 25 years
after the close of the war he was employed by the Fargo Express
Company at Denver. He lived in Los Angeles for ten years, and
returned to Iowa in 1911. Among the relatives who attended the
funeral were Mrs. A. C. Whitney, George Bigelow, Mr and Mrs L.
B. Rogers, and Miss Mabel Whitney. Mr and Mrs O. S. Cleveland of
Webster City were also present.

CHILD NOTES: Chauncy D Todd
His boyhood days were spent in Alden, where he was a clerk at the
L H Utley store. During the Civil War he was a member of the 32nd
Iowa Infantry. He married Ellen Button after the war. They moved
to Colorado where he was employed by the Singer sewing machine
company as head salesman for many years. He spent his last days
at the home of his daughter, Mrs Fred Roe, in New York.  He was
buried at Orange City NJ, by the side of his wife. He was the last
of the civil war veterans from Alden.
Prepared 9 Aug 1996 by:
James Whitney
2410 Prairie Rd
Madison, WI 53711
608 721 5440


[p. 12]

Pedigree Chart Chart no. 2 James Whitney 16 Benjamin Whitney 2410 Prairie Rd ------------------------- Madison, WI 53711 |B 7 Oct 1687 cont. 8 608 271 5440 8 David Whitney |D Oct 1737 -------------------------| |B 21 Jun 1717 |17 Sarah Barrett |P Marlboro, Mass. ------------------------- |M B 28 Nov 1692 cont. 9 4 Silas Whitney |P D 15 Feb 1730 -------------------------|D |B 1737 |P 18 |P | ------------------------- |M Mar 1758 | |B cont. _ |P Shrewsbury, Mass. |9 Mercy ? |D |D 13 Mar 1813 -------------------------| |P Clarendon, Vt. B |19 | P ------------------------- 2 David Whitney D B cont. _ ----------------------------- P D |B 31 Aug 1761 |P Princeton, Mass. 20 |M ------------------------- |P |B cont. _ |D 25 Jul 1806 10 |D |P Clarendon, Vt. -------------------------| | | |B |21 | |5 Jane Pearson |P ------------------------- | -------------------------|M B cont. _ | B 1738 |P D | P |D | D 5 Feb 1800 |P 22 | P Clarendon, Vt. | ------------------------- | | |B cont. _ | |11 |D | -------------------------| | B |23 | P ------------------------- | D B cont. _ | P D |1 Solomon Whitney | ------------------------- 24 | B 3 Jan 1795 ------------------------- | P Clarendon, Vt. |B cont. _ | M 12 |D | P -------------------------| | D 21 Mar 1840 |B |25 | P |P ------------------------- | 6 |M B cont. _ | -------------------------|P D | |B |D | |P |P 26 | |M | ------------------------- | |P | |B cont. _ | |D |13 |D | |P -------------------------| | | B |27 | | P ------------------------- | | D B cont. _ |3 Sarah Wilson P D ----------------------------- B 28 Mar 1761 28 P ------------------------- D 30 Jun 1804 |B cont. _ P 14 |D | -------------------------| | |B |29 | |P ------------------------- |7 |M B cont. _ -------------------------|P D B |D P |P 30 D | ------------------------- P | |B cont. _ |15 |D -------------------------| B |31 P ------------------------- D B cont. _ P D (12)

[p. 13]

Pedigree Chart Chart no. 3 James Whitney 16 Thomas Whitney 2410 Prairie Rd ------------------------- Madison, WI 53711 |B cont. _ 608 271 5440 8 John Whitney |D Apr 1637 -------------------------| |B 11 May 1589 |17 Mary Bray |P England ------------------------- |M B cont. _ 4 Thomas Whitney |P D 25 Sep 1629 -------------------------|D |B 1629 |P Watertown, MA 18 |P England | ------------------------- |M 11 Jan 1654 | |B cont. _ |P Watertown, Mass. |9 Elinor Ellen |D |D 20 Sep 1719 -------------------------| |P Watertown or Stow, MA B 1599 |19 | P England ------------------------- 2 Thomas Whitney D B cont. _ ----------------------------- P Watertown, MA D |B 24 Aug 1656 |P Watertown, Mass. 20 |M ------------------------- |P |B cont. _ |D 12 Apr 1742 10 |D |P -------------------------| | | |B |21 | |5 Mary Kedall |P ------------------------- | -------------------------|M B cont. _ | B |P D | P |D | D |P 22 | P | ------------------------- | | |B cont. _ | |11 |D | -------------------------| | B |23 | P ------------------------- | D B cont. _ | P D |1 Benjamin Whitney | ------------------------- 24 | B 7 Oct 1687 ------------------------- | P |B cont. _ | M 12 |D | P -------------------------| | D Oct 1737 |B |25 | P |P ------------------------- | 6 George Lawrence |M B cont. _ | -------------------------|P D | |B 1637 |D | |P Watertown, Mass. |P 26 | |M | ------------------------- | |P | |B cont. _ | |D |13 |D | |P -------------------------| | | B |27 | | P ------------------------- | | D B cont. _ |3 Elizabeth Lawrence P D ----------------------------- B 28 Feb 1659 28 P ------------------------- D 8 Feb 1741 |B cont. _ P Bolton, Mass. 14 Benjamin Crispe |D | -------------------------| | |B 1616 |29 | |P ------------------------- |7 Elizabeth Crispe |M B cont. _ -------------------------|P D B |D P |P 30 D | ------------------------- P | |B cont. _ |15 Bridget ? |D -------------------------| B 1615 |31 P ------------------------- Prepared 15 Jul 1996 by: D B cont. _ James Whitney P D (13)

