Archive:The Ancestry of John Whitney, Chapter VI
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Melville, Henry, A.M., LL.B., The Ancestry of John Whitney: Who, with His Wife Elinor, and Sons John, Richard, Nathaniel, Thomas, and Jonathan, Emigrated from London, England, in the Year 1635, and Settled in Watertown, Massachusetts; the First of the Name in America, and the One from Whom a Great Majority of the Whitneys Now Living in the United States Are Descended (New York, NY: The De Vinne Press, 1896).
CHAPTER VI THE LAST OF THE WHITNEYS OF WHITNEY Eustace Whitney, Sheriff, 1606; marriage and family. Sir Robert Whitney, knighted, 1617; Sheriff, 1039; officer in Cavalier Army at Worcester; marriage to daughter of Sir Thomas Lucy, and family. Constance Whitney's monument in St. Giles. Lucy Booth's mon- ument in Hereford Cathedral. Sir Thomas Whitney, knighted by Charles II.; the last of the Whitneys of Whitney. Disposition of the estate; chain of title; present condition. Whitney Castle. Whitney Court. EUSTACE WHITNEY, second son of Sir Robert, succeeded Sir James in 1587, and held the estate twenty-one years. He married, somewhat late in life and after thus becoming head of the family, Margaret, daughter and coheir of William Vaughan of Glasbury. The births of all their children, except the eldest, are re- corded in the Parish Register of Whitney. They were: 1. Eleanor, who married Sir Henry Williams, Knight, of Givernevett, Brecknockshire. 2. Joan, born September 15, 1591, who married John Wigmore of Lacton, Herefordshire. 181
182 The Ancestry of John Whitney 3. Robert, born September 23, 1592, who will be spoken of at length later. 4. Thomas, born July 28, 1594. Admitted June 22, 1610, to St. John College, Oxford. Eustace was not knighted, and, so far as appears, held but one public office, that of sheriff of Hereford- shire in 1596. The old register contains these two entries, almost obliterated by time: Margret wyfe of Eustace Whitney was buried 26 of July, 1606. Eustace Whitney Esq. was buried the 12 daye of July, 1608. Robert Whitney, eldest son of Eustace, succeeded him when only fifteen years of age, and, when not more than eighteen, married Anne,, daughter of Sir Thomas Lucy, Knight, of Charlecote in Warwick- shire. This was the same Lucy who prosecuted Wil- liam Shakspere for poaching and was lampooned by the latter, in revenge, as "Justice Shallow." Accord- ing to all other authorities he was a worthy gentle- man. Charlecote is one of the most beautiful spots in England and an object of interest for all visitors to the Shakspere country. By comparing the pedigrees shown in the Appen- dix with the Whitney register, we find that there wore born to Robert and Anne no less than twelve children, viz.: 1. Constance, born about 1610, and buried in St. Giles without Cripplegate, London, May 25, 1628, whose epitaph we shall have occasion to mention. 2. Lucy, born about 1610, who married, first, Wil-
The Last of the Whitneys of Whitney 183 liam Smallman, Esq., of Kinnersley, Herefordshire, and afterward John Booth, captain of a troop of horse in the service of Charles I. during the Civil War. She was buried in Hereford Cathedral in 1673, and also had a monument and epitaph worthy of notice. A peculiarity of these mortuary records is that, ac- cording to them, Constance and Lucy were each "eldest" daughter of Sir Robert. They certainly were nearly the same age and possibly were twins. It is more probable that Constance was the first born, but, having been brought up from early child- hood by her maternal grandmother, and having died forty-five years before her sister, she was forgotten when the Booth monument was erected. 3. Anne (probably not next in age), born February 8, 1614, who married, January 17, 1634, Thomas Rodd of Foxley in Herefordshire. The signature of Rodd is on the pedigree, shown in Appendix, which was registered in the College of Arms in 1634. 4. Robert, born April 10, 1615, who died before his father without issue. 5. Francis, who died before his father without issue. 6. Richard, baptized February 6, 1621, who died before his father without issue. 7. Thomas, baptized January 6, 1622, who inherited the estate. 8. Eleanor, who married a Doctor Wright. 9. Susan, who married Henry Williams, Esq., of Cabalva, near Whitney. 10. Elizabeth, who died young. 11. Bridget, baptized October 11, 1629, who was buried at Whitney February 8, 1630, and 12. William, baptized October 2, 1631, who died before his father without issue.
