Archive:The Descendants of John Whitney, page 49
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The Descendants of John Whitney, Who Came from London, England, to Watertown, Massachusetts, in 1635, by Frederick Clifton Pierce (Chicago: 1895)
Transcribed by the Whitney Research Group, 1999.
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The associated secessionists from the three towns at once appealed to the Gen- eral Court in a petition which is preserved only in such abstracts as were incor- porated in town meeting warrants, and in a later plan of the lands petitioned for. The petition was read in the House of Representatives July 2, and notice of a hear- ing was ordered given to the towns concerned. August 7, 1730, the voters of Lan- caster were warned to a town meeting: * * * to show cause (if any the town have) by agents or otherwise on ye second Tuesday of ye next session of ye General Court, why ye prayer of a petition signed p Simon STONE Juner, Jonathan WHITNEY and Thomas WHEELER, on behalfe of themselves (and as they say on behalfe and at ye desire of sun- dery of ye inhabitants of ye Towns of Lancaster, Stow and Groton) wherein they prey that a Considerable part of ye Towns of sd Lancaster, Stow and Groton may be incorporated into a Distinct and Separate Township, should not be Granted. The town voted that their representative "do oppose said petition on behalf of ye Town," and appointed a committee to survey the part of Lancaster peti- tioned for and to obtain all necessary information in regard to the numbers and estate of the petitioners. In Groton, at the town meeting August 17: The Petition of Simon STONE Junr. Jont. WHITNEY and Thomas WHEELER, In behalf of Theirselves & others Refering to a New town sjip to be made out of ye towns of Lancaster Groton and Stow refered to ye Great & General Court at their Session in June Last was Read Togather with the town's vote of March Last Refering to the Said affair and some Debate had thereon. It appeared to ye Town that if the Said Petition be Granted this town will be greatly hurt and many of the Inhabitants much Damfnifyed and incomoded. Therefore voted that Benja. PRESCOTT and Nathaneil SAWTELL Esqs. together with ye Representative Mr. John LONGLEY be a Committee Jointly or Severally to make answer to the Said Petition and use their best Endeavors That: No part of this Town on the West Side of Nashua River; nor any more on the East Side of the said River than what is Discribed In the Town vote above mentioned may be set off or annexed to the town Petioned for &c. Any former vote to ye Contrary Not with Stand- ing. In 1733 Jonathan WHITNEY was chosen deacon. In 1750 the committee appointed for the purpose of seating the meeting house reported Dea. Jonathan WHITNEY in the fore Seat below. He d. Nov. 8, 1773;* res. Stow, Lancaster and Harvard, Mass. 385. i. OLIVER, b. July 22, 1731; m. Abigail HUTCHINS. 386. ii. CALEB, b. Oct. 4, 1729; m. Annes CHURCH. 387. iii. HEZEKIAH, b. Apr. 14, 1735; m. Lydia ----- [NOTE] and Lucy POLLARD. 388. iv. SIMON, b. Mar. 20, 1719; m. Olive -----, and Patience HASELTINE [NOTE]. 389. v. JONATHAN, b. ----- [NOTE]; m. Sarah HOLT. 390. vi. BETSEY, b. ----- [NOTE]; m. Mar. 5, 1740-1, Phinehas WETHERBEE of Stow. 391. vii. ALICE, b. Apr. 2, 1733; m. Timothy WHITNEY (see). 392. viii. RUHAMAH, b. July 19, 1737; m. Abel DAVIS of Harvard. He was son of Eleazer and Sarah (WILLARD) DAVIS, and was b. Mar. 1, 1736. Sarah, b. Sept. 10, 1758; Ruhamah, b. Oct. 2, 1759; Eleazer, b. Oct. 20, 1764; Eleazer, b. Aug. 6, 1766; Abel, b. June 30, 1768; Sarah, b. July 31, 1770; Levi, b. Apr. 1, 1772; Joel, b. July 28, 1774; Moses, b. July 6, 1776; Alice, b. June 7, 1778, at Stow. 393. ix. SARAH, b. Jun. 10, 1740; d. Dec. 26, 1746. 394. x. PHINEAS, b. Sept. 5, 1727. 111. JOSHUA WHITNEY (Richard, Richard, John), b. Stow, Mass., 1706 [NOTE]; m. Zer- viah ----- [NOTE]; res. Stow, Mass. 395. i. SARAH [NOTE], b. Nov. 26, 1733. 396. ii. MARY [NOTE], b. Nov. 29, 1743. 397. iii. CALEB [NOTE], b. May 23, 1749. 398. iv. JOSHUA, b. Aug. 27, 1747; m. Marcy ----- [NOTE]. 117. ZACHARIAH WHITNEY (Ebenezer, Richard, John), b. about 1708; m. at Pomfret, Conn., July 30, 1730, Ruth TAYLOR. It is not learned where Zachariah WHITNEY was born, but probably in some town in Massachusetts to which place ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Tombstone says he was 78 years of age.
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