[p. 14]




extends it's appreciation
to Mr. James Whitney, of
2410 Prairie Rd., Madison,
Wisconsin, 53711; for all
the information on these
pages! Many thanks to all
my readers for the items
they sent for printing,
and to help me make the
newsletter more informa-
tive! Even just one date,
or just one name, may be
that special bit of infor-
mation that helps someone
else to make a connection
in their family lines! I
hope these pages of family
information from Jim will
be of lots of help to all
of you. Thanks to all!..Lisa
LEFT: Xeroxed photo of Irving G. Whitney.
RIGHT: Story on Irving G. Whitney:A
  For more of its earliest settlers Alden was, for many years, a sort of
base of supplies from which they could strike at the newer and still
more wonderful Far We4st--the West of gold and buffaloes, of war-
painted Indians and alkaline deserts. Crossing the plains was a
hazard which hardy young men took with full knowledge that others,
as brave and strong as themselves, had undertaken at the cost of their
lives. But this furnished no hindrance. It rather added a new allure-
ment to the vision of golden gulches where, if once found, the yellow
nuggets could be had for the picking up.
  Irving G. Whitney was one of these. He made three trips into the
Rockies, crossing the plains six times inside of six years. He was born
March 4, 1836 in Franklin county, Vermont and arrived in Alden with
his brother Andrew in June, 1857. The two worked together at the
carpenter trade for one and a half years. In the spring of 1860 he
started on his first tour of inspection of Pike's Peak, the land of en-
chantment. He was accompanied by Messrs. Sibley and Thompson
and John W. Kinney, father of Chris and Clark Kinney of Buckeye.
Council Bluffs was the out-fitting point at that time and from there
pilgrims continued the journey in large trains for the purpose of mutual
protection from Indians. Notwithstanding this, raids were frequent
and rude headboards were frequently seen beside the trail marked
"Unknown. Killed by Indians." Julesberg was a point of discour-
agement where many turned back for the states again. At Julesberg
Mr. Whitney saw two partners divide, one going west and one east.
They even sawed the wagon reach in two, each taking a pair of wheels.
This first trip was disastrous. He worked two weeks and laid up $40.
Mountain fever struck him then and he lay for eight weeks more dead
than alive. He gave the $40 to the doctor who saved his life and his
watch ot a man for letting him ride back to Iowa in the hind end of
his freight wagon. A buffalo was killed the second day's travel this
side of Denver and furnished food for much of the way home.
  Mr. Whitney spent the winter at the "American House" in Alden,
then under the management of M. J. Davis, and was back in Colorado
the next spring. He remained there a year and a half. Happening
to meet Gurley and Martin Pritchard, he came home with them.
  In the spring of 1864 he started west again, this time in company
with Howell, Perl and Frank Sperry, Orra and Geo. Bigelow, Ira
Sheldon, Fred Schlegmilch and Wm. Loopold. They took ox teams
and carried, as a part of their cargo, eggs bought at three cents a
dozen and afterwards sold at seventy-five. The party joined the
Bozeman train of 125 wagons and continued with it to Virginia City,
Montana. The next train following them, a few days later, had
twelve horses and four men killed a few days before reaching destina-
tion and Bozeman and his party were wiped out by Blackfeet on the
return trip.
  Mr. Whitney returned to Alden in December 1865 and on April 15,
1866, was united in marriage to Miss Adaline, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
M. J. Davis, who became residents of Alden in October 1857. The
Davis family came from Michigan and settled first in Blemond in the
spring of 1857. All the children, except the youngest daughter,
Hattie McMichaelis, were born in Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Whitney's
first home, built by themselves, is now the north part of the Cousins'
home. Most of their married life has been spent on the farm west of
town, where their family of nine children grew to manhood and
  The illustration is fairly recent.