184 The Ancestry of John Whitney Whitney received the honor of knighthood from James I. in 1617, and in 1639 was sheriff of Hereford- shire. For a number of years he was, as had been sev- eral of his ancestors, commissioner to collect a royal subsidy, and a photograph is shown of his signature made in that capacity, February 20, 1640-41. When the Civil War broke out, espousing the cause of the king with all his heart, he sold Icomb and incum- bered the rest of his estate to provide funds for it, and, as is said,1 bravely led a portion of the Cavalier forces on that disastrous day for Charles II., Crom- well's "crowning mercy," at Worcester, September 3, 1651. Not long surviving the defeat, he died and was buried at Whitney September 15, 1653. As already noted, his eldest daughter had long be- fore been laid beneath the pavement of St. Giles, where sleep John Milton, John Fox, Sir Martin Fro- bisher and others of world-wide fame. Mr. Baddeley, in his interesting account of this church,2 thus de- scribes her monument, a photograph of which is here shown: CONSTANCE WHITNEY, Buried May 25th, 1628. This very curious monument on the wall in the north aisle has given rise to much speculation as to its meaning. It represents a woman in her grave clothes rising from her coffin, and with hands outstretched receiving from a cherub on each side a crown and a chaplet. It is no doubt intended 1 By Mr. Green, in introduction to "Works of Geoffrey Whitney." 2 An "Account of the Church and Parish of St. Giles without Cripple- gate, in the city of London," by John James Baddeley, Churchwarden, 1887.
[Picture omitted] MONUMENT OF CONSTANCE WHITNEY. In Church of St. Giles, without Cripplegate, London.
The Last of the Whitneys of Whitney 185 to be emblematic of the Resurrection; but a legend has been handed down from one church custodian to another, that "it represents a woman awakening from a trance, into which she had fallen, and in which state she had been buried. The Sexton in his desire to possess himself of a valuable ring she wore, cut her finger to obtain it, and in doing so, awakened and saved her from a horrible death." It is further stated that she returned home to her husband, and became the mother of several children, but the fact that the inscription on the monument states, amongst other thing; that she died at the early age of 17, is surely inconsistent with such a tale. There is no date given on the monument, but the Regis- ter's record is "Mrs. Constance Whitney, Buried May 25th, 1628." The title Mrs. or Mistress was not restricted then, as now, to married ladies. The inscription, on the representation of a coffin, runs as follows: TO THE MEMORIE Of Constance Whitney, eldest daughter to Sr. Robert Whit- ney, of Whitney, the proper possession of him and his an- cestors, in Herefordshire for above 500 years past. Her mother was the fowrth daughter of Sir Thomas Lucy of Charlecote, in Warwickshire, by Constance Kingsmel, daughter and heyre of Richard Kingsmel, surveiour of the Court of Wardes. This lady Lucy her grandmother soe bred her, since she was 8 years old, that she excelled in all noble qualities becomminge a Virgin: Of so sweete proportion of beauty and harmonic of parts, Shee had all sweetnesse of manners answerable, A delightfull sharpeness of witt, An offensles modestie of conversation, A singular respect and pietie to her parents, But religious even to example.
