Archive:The Ancestry of John Whitney, Appendixes
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Melville, Henry, A.M., LL.B., The Ancestry of John Whitney: Who, with His Wife Elinor, and Sons John, Richard, Nathaniel, Thomas, and Jonathan, Emigrated from London, England, in the Year 1635, and Settled in Watertown, Massachusetts; the First of the Name in America, and the One from Whom a Great Majority of the Whitneys Now Living in the United States Are Descended (New York, NY: The De Vinne Press, 1896).
[p. 263] APPENDIX I. JAMES WHITNEY = BLANCH, daughter and Coheire of Simon Mylborne of Tillington of Whitney,Esq. | Com: Hereford, Relict of Sr. Wm. Herbert, Knight. _____________| | ROBERT WHITNEY = MARGARET, daughter of Robert Wye of Whitney in Com: | of Glocestershire. Hereford, Esq. | _________________| | Sr. ROBERT WHITNEY = SIBELL, da: of Sr. James of Whitney, Knight. | Baskerville, Knight. ________________________________________|__________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | Sr. JAMES WHITNEY of EUSTACE WHITNEY = MARGARET, daur. & coheire ROBERT. BLANCH, Wife of Robert Gre- ELIZABETH, Wife to John Whitney, Knight, eld- of Whitney, brother | of William Vanghan of Glas- vile, Esq., grandmother to Price of Manaugh, Co. est son; died with- & heire of Sr. James. | bury, Com. Radnor. the now Lord Brooke. Radnor, Esq. out issue. | ____________________________________________|_________________________________________________________ | | | | SIR ROBERT WHITNEY = ANNE, danghter of Sr. Thomas THOMAS WHITNEY. ELEANOR, Wife to Sr. Henry JOANE, Wife to John Wigmore of Whitney in Co. | Lucy of Charicot, Com. War- Williams of Givernevet, of Lugton in Com: Heref., Hereford, Knight, Ao. | wick, Knight Com: Brecknock, Gent. gent. 1634. | ____________________|_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | | | | | ROBERT WHITNEY, eld- CONSTANTINE RICHARD. THOHAS. FRANCIS. WILLIAM LUCE, Wife to William ANNE, Wife to Thomas ELINOR. SUZAN. ELIZABETH. est son & heire ap- WHITNEY. WHITNEY, Smallman of Kin- Rodde, of Foxley, Co: parent, aged about 20 sixt. son. ersley, Co: Heref: Hereford. yeares, 1634. gent. (Signed) Thomas Rodde for Sr. Robert Whitney. Extracted from the Visitation of the County of Hereford, made in the year 1634 (C. 25, fo. 75b) and examined therewith this 23d day of September, 1892. Heralds College, London. CHARLES H. ATHILL, Richmond Herald Of Arms.
[p. 264]
PEDIGREE OF WHITNEY OF WHITNEY. The Visitation of Herefordshfre, 1586, with additions of later date. Harleian Manuscript No.1140, ff. 65b, 66.In British Museum.
BALDWINUS WHITNEY = filia Pychard. miles in com. Heref. | ___________________| | EUSTACHIUS WHITNEY = filia Clanbow. de Whitney, miles. | _________________| | ROBTUS WHITNEY = filia Russell. de Whitney, miles. | _________________| | EUSTACHIUS WHITNEY = filia Parrey. miles. | ____________________________________| | filia Tho. Rogers = ROBTUS WHITNEY = CONSTANTIA, filia Ja. domini de Heref. de Whitney. | Baronis Awdley per filiam | Holland, comitas Kantciae. ________________________________|______________________________________________ | | | JACOBUS WHITNEY = BLAUNCH fil. et = Willms Herbert, JOANNA, uxor Tho. Rogers, Filia nupta Willms. de Whitney. | una haeret Sy- miles maritus postea Vaughan de Heref. Harper de Wellington | monis Milborn. primus. in com. Heref. _____________|________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | WATKINUS WHITNEY = MARGARETA, fli. et haere ROBTUS WHITNEY = MARGARETA, fil. JACOBUS. ROBERTUS. ELIZABETHA, uxor | Jenkins Reece de Cly- de Whitney. | Robt. Wye in Tho. Morgan de | ron in Com. Radnor. | com: Gloucestriae. Arkston. | | | |
[p. 265] | | | | | | ______________|____ _________________|_______________________________________________________ | | | | | | | JENKYN WHITNEY. KATHERINE, uxor ROBERTUS WHITNEY = SYBYLLA, filia Ja. JACOBUS et ELIZABETH, ux. GEORGIUS WHITNEY, Robti Clough de Whitney, miles. | Baskervile, milltis. WILLMS, Willms Bastard duxit filiam Savage in com. Salop. | | ob.s.p. de Banbury. in com. Wigorn. __________________________________________| | | | _____________________________________|______________________________________________ |_ | | | | | | | WILLMS WHITNEY, JACOBUS WHITNEY, EUSTACIUS = MARGARETA, fil. et ROBTUS, BLAUNCH, ux. ELIZABETHA, ux. MARIA, ux. filius Bastardus. miles, ob. s. p. fil. secundus | co-haer. Willmi fil. 3. Robti Grevill, Jo. Pryce de Thomas Mills de Whitney. | Vaughan de Frater Fulcois. Managthys. de Camera | Glybery. Stellata. ___________________________________|_____________________________________ | | | | THOMAS WHITNEY, ROBTUS WHITNEY = filia Thomae ELIONORA, ux. JOANNA, ux. Jo. Bachilaurius, 1616. miles, 1617. | Lucy de Hen. Williams, Wigmore de Lacton | Carlescott in militis. et haeret exitu | com. War., miles. Willm. __________________________|___________________________ | | | | | ROBTUS WHITNEY, CONSTANCE. LUCY. ANNA. ELLENNOR. s. p. Folio 66b ROBTUS WHITNEY = ____________| | ROBTUS WHITNEY = ELIZABETH, filia Morgani | Dugilm. _____________________________________|________________ | | | | | | WILLMS. THOMAS. RICHARD. NICKOLAUS MARGARETA, ux. ANNA, uxor WHITNEY. Willmi Powell. Tho. Robridge. = _______| | EUSTACHIUS WHITNEY.