[p. 15]

UPDATES (from Oct 1996 issue) 1) On the Windsor Co. Vermont census, and the York Co. Maine census, I have not found any whitney's yet, I've scanned the whole films. However, the films are of poor quality, and hard to decipher in some places. I'm going to go through them again, and spend extra time trying to make out some of the names,..Lisa 2) To Jerry Forman, 1508 Westview Dr., Berkeley, CA. 94705-1657; As of this time I have sent out 39 letters of inquiry to Whitney's and Forman's in the Ithaca, Buffalo area, in relation to finding living descendants of your ancestors, and so far, I received only 4 replies. I mailed out 39 postal cards for each person to send me a brief reply, and as said, 4 cards have been returned out of 39. I also received 6 of the 39 letters back that I had sent out, with the reason marked nof non-deliv- ery. Some of them have forwarding addresses on the front which I haven't persued as of this date. I am enclosing the returned cards and letter-envelopes in with your copy of the newsletter, so that you may persue any of these as you see fit. I am now in the process of looking for possible connections to your line in the other areas/states that you mentioned...Lisa 3) For Kenneth L. Whitney; I have not found anything yet on Myra Whitney Reed, but I will continue to look - on this problem, and will let you know again, in April's issue...Lisa 4) To JoAnn Schiefelbein, 8924 West 10th St., Wichita, KS., 67212: I tried to re-read the census film I have for Medway, MA. 1790, but still couldn't find anything that was different,..I'm going to order the census in printed form, and that should be of help in finding anynames on the film (and other information on the film)..Lisa 5) The books on Whitney by Phoenix and by Melville have arrived, but the other book and records listed page 10 of Oct 96 issue have not come yet. I did call Salem, MA to the Higginson Book Company, about these records, in middle December, and I was told that my order should be arriving soon. I've waited a few extra days into Jan., to finish and mail January's issue of the newsletter, in hopes that I might have some information for some of you, from those records, but I'll have to just wait to check them for April's issue. It has been over 3 months since I ordered them, but I was told that "hard-bound" books take that long and sometimes longer..Lisa 6) To R. W. Dorsey, 5925 W. 78th St., Prairie Village, KS., 66208: I said I'd have the records "sorted out" by January's issue,...but I was wrong! It takes a lot longer to do than I thought! So in April's issue, I will print everything I have in my files on any Lydia Whitney, and can then see better if some of it fits into your lines. (It takes me longer in checking records, as I do all my records by my hand, and do not have a computer to help sort them out)...Lisa 7) To Frances Molsberry, 7921 Waterfalls Ave., Las Vegas, NV., 89128: The book on the ancestry of John Whitney has arrive to me, is the ancestry of the John Whitney of Watertown, MA., there are no Levi's listed in the index. I know this isn't your John, and am just clarifying "no Levi[s" in there,..You mentioned "so little information on the Levi sons",..In April's issue, I will print every bit of information I have on any "Levi" for you, and hopefully it will help you fill in empty spaces on your lines, or will solve the "mystery" on it for you...Lisa 8) Page 20, Oct '96 issue of this newsletter; I mentioned placing an ad in the Genealogical Helper, listing the names Castle, cleveland, Everton, Fairbanks, Forman, Jeffries, Poor, Prout(y); in efforts to try to reach other researchers for you all, on these lines. Not one response came to me! If any do come in, I'll let you know...Lisa *********************************************************************************** A CHRISTMAS GIFT TO ALL MY SUBSCRIBERS !! I send all my best wisheds for a good new year to everyone! And as my "gift" to you, I am adding two extra issues to one year-subscribers, and one extra issue to other subscribers as of Dec 1, 1996...Lisa (15)

[p. 16]

ANCESTRY OF JOHN WHITNEY: (From the book, by Henry Melville): Sir Robert Whitney _____________________________________________________________________________ | | | Sir James Eustace Whitney Robert Whitney Esquire Esquire | | Sir Robert Whitney Thomas Whitney of Whitney; knighted of Westminster, by James 1, in 1617 Gentleman | | Sir Thomas Whitney John Whitney of Whitney; nominated of Watertown, Knight of the Royal Puritan Emigrant Oak by Charles 11 Descendants of John Whitney of Watertown, MA. include: (but are not all of them): 1) Revolution hero Josiah Whitney, of Harvard, MA. 2) Eli Whitney, inventor of the cotton gin. 3) Josiah Dwight Whitney, geologist/author. 4) William Dwight Whitney, philologist. 5) James Scollay Whitney and his distinguished sons Henry Melville Whitney, of Boston, and William Collins Whitney, of NY. The book on the ancestry of John Whitney says that Whitneys of today can claim the blood of familiar names in English history; such as by the marriage of Robert Whitney about 1470 to Constance, the daughter of Baron Audley and granddaughter of the Earl of Kent; and of another Robert about 1540, his marriage to Sybil, the daughter of Sir James Basker- ville., who connect to the Saxon Kings Alfred the Great and Edmund Ironside; the Norman William the Conqueror and Henry 1; the Plantagenets - Henry 11, John, Henry 111, and Edward 1; also members of the royal houses of Scotland, France, and Spain, with whom the names were allied. The parish of Whitney is in the County of Hereford, England, on the extreme western bor- der adjoining Wales; and is along the river Wye. This river reportedly has had sudden and destructive rainfall, to such an extent, that the waters have "carried away" Whitney Castle, Whitney Court that succeeded it, the old church with the family monuments, the rectory, and entire churchyard have been carried away. A probable suggestion of the derivative of the name Whitney is from the Anglo-Saxon "hwit" (white) and "ey" (water). There is still today, a tract know as "Whitney Wood", that is said to be identified with the one referred to in a writ of the seventeenth year of Henry 111: "The Sheriff of Hereford was commanded to cause a good breach to be made through the woods of Erdelegh, Bromlegh, and Witteneye, so that there may be such passage between the city of Hereford and Maud's Castle". The early owners of the land, before the days of surnames, were known such as Eustace, or Baldwin, or Robert of Whitney; in Latin, "of" was "de", and "De Whitney" and also "De Wytteneye" were regarded as the family name. Within two or three centuries, an "h" came into the name and the "De" was dropped. The present form of whitney has been estab- lished for about four centuries. .....THE WHITNEY's OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY..... James Whitney is known as the head of the Whitney family in the early sixteenth century, and was sometimes improperly call "Sir" James Whitney. His pedigree is reported to be proved, and is in the College of Arms, where the original manuscript is. (continued) (16)