186 The Ancestry of John Whitney She departed this life most Christianly at seauenteene, dyeing the griefe of all, but to her grandmother an unre- coverable loss, save in her expectation shee shall not stay long after her, and the comfort of knowing whose shee is, and where in the resurrection to meete her. Her sister Lucy's monument, in Hereford Cathedral, was hardly less interesting. Thomas Dingley, the antiquarian, who compiled "A History from Marble," in the reign of Charles II., made a pen-and-ink draw- ing of it, within a few years after it was erected, which, a few years ago, was reproduced, through photolithog- raphy, by the Camden Society--fortunately, for, dur- ing repairs in the cathedral, it was broken and its frag- ments scattered. He described its location as "over against ye clock house on a side wall in a chappel part of the North of Hereford Cathedral," and showed a tablet bearing the arms of Booth (argent, 3 boars' heads erased and erected sable) quartered with those of Whitney (az. a cross checky or. and gules), and below it a larger stone with the inscription. Gosling, in his "History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Hereford," printed in 1717, re- ferred to the same as being "At the West End of the North Isle, on a black marble Tablet, enchased in white, rimmed with Gold and supported by two twisted Corinthian black Marble Pillars, on the Top two Angels trumpeting." The arms remained on the wall of the chapel, but the other stone was removed to the cloister, and its setting of "Corinthian pillars," "Angels," etc., disap- peared. There was no one to object to this act of vandalism till, in the summer of 1894, it was noticed by one of the American family, Hon. William Collins
[Picture omitted] SURROUNDINGS OF BOOTH MONUMENT. In Hereford Cathedral.
The Last of the Whitneys of Whitney 187 Whitney, of New York, who took steps to have tho existing portions reunited in their original position. From the accompanying illustration a good idea may be gained of its present appearance. The inscription is in these words: P. M. S. Luciae Booth (Filiae natu-maximae Roti Whitney de Whitney Eq:Aurti Et in primis Nuptus Gulo Smallman Armig datae) maestissimus Conjux Johannes Booth Armiger erigi curauit Hoc Marmor Non magis Prosapia^ claruit quam Pietate excelluit cujus indubitatam Charitate erga^ Pauperes dedit Tesseram Affabilitas erga^ Omnes emicuit et Conjugalis Affectus in Ea fuit Specimen Patientia indomitam Morbi ferociam Superauit, et cum ad nouam Palaestram Sole exorto Vestes induisset Corpus Exuebat placideq in Domino dormiebat Obijt III Non Apr Anno { Salut: 1673 { AEtat suae 64. Pseuche The Sicke Diseased, Wearied and Opprest Fly to the Graue for Refuge and for Rest Let then this sacred Earth my Body close And noe rude Hands its Quiet interpose Whilst I this Tabernacle of Clay forsake And to Elysium doe my Journey take But when The Trumpet a Retreat shall sound And peirce the Cauernes of this holy Ground These scatterd Ashes shall to Me repaire And re vnited equall Glory share.
188 The Ancestry of John Whitney TRANSLATION. To the pious memory of Lucy Booth (eldest daughter of Sir Robert Whitney, of Whitney, knight, and first married to William Smallman, Esq.) her most sorrowful husband, John Booth, Esq., has erected this monument. Her charity to the poor gave undoubted proof that she was no more remarkable for her illustrious lineage than she was for her fervent piety. She was courteous toward all and a model of conjugal affection. Her patience conquered the fierce fury of disease: and as, at dawn, she was girding herself for another day's strug- gle in the battle of life, she put off mortality and peacefully slept in the Lord. She died April 5, 1673, in the sixty-fourth year of her age. Thomas Whitney succeeded his father, Sir Robert. Charles II., after he came to the throne in 1660, es- tablished a new order of knighthood, to be known as "Knights of the Royal Oak,"--in memory of his es- cape, after the battle of Worcester, by hiding among the thick foliage of a tree while his pursuers passed beneathi it,--and nominated Whitney as one of the charter members. Burke, in his "History of the Commons," edition of 1836, gives a list of the knights with the annual income of their estates, that of Whitney being £2000. Few were as large, and the indication is that, despite the impairment of his property, he was still a wealthy man. The order was afterward abandoned on ac- count of the apprehension that it might perpetuate the memory of dissensions in a manner that would endanger the safety of the kingdom. Sir Thomas married, in December, 1666, Elizabeth,
[Picture omitted] TABLET IN MEMORY OF LUCY (WHITNEY) BOOTH. In Hereford Cathedral.