[p. 266]
PEDIGREE OF WHITNEY. The Visitation of Gloucestershire in 1628. Harleian Manuscript No.1041.In British Museum.
JAMES WHITNEY = BLANCHE, 4th dau. and = Sir William Harbert of Whitney. | coheir of Simond | of Troy, 2 husband. | Melbourne. | ________________________________________|__________________ |_______________________________________________ | | | | | | SIR JAMES WHITNEY, ELIZABETH, ux. Thomas ANNE, ux. Henry ROBART WHITNEY = SIBILL, d. to SIR CHARLES SIR THOMAS ob. s. p. Morgan of Arkston. Cary, Lord | James Baskerville. HARBERT, Kt. HARBERT, Kt. Hunsdon, Kt. | of the Garter. | ______________________________| | ROBART WHITNEY = ELIZABETH, d. to Morgan ap Gwilloims. | ______________________|____________________________________ | | | | | | 2 WILLIAM. 3 THOMAS. 4 RICHARD. NICHOLAS MARGARETT. ANNE, ux. WHITNEY. Thomas Robage.
[p. 267]
PEDIGREE OF WHITNEY. The Visitation of Herefordshire, 1586, with additions of later date. Harleian Manuscript No. 1159, f. 65b.In British Museum.
ROBERTUS WHITNEY = | _________| | ROBTUS WHITNEY = | __________________________________________|_________________________________ | | | | | | GULIELMUS. THOMAS. RICHARDUS. NICHOLAUS MARGAT, ux. ANNA, uxor. WHITNEY. Gulmi Powell. Tho. Robadge. = | _____________________| | EUSTACHIUS WHITNEY.
[p. 268]
PEDIGREE OF WHITNEY. The Visitation of Herefordshire, 1586, with additions of later date. Harleian Manuscript No. 1159, ff. 64b, 65.In British Museum.
BALDWINUS WHITNEY = ----- filia miles in comit. Hereff. | Pychard. _________________| | EUSTACIUS WHITNEY = ----- filia de Whitney, miles. | _________________| | ROBERTUS WHITNEY = ----- filia de Whitney, miles. | Russell. _________________| | EUSTACHIUS WHITNEY = ----- filia miles. | ________________| | ----- = ROBTUS WHITNEY = CONSTANCIA, filia filia Tho. Rogerus de Whitney. | Domni Baronis Audley de Hereford. | per filiam Holland, | Comitis Kanty. ___________________________________________|__________________________________ | | | JACOBUS WHITNEY = BLANCH, filia et una = Gulmus Herbert, JOANNA, ux. Tho. ----- filia nupta de Whitney. | Haeredam Symon Miles Maritus Rogers, postea Gulielmo Harper de | Mylbourne. primus. Vaughan Wellington in com. Heref. | de Hereford. | |
[p. 269] | | | | _____________|_________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | WATKINUS WHITNEY = MARGARETA, filia ROBTUS WHITNEY = MARGARETA, JACOBUS. ROBERTUS. ELIZABETHA, uxor | et Haeres Jenkini de Whitney. | filia Robti. Tho. Morgan de | Reece de Clyton | Wye de comit. | in com. Radnor. | Gloucestriae. ______________|___ ______________|_____________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | JENKYN WHITNEY. KATHERINA, uxor ROBERTUS WHITNEY = SYBELLA, filia JACOBUS et ELIZABETHA, uxor GEORGIUS WHITNEY, Robti Cloughe de Whitney, | Jaco: Baskervile, GULIELMUS, Gullelmus Bastard duxit ----- filiam. in comit Salop. Miles. | Militis. ob. s. p. de Banbury. = = | | _______| | | | | ______|____ GULIELMUS | | | WHITNEY, | GEORGIUS, MARIA, filius | duxit ux. Tho. Naturalis. | ----- Milles ____________________________________________________|_______________________________ fillam de Camera | | | | | ----- Stallata. JACOBUS EUSTACIUS WHITNEY = MARGARETA, ROBERTUS, BLANCH, uxor ELIZABE. uxor Savage WHITNEY, de Whitney, | filia et coh. filius Robti Grevill, Johis Pryce de comit. Miles, filius 2dus. | Gulielmi tertlus. Frater Fulconis. de Manygethys. Wigorne ob. s. p. | Vaughan | de Glaysbery. ____________|_______________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | THO. WHITNEY, ROBTUS WHITNEY = ----- filia ELIONORA, JOANNA, anno. 116. Miles, 1617. | Tho. Lucy ux. Hen. ux. Johans | de Carlescott Williams, Wigmore | in com. Warwic, Militis. de Lacton | Miles. ex habuit _____________________________|____________________________________ Exitum | | | | | Gulielmi. ROBERTUS WHITNEY, CONSTANCIA. LUCIA. ANNA. ELINORA. S. P.