[p. 17]

(Whitney's of the sixteenth century, continued from previous page) James Whitney married Blanche, fourth daughter and co-heir of Simon Milbourne. She was a lady of wealth, and had a distinguished lineage, as follows: "Sir John Eynesford (Eylesford) died leaving an only child, Elizabeth who inherited his very considerable estate. Elizabeth married Sir Piers Milbourne, and had an only child named John. In 1434 John Milbourne married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Walter Devereux, and died, leaving one child, Simon. Elizabeth survived him for many years. Simon Milbourne increased his fortune by marrying an heiress, Jane, the only child of Ralph, the younger brother of Sir John Baskerville, and died leaving only daughters who inherited through both their parents. One of these daughters was Blanche, who was married James Whitney". ---------------------------------------------------- Starting below and on the next pages are (reduced) copies of the lineage. My copies are not very dark, and if you have a problem reading these, please let me know and I will check it out for you:...Lisa JAMES WHITNEY = BLANCH, daughter and Coheire of Simon Mylborne of Tillington of Whitney,Esq. | Com: Hereford, Relict of Sr. Wm. Herbert, Knight. _____________| | ROBERT WHITNEY = MARGARET, daughter of Robert Wye of Whitney in Com: | of Glocestershire. Hereford, Esq. | _________________| | Sr. ROBERT WHITNEY = SIBELL, da: of Sr. James of Whitney, Knight. | Baskerville, Knight. ________________________________________|_____________________________________ _____________________________________ | | | | | Sr. JAMES WHITNEY of EUSTACE WHITNEY = MARGARET, daur. & coheire ROBERT. BLANCH, Wife of Robert Gre- ELIZABETH, Wife to John Whitney, Knight, eld- of Whitney, brother | of William Vanghan of Glas- vile, Esq., grandmother to Price of Manaugh, Co. est son; died with- & heire of Sr. James. | bury, Com. Radnor. the now Lord Brooke. Radnor, Esq. out issue. | ____________________________________________|_________________________________ ________________________ | | | | SIR ROBERT WHITNEY = ANNE, danghter of Sr. Thomas THOMAS WHITNEY. ELEANOR, Wife to Sr. Henry JOANE, Wife to John Wigmore of Whitney in Co. | Lucy of Charicot, Com. War- Williams of Givernevet, of Lugton in Com: Heref., Hereford, Knight, Ao. | wick, Knight Com: Brecknock, Gent. gent. 1634. | ____________________|_________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ | | | | | | | | | | | ROBERT WHITNEY, eld- CONSTANTINE RICHARD. THOHAS. FRANCIS. WILLIAM LUCE, Wife to William ANNE, Wife to Thomas ELINOR. SUZAN. ELIZABETH. est son & heire ap- WHITNEY. WHITNEY, Smallman of Kin- Rodde, of Foxley, Co: parent, aged about 20 sixt. son. ersley, Co: Heref: Hereford. yeares, 1634. gent. (Signed) Thomas Rodde for Sr. Robert Whitney. Extracted from the Visitation of the County of Hereford, made in the year 1634 (C. 25, fo. 75b) and examined therewith this 23d day of September, 1892. PEDIGREE OF WHITNEY OF WHITNEY. The Visitation of Herefordshfre, 1586, with additions of later date. Harleian Manuscript No.1140, ff. 65b, 66. In British Museum. BALDWINUS WHITNEY = filia Pychard. miles in com. Heref. | ___________________| | EUSTACHIUS WHITNEY = filia Clanbow. de Whitney, miles. | _________________| | ROBTUS WHITNEY = filia Russell. de Whitney, miles. | _________________| | EUSTACHIUS WHITNEY = filia Parrey. miles. | ____________________________________| | filia Tho. Rogers = ROBTUS WHITNEY = CONSTANTIA, filia Ja. domini de Heref. de Whitney. | Baronis Awdley per filiam | Holland, comitas Kantciae. ________________________________|_____________________________________________ _ | | | JACOBUS WHITNEY = BLAUNCH fil. et = Willms Herbert, JOANNA, uxor Tho. Rogers, Filia nupta Willms. de Whitney. | una haeret Sy- miles maritus postea Vaughan de Heref. Harper de Wellington | monis Milborn. primus. in com. Heref. _____________|________________________________________________________________ ________________________ | | | | | WATKINUS WHITNEY = MARGARETA, fli. et haere ROBTUS WHITNEY = MARGARETA, fil. JACOBUS. ROBERTUS. ELIZABETHA, uxor | Jenkins Reece de Cly- de Whitney. | Robt. Wye in Tho. Morgan de | ron in Com. Radnor. | com: Gloucestriae. Arkston. | | ______________|____ _________________|_______________________________________________________ | | | | | | | JENKYN WHITNEY. KATHERINE, uxor ROBERTUS WHITNEY = SYBYLLA, filia Ja. JACOBUS et ELIZABETH, ux. GEORGIUS WHITNEY, Robti Clough de Whitney, miles. | Baskervile, milltis. WILLMS, Willms Bastard duxit filiam Savage in com. Salop. | | ob.s.p. de Banbury. in com. Wigorn. __________________________________________| | | | _____________________________________|________________________________________ ______ |_ | | | | | | | WILLMS WHITNEY, JACOBUS WHITNEY, EUSTACIUS = MARGARETA, fil. et ROBTUS, BLAUNCH, ux. ELIZABETHA, ux. MARIA, ux. filius Bastardus. miles, ob. s. p. fil. secundus | co-haer. Willmi fil. 3. Robti Grevill, Jo. Pryce de Thomas Mills de Whitney. | Vaughan de Frater Fulcois. Managthys. de Camera | Glybery. Stellata. ___________________________________|_____________________________________ | | | | THOMAS WHITNEY, ROBTUS WHITNEY = filia Thomae ELIONORA, ux. JOANNA, ux. Jo. Bachilaurius, 1616. miles, 1617. | Lucy de Hen. Williams, Wigmore de Lacton | Carlescott in militis. et haeret exitu | com. War., miles. Willm. __________________________|___________________________ | | | | | ROBTUS WHITNEY, CONSTANCE. LUCY. ANNA. ELLENNOR. s. p. Folio 66b ROBTUS WHITNEY = ____________| | ROBTUS WHITNEY = ELIZABETH, filia Morgani | Dugilm. _____________________________________|________________ | | | | | | WILLMS. THOMAS. RICHARD. NICKOLAUS MARGARETA, ux. ANNA, uxor WHITNEY. Willmi Powell. Tho. Robridge. = _______| | EUSTACHIUS WHITNEY. (17)