The Last of the Whitneys of Whitney 189 daughter of Colonel William Cope of Icomb, and died without issue in 1670, leaving four surviving sisters, viz.: Anne Rodd, Lucy Booth, Elinor Wright, and Susan Williams, and thus the family of Whitneys of Whitney came to an end. There is still in existence a document, written in 1690 by Robert Price, which sets out what, in his opinion, was then the condition of the title of the manors of Whitney and Clifford. The author was altogether wrong in his opening statement, for, as we have seen, Clifford was not acquired till the time of Sir James, who died in 1587, and the family of Whit- ney had no existence before the Conquest. With the other matters he doubtless was personally familiar. THE CASE OF THE MANNORS OF WHITNEY & CLIFFORD IN THE COUNTY Of HEREFORD The Mannors of Whitney and Clifford, with all ye rents and farms belonging to them, were ye ancient inheritance and Patrimony of ye Whitneys, long before the Conquest, and have lineally descended to Sir Robert Whitney; who, hav- ing several sons and daughters by Dame Anne Whitney his wife, did, by his deed of bargain and Sale of Release dated the 10th day of March in ye 16th year of the raigne of King James ye first, convey ye mannor of Whitney to himself for life, ye remainder to Robert his oldest son and ye heirs male of his body, ye remainder to ye second, and so to ye tenth son in tayle male, and for want of such issue to ye said Sir Robert Whitney and his right heirs forever. Sir R. Whit- ney by Dame Anne his wife had issue, Robert, Richard, Thomas, Francis, Lucy, Anne, Elinor, and Susanna. Sir Robert died in the year 1652. Robert his eldest son dying without issue, in the life time of Sir Robert, Richard
190 The Ancestry of John Whitney and Francis dye without issue, Thomas marrying Elizabeth Cope, daughter to Colonel Cope of Icombe in the County of Gloucester, her levying a fine "Sur cona 1 . . . . . of the mannors of Whitney and Clifford in 1 . . . . . in ye 18th year of King Charles ye Second and then settled some part of ye demesne of the mannor of Whitney upon her for a Joynture. Afterwards in April, in ye 21st year of ye reign of King Charles ye Second, Covenants by deed executed to levy an- other fine (out of the same land) and that was to Thomas Whitney for life, and as to part of ye demesne of Whitney, Clifford and Castleton Farm to Elizabeth his wife for her life and remainder to Thomas Whitney and his right heirs forever. As for the mannors of Whitney and Clifford and all ye messuages and lands of which 1 was before declared to ye use of ye said Thomas Whitney and his right heirs forever. Some short time after this deed and second fine Thomas Whitney died without Yssue whereupon Elizabeth his relict (amid now the wife of Mr. Sergeant Geers) entered and now holds by ye second deed and fine; the manors of Whitney and Clifford and several farms, and ye reversion of Mrs. Whitney, now Geers, joynture descended to Lucy, Anne, Elinor and Susanna, sisters and heirs to Thomas Whitney who last died seized. 1. Lucy Whitney was married to Mr. Smallman and after. wards to Captain Booth by whom she had 3 daughters and her fourth part of ye sayd copartenery is now in John Dut- ton Colt and Thomas Stanley Esq. by those daughters. 2. Anne Whitney married Thomas Rodd Esq., by whom she had issue Robert Rodd her only son Thomas Rodd and Anne his wife dying, Robert Rodd in possession of ye fourth part of Whitney and Clifford has issue three daughters, Lucy, Anna Sophia and Frances. Robert Rodd in con- sideration of a marriage to bee had between Robert Price then of Lincoln's Inn, Esq. and Lucy Rodd and in part of 1 Illegible.