[p. 270]
PEDIGREE OF WHITNEY. The Visitation of Herefordshire, taken in 1586, with additions of later date. Harleian Manuscript No. 1442, ff. 65b, 68.In British Museum.
BALDWINUS WHITNEY = ----- filia miles, in Com: Heref. | Pychard. ____________________| | EUSTACHIUS WHITNEY = ----- filia de Whitney, miles. | Clanvow. _________________| | ROBTUS WHITNEY = ----- filia de Whitney, | Russell. miles. | ____________| | EUSTACHIUS WHITNEY = ----- filia miles. | Parrey. ________________| | filia Tho: Rogers = ROBTUS WHITNEY = CONSTANCIA, filia Jac: de Hereford de Whitney. | Domini Baronis Audley | per filiam ----- Holland, | Comitis Kantiae. | | |
[p. 271] | | | | | | _______________________________________|________________________________________________ | | | JACOBUS WHITNEY = BLANCH, fil: et una = WILLHUS HERBERT, JOANNA, uxor Tho. ----- filia nupta de Whitney. | haeredum Symonis miles maritus Rogers, postea Willmo Harper de | Milborn. primus. Vaughan Wellington in Com: | de Hereford. Hereford. _________________|______________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | WATKINUS WHITNEY = MARGABETA, filia ROBTUS WHITNEY = MARGARETA, filia JACOBUS. ROBERTUS. ELIZABETHA, uxor | et haeres Jenkin de Whitney. | Robt: Wye in Tho: Morgan de Arkston. | Reece de Clyton | Co. Glocestriae. | in Com: Radnor. | __________________| ___________________|________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | | JENKYN WHITNEY. KATHERINA, uxor ROBERTUS WHITNEY = SYBELLA, filia JACOBUS et ELIZARETHA, uxor GEORGIUS WHITNEY, Roberti Clough de Whitney, miles. | Jacobi Baskervyle, WILLMUS, Willmi, Bastard duxit ----- filiam in Com: Salop. = | militis. ob. s. p. de Banbury. = | | |______________________________ ______| ___|_________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | | | JACOBUS EUSTACIUS = MARGARETA, filia et ROBERTUS, BLANCH, ELIZABETHA, uxor | WILLIMUS WHITNEY, WHITNEY | coh. Willim filius 3. uxor John Pryce de | WHITNEY, miles, de Whit- | Vaughan de Robti. Managethys. | filius ob. s. p. ney, filius | Gleysbery. Greevill, | Bastardus. secundus. | frater | | Fulconis. | _____________________________________________________________________________________| ______________________________________________| | | | | | | THOMAS WHITNEY, ROBTUS WHITNEY = ----- filia Thomas ELIEONORA, uxor JOANNA, uxor Jo: Wig- GEORGIUS MARIA, uxor Bachalourius. miles, 1617. | Lucy de Carlescott Hen: Williams, more de Lacton et duxit Tho: Mills de | in Co: Warwic, militi. habuit exita Wiilms. ----- Camera Stellata. | miles. filiam _______________________________|____________________ ----- | | | | | Savage ROBTUS WHITNEY, CONSTANTIA. LUCY. ANNA. ELLEONORA. in Co: s. p. Wigorn.
[p. 272]
PEDIGREE OF WHITNEY.Harlelan Manuscript No. 1442, f. 67. In British Museum.
Sr. ROBERT WHITNEY = SYBELL, daughter of