[p. 18]

PEDIGREES (continued) PEDIGREE OF WHITNEY. The Visitation of Gloucestershire in 1628. Harleian Manuscript No.1041. In British Museum. JAMES WHITNEY = BLANCHE, 4th dau. and = Sir William Harbert of Whitney. | coheir of Simond | of Troy, 2 husband. | Melbourne. | ________________________________________|__________________ |_______________________________________________ | | | | | | SIR JAMES WHITNEY, ELIZABETH, ux. Thomas ANNE, ux. Henry ROBART WHITNEY = SIBILL, d. to SIR CHARLES SIR THOMAS ob. s. p. Morgan of Arkston. Cary, Lord | James Baskerville. HARBERT, Kt. HARBERT, Kt. Hunsdon, Kt. | of the Garter. | ______________________________| | ROBART WHITNEY = ELIZABETH, d. to Morgan ap Gwilloims. | ______________________|____________________________________ | | | | | | 2 WILLIAM. 3 THOMAS. 4 RICHARD. NICHOLAS MARGARETT. ANNE, ux. WHITNEY. Thomas Robage. PEDIGREE OF WHITNEY. The Visitation of Herefordshire, 1586, with additions of later date. Harleian Manuscript No. 1159, f. 65b. In British Museum. ROBERTUS WHITNEY = | _________| | ROBTUS WHITNEY = | __________________________________________|_________________________________ | | | | | | GULIELMUS. THOMAS. RICHARDUS. NICHOLAUS MARGAT, ux. ANNA, uxor. WHITNEY. Gulmi Powell. Tho. Robadge. = | _____________________| | EUSTACHIUS WHITNEY. PEDIGREE OF WHITNEY. The Visitation of Herefordshire, 1586, with additions of later date. Harleian Manuscript No. 1159, ff. 64b, 65. In British Museum. BALDWINUS WHITNEY = ----- filia miles in comit. Hereff. | Pychard. _________________| | EUSTACIUS WHITNEY = ----- filia de Whitney, miles. | _________________| | ROBERTUS WHITNEY = ----- filia de Whitney, miles. | Russell. _________________| | EUSTACHIUS WHITNEY = ----- filia miles. | ________________| | ---------- = ROBTUS WHITNEY = CONSTANCIA, filia filia Tho. Rogerus de Whitney. | Domni Baronis Audley de Hereford. | per filiam Holland, | Comitis Kanty. ___________________________________________|__________________________________ | | | JACOBUS WHITNEY = BLANCH, filia et una = Gulmus Herbert, JOANNA, ux. Tho. ----- filia nupta de Whitney. | Haeredam Symon Miles Maritus Rogers, postea Gulielmo Harper de | Mylbourne. primus. Vaughan Wellington in com. Heref. | de Hereford. | | | | | | _____________|________________________________________________________________ _________________ | | | | | WATKINUS WHITNEY = MARGARETA, filia ROBTUS WHITNEY = MARGARETA, JACOBUS. ROBERTUS. ELIZABETHA, uxor | et Haeres Jenkini de Whitney. | filia Robti. Tho. Morgan de | Reece de Clyton | Wye de comit. | in com. Radnor. | Gloucestriae. ______________|___ ______________|_____________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | JENKYN WHITNEY. KATHERINA, uxor ROBERTUS WHITNEY = SYBELLA, filia JACOBUS et ELIZABETHA, uxor GEORGIUS WHITNEY, Robti Cloughe de Whitney, | Jaco: Baskervile, GULIELMUS, Gullelmus Bastard duxit ----- filiam. in comit Salop. Miles. | Militis. ob. s. p. de Banbury. = = | | _______| | | | | ______|____ GULIELMUS | | | WHITNEY, | GEORGIUS, MARIA, filius | duxit ux. Tho. Naturalis. | ----- Milles ____________________________________________________|_________________________ ______ fillam de Camera | | | | | ----- Stallata. JACOBUS EUSTACIUS WHITNEY = MARGARETA, ROBERTUS, BLANCH, uxor ELIZABE. uxor Savage WHITNEY, de Whitney, | filia et coh. filius Robti Grevill, Johis Pryce de comit. Miles, filius 2dus. | Gulielmi tertlus. Frater Fulconis. de Manygethys. Wigorne ob. s. p. | Vaughan | de Glaysbery. ____________|_________________________________________________________________ ______________________ | | | | THO. WHITNEY, ROBTUS WHITNEY = ----- filia ELIONORA, JOANNA, anno. 116. Miles, 1617. | Tho. Lucy ux. Hen. ux. Johans | de Carlescott Williams, Wigmore | in com. Warwic, Militis. de Lacton | Miles. ex habuit _____________________________|____________________________________ Exitum | | | | | Gulielmi. ROBERTUS WHITNEY, CONSTANCIA. LUCIA. ANNA. ELINORA. S. P. (continued next page) (18)

[p. 19]