[Picture omitted] WHITNEY COURT.
The Last of the Whitneys of Whitney 191 portion, by deed dated 22nd of October, 1681, conveys his fourth part of ye Mannors of Whitney and Clifford and all his interest in the estates of Thomas Whitney, deceased, to ye said Robert Price and his right heirs forever. 3. Elinor Whitney. She marryed Doctor Wright who by deede and fine conveyed their fourth part to Constance Wil- liams (now wife to Sir David Williams) and her right heirs forever. 4. Susanna Whitney marry'd Henry Williams of Cabalva, Esq., who are both dead, and Richard Williams their son and heir inherited ye fourth part of ye said estate which is now descended to Thomas his Brother and heir. Thus the Title stands as to the Estate at Whitney and Clifford. I do not find that Clifford was ever entailed either by Sir Robert Whitney or his son Thomas, and if it had, Thomas Whitney's fine and deed by which he placed the fee simple of his whole estate in himself has bar'd any en- tayl as is known in ye family. Mr. Price having an absolute estate in the fourth part of Whitney and Clifford (as appears by his afore-recited title) has sold this estate of his to Mr. Wardour by bargain and sale enrolled to which conveyance there is annexed a Schedule of Leases of part of the Estate. Two principal Leases Mr. Price has bought in and of the rest will procure copies very suddenly to Mr. Wardour's satisfaction. As the estate is of great antiquity in the fam- ily and now expires more for want of the name than out of any necessity there is to sell it, there being but two debts, one a Judgment, another a Mortmayne made by Mr. Thomas Whitney and both under a thousand pounds, which do or can affect ye estate. If there be any doubt in any re- spect as to the Title Mr. Price desires ye Querys may be sent to him to which he doubts not but to give a full and satisfactory answer. NOTE. The evidences of ye Estate are by consent of ye Coheirs of Whitney, lodged in ye hands of
192 The Ancestry of John Whitney 1 Sir David Williams, who has a fourth part therein. 2 A copy of Sir Robert Whitney's Settlement is sent up. 3 A copy of Mr. Thomas Whitney's settlement on his lady and both fines. 4 A Lease and Release being Mr. Price's marriage settle- ment, ye original is sent up. 5 Mr. Penoyre's Lease of part of ye estate of Whitney. 6 Mr. Randall's Lease of part of ye Estate and assign- ment of them both. Robert Price, March 10th, 1690. Mr. Price does not seem to have had any know- ledge of the entail created by the will of Sir James Whitney, which provided for the passing of the property to other male lines after the failure of that of Eustace, and in no case allowed it to go to females. Unless this entail was barred, which, as to Clifford at least, seems doubtful, Mrs. Rodd and her sisters, their representatives and assigns, never acquired any title except a prescriptive one based on adverse pos- session. There will be occasion hereafter to note that about 1676 it possibly was disputed. The descent of Whitney and Clifford from the time of Mr. Price to the present day is said to have been as follows: By purchase, the interests of all the other heirs were acquired by Ann Sophia Rodd and her husband William Wardour. By the will of their son, who had built the present church in 1740 and the court in 1745, it passed to a relative, Tomkyns Dew, and has since been vested in his descendants. At present (1895) it is held by trustees, in trust for a young child, Rosamond Clifford, daughter of the
[Picture omitted] BAPTISMAL FONT. Supposed to have been saved from the ruins of the church built by the Whitneys.
The Last of the Whitneys of Whitney 193 late Tomkyns Dew of Whitney Court, who died a few years since. To the Rev. Henry Dew, brother of said Tomkyns, rector of Whitney, and to his accomplished and hos- pitable family, the writer is indebted not only for much of the foregoing information, but also for many other courtesies. The property has recently been offered for sale, and perhaps its present condition cannot be more succinctly stated than by quoting the advertisement in the "Hereford Times," June 3, 1893. HEREFORDSHIRE.--WHITNEY COURT AND CLIFFORD ESTATE.-To be sold, either together or in parcels, this beautifully situated Freehold Residential Estate, practically in a ring fence, comprising a total area of 2,650 acres or thereabouts (of which 300 include valuable Woodlands, chiefly Oak and Larch), and Rights of Pasturage on Mer- bach Hill, together with the Advowson and Rectory of Whitney and the Manor or Lordship of Whitney and Clif- ford. The Farms are well let and of convenient sizes. The Castle of Clifford (famous as the birthplace of "Fair Rosa- mund") is situate on the property. The River Wye, which intersects the estate, affords about seven miles of excellent Salmon, Trout and other Fishing. The Partridge Shooting is good. The Radnor and West Hereford Hounds hunt the district. Whitney Court is a very commodious Mansion, with Lodge, Gardens, and Stabling, and is within one mile of Whitney Station and Post-office. Clifford Place, a smaller Residence, makes a very good Shooting Lodge. Rentals, which are moderate, including £80 tithe rent charge, pro- duce £3,600 per annum.--For particulars and plans apply to Messrs. J. R. Bridgford and Sons, Land Agents, 28 Cross- street, Manchester; or Messrs. Glynne, Jones and Jones, Solicitors, Bangor.
194 The Ancestry of John Whitney The site of Whitney Castle is indicated on the ordnance maps prepared by the British government, but regarding it, as Mr. Robinson in his "Castles of Herefordshire" remarks, "we can say little more than that there is no trace of a castle there now, but tradition asserts that, beneath the river, which changed its course in the year 1730, are still to be sen marks of masonry which might have belonged to such a structure. Certain it is that as late as 1675 the tower of a castle was, if not in existence, at least in the memory of those who dwelt beside it." As has been said, successive floods not only under- mined the castle,1 but washed away the original manor-house, the rectory, the church, and the churchyard. There is still in use, however, a baptis- mal font which was saved from the original church, an interesting relic, for from it doubtless was christ- ened more than one child who afterward became the head of the Whitney family. Reference to the map will show that the channel of the Wye has shifted across the valley a full half mile. Originally the course was nearly straight from Clifford Common to Lockster's Pool, but the swift stream, deflected by striking the little hill on which stands Clifford Castle, ate away the bank and finally burst its bounds and went further and further to the north till it was stopped at the base of the wooded hills known as Rhydspence Plantation and Whitney Wood. When the railroad cutting at Clifford, about thirty 1 The castle was probably, like others in the neighborhood, on an artificial mound surrounded by a deep moat connected with the stream. This and the alluvial foundation rendered it particularly liable to be undermined.
[Picture omitted] WHITNEY RECTORY.
The Last of the Whitneys of Whitney 195 feet deep, was made in 1863, there were found all the way down layers of sand and leaves, four to twelve inches in thickness, deposited by successive floods, and even birds' eggs, in perfect preservation, many feet beneath the surface of the ground. The present court, a photograph of which is shown, probably much inferior to the mansion that was the residence of the Whitneys, is supposed to have been begun by William Wardour,--the second proprietor of that name, who also built the present church,-- and to have been added to according to the needs and tastes of subsequent lords of the manor. It stands close to the water's edge, and is a rambling, roomy structure, of no particular style of architec- ture, but comfortable and not lacking in pictur- esqueness. The only building in the neighborhood contemporary with the later Whitneys is Rhydspence Inn. The rectory, built by the present incumbent, is a beautiful modern building, commanding a view of the wide sweeping valley, with the chimneys of cot- tages and farm-houses peeping from among the trees, and Merbach Hill looming up beyond. Intending visitors should secure hotel accommo- dations at Hereford or Hay, from which Whitney can be reached, in a few minutes' ride by rail, several times a day.
Copyright © 2004, 2006, Robert L. Ward and the Whitney Research Group