PEDIGREES (continued) PEDIGREE OF WHITNEY. The Visitation of Herefordshire, taken in 1586, with additions of later date. Harleian Manuscript No. 1442, ff. 65b, 68. In British Museum. BALDWINUS WHITNEY = ----- filia miles, in Com: Heref. | Pychard. ____________________| | EUSTACHIUS WHITNEY = ----- filia de Whitney, miles. | Clanvow. _________________| | ROBTUS WHITNEY = ----- filia de Whitney, | Russell. miles. | ____________| | EUSTACHIUS WHITNEY = ----- filia miles. | Parrey. ________________| | filia Tho: Rogers = ROBTUS WHITNEY = CONSTANCIA, filia Jac: de Hereford de Whitney. | Domini Baronis Audley | per filiam ----- Holland, | Comitis Kantiae. _______________________________________|________________________________________________ | | | JACOBUS WHITNEY = BLANCH, fil: et una = WILLHUS HERBERT, JOANNA, uxor Tho. ----- filia nupta de Whitney. | haeredum Symonis miles maritus Rogers, postea Willmo Harper de | Milborn. primus. Vaughan Wellington in Com: | de Hereford. Hereford. _________________|______________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | WATKINUS WHITNEY = MARGABETA, filia ROBTUS WHITNEY = MARGARETA, filia JACOBUS. ROBERTUS. ELIZABETHA, uxor | et haeres Jenkin de Whitney. | Robt: Wye in Tho: Morgan de Arkston. | Reece de Clyton | Co. Glocestriae. | in Com: Radnor. | __________________| ___________________|________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | | JENKYN WHITNEY. KATHERINA, uxor ROBERTUS WHITNEY = SYBELLA, filia JACOBUS et ELIZARETHA, uxor GEORGIUS WHITNEY, Roberti Clough de Whitney, miles. | Jacobi Baskervyle, WILLMUS, Willmi, Bastard duxit ----- filiam in Com: Salop. = | militis. ob. s. p. de Banbury. = | | |______________________________ ______| ___|_________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | | | JACOBUS EUSTACIUS = MARGARETA, filia et ROBERTUS, BLANCH, ELIZABETHA, uxor | WILLIMUS WHITNEY, WHITNEY | coh. Willim filius 3. uxor John Pryce de | WHITNEY, miles, de Whit- | Vaughan de Robti. Managethys. | filius ob. s. p. ney, filius | Gleysbery. Greevill, | Bastardus. secundus. | frater | | Fulconis. | _____________________________________________________________________________________| ______________________________________________| | | | | | | THOMAS WHITNEY, ROBTUS WHITNEY = ----- filia Thomas ELIEONORA, uxor JOANNA, uxor Jo: Wig- GEORGIUS MARIA, uxor Bachalourius. miles, 1617. | Lucy de Carlescott Hen: Williams, more de Lacton et duxit Tho: Mills de | in Co: Warwic, militi. habuit exita Wiilms. ----- Camera Stellata. | miles. filiam _______________________________|____________________ ----- | | | | | Savage ROBTUS WHITNEY, CONSTANTIA. LUCY. ANNA. ELLEONORA. in Co: s. p. Wigorn. PEDIGREE OF WHITNEY. Harlelan Manuscript No. 1442, f. 67. In British Museum. Sr. ROBERT WHITNEY = SYBELL, daughter of of Whitney, Knight. | Sr. James Baskerville, Knight. ________________________________________________|____________________________________________________ | | | Sr. JAHES WHITNEY EUSTACE WHITNEY = MARGARET, da. & coh. of ROBERT WHITNEY, of Whitney, Kt. of Whitney, | William Vaughan of 3 sonne of Sr. Robert Whitney, Kt. dyed without issue. brother & heire | Glasbury in Co. Radnor. = of Sr. James. | | _________________________________________________________________| |________ | | | THOHAS, Sr. ROBERT WHITNEY = ----- da. of THOMAS WHITNEY of a Batchilor. of Whitney, Knight, | Sr. Tho: Lucy Westminster, Gent. ao. 1617. | of Carlescot in = | Com: Warwick, Kt. | ______________________________________|______________ | | | | | | ROBERT WHITNEY of CONSTANCE. LUCY. ROBERT WHITNEY, ANN. ELLINOR. Westminster, mar. dyed without Mary da. of John Towers issue. of Shropshire. = | | JOHN WHITNEY, PEDIGREE OF WHITNEY. The Visitation of Herefordshire, 1586, with additions of later date. Harleian Manuscript No. 1442, f. 66. In British Museum. Sr. ROBERT WHITNEY = SIBELL, da. of Sr. James of Whitney, Kt, | Baskervile, Kt. ___________________________________________________| | | | Sr. JAMES, EUSTACE. ROBT. WHITNEY, 3 sonn of s. p. Sr. Robert Whitney, Kt. = | THO. WHITNEY of Westminster. = | ROBT. WHITNEY = MARY, d. of John of Westminster. Towers of Chestr. = | JOHN WHITNEY at 38, ano. 1676. (continued next page) (19)

[p. 20]

PEDIGREES (continued)

                                         PEDIGREE OF WHITNEY OF WHITNEY.

         The Visitation of Herefordshire, 1569, with additions. Harleian Manuscript No. 1345, ff. 68b, 69b.
                                                In British Museum.

          SR. BALDWIN WHITNEY        = d.
           of Whitney in Com. Heref- |    of
           ford.                     |        Pitchard.
          SR. EUSTACE WHITNEY = d.
           of Whitney, Knt.   |    of
             _________________|        Clambow.
          SR. ROBERT WHITNEY = d.
           of Whitney.       |    of
             ________________|        Russell.
          SR. EUSTACE WHITNEY = d.
           of Whitney, Knt.   |    of
                              |        Parr.
                                = ROBERT WHITNEY = CONSTANCE, d. of James Lord
              d. of Tho. Rogers |  of Whitney.      Audley by d. of ----- Hol-
              of Herefford.     |                   land, Earle of Kent
                |                                                          |                      |
              JAMES WHITNEY = BLANCH, d. & Heire = Sr. Willm Herbert     JOANE, ux. Roger       ----- ux. Wm. Harper
               of Whitney.  |  of Simon Milborne.   1 Husband.            Vaughan of Heref-      of Willington in com:
                            |                                             ford.                  Herefford.
  |                                         |                                             |          |           |
               |  of Jenkin Price of       of Whitney.   |  Wye of Glostershire.                                Morgan of Arkston.
               |  Clyron in com. Rad-                    |
               |  nor.                                   |
   ____________|                _________________________|__________________________________________________________________
  |           |                |                                                |            |           |                  |
 WHITNEY.    Rob. Clough      of Whitney.       |  Baskerville, Knt.           ob. S.P.     ob. S.P.     =                 Bastard of Danbury in
             of Sallop.            =            |                                                        |                 com. Oxon or neare to it.
   ________________________________|            |                                                        |______________________________________________
  |                    _________________________|_________________________________________________________________________________________              |
WILLIAM WHITNEY.      |             |                                             |                                    |                  |             |
                    Sr. JAMES,    EUSTACE WHITNEY = MARGARET, d. & Coheire      ROBERT WHITNEY = ELIZABETH, d. of    BLANCH, ux.        ELIZABETH, ux.  |
                     ob. S.P.      of Whitney.    |  of Wm. Vaughan of                         |  Morgan Gull-        Rob Grevill,       John Pye of    |
                                                  |  Claybery.                                 |  liams.              brother to Sr.     Mauagthy or    |
   _______________________________________________|__________________________                  |                      Foulk.             myne in com.   |
  |                                             |           |                |                 |                                         Herefford.     |
Sr. ROBERT WHITNEY = ANNE, d. of Sr. Thomas   THOMAS      ELLINOR, ux.     JOANE, ux. John     |                                                        |
 of Whitney, 1617. |  Lucye of Charlecott      WHITNEY,    Sr. Hen. Wil-    Wigmore of Lac-    |                                                        |
                   |  in Com: Warwick,         unmarid     liams, Knt.      ton & had Yssue    |                                                        |
                   |  Knt.                     1616.                        Willm.             |                                                        |
   ________________|_________________________________           _______________________________|_________________________________________               |
  |                  |             |         |       |         |                    |           |          |           |                 |              |
                                                                    =                                                 William Boll.     Robage, ser-    |
                                                                    |                                                                   vant to Wm. E.  |
                                                                    |                                                                   of Pembrook.    |
                                                                  EUSTACE WHITNEY.                                                                      |
                                                                                           |                                   |
                                                                                         GEORGE WHITNEY = d. of Savage of    MARY, marid
                                                                                                           Com. Worster.      to Thom. Mills
                                                                                                                              of the Star

                                                           ROBERT CHAUNDLER PEDIGREE, EXTRACT.

                                                               Visitation of London, 1634.
                                                   Publications of Harleian Society, Vol. 15, page 157.

                                     ROBERT WHITNEY, 2 sonne of WHITNEY of WHITNEY =
                                                 |                           |                           | | | |
                              THOMAS ROBAGE   = ANN.                       MARGERY,                      NICOLAS.
                               of Lelton in   |                             wife to                      RICHARD.
                               com. Hereford. |                             -----                        THOMAS.
                                              |_______                      Williams,                    WILLIAM.
                              ROBERT CHAUNDLER    = ELIZA.
                               of Cumberton mag-
                               na in Com. Wigorn.

* Dear Lisa,..Thanks for your
* reply to my letter. Regarding
* the WHITNEY surname, I have
* the following information, and I'd
* be interested in corresponding
* with anyone who has an interest
* in these two names because they
* are connected to the REAM family:
*   1) Neil Otis WHITNEY, married
*   Nellie Mildred REAM (born June
*   1895), 25 June 1917, Clackamas
*   Co.,Oregon.
*   2) Lauretta R. WHITNEY, (born
*   before 1942, married Teddy
*   (Theodore ?) G. REAMS, (born
*   before 1938), before 1958.
* Thanks again, and with REAM
* family regards,..Grey E. Smith,
* P.O. Box 6452, Aloha, ORE 97007
* I want the newsletter to be one
* that keeps family events up to
* date, so if you've had a death,
* marriage, etc, please let me
* know so it can be printed!..Lisa
* I still have not come onto anyone
* named Lovet, in researching of
* the Whitney lines. If there are
* any "Lovet's" in the records I
* should be getting soon, then I'll
* print anything they have on the
* name! I will continue to search
* any S.C. records, (and others),
* for Lovet WHITNEY. He has to be
* there somewhere!...Lisa

******************************************************************************************** Dear Lisa,..Thank you for your reply to my letter in your last Whitney newsletter. On the subject of Benjamin WHITNEY's wife's maiden name, I remain unconvinced that it was POOR. I have photocopies of two submissionss to the Mormon archive in Salt Lake City which I obtained at our local Kensington, MD Mormon Family History Library. They both list Jane's maiden name as POOR, but it is difficult to determine from the submission the source of this information. The people at the library were unable to help in deciphering the sources. Perhaps a reader may be able to decipher the references. They are: "Whitney Gen. B4F15 p 17,22,22-26 / R5A32 Vol 1, p 330, / Mass. M6A 32b, / A13 A275 p17-34" As for obtaining G. B. Sedgeley's genealogy of Micah WHITNEY, I am not sure how it can be obtained. (Title and publisher listed) We are descendants of Micah WHITNEY, Rev. soldier, through his son Ebenezer. This book traces Micah's descendants to 1943, including Ebenezer, while Pierce's genealogy stops forour branch at Ebenezer, and I have found many errors so you may wantto pass on the importance of checking all references. Thank you for your efforts in my behalf. Sincerely, Kenneth L. Whitney, 616 Piping Rock Drive, Silver Spring, Maryland 20905. KENNETH: Thank you for the information and the tip on checking references! I checked my "Pierce's" but didn't make any connections with the above sources...Lisa (20)

Copyright © 2003, 2006, 2011, Robert L. Ward and the Whitney Research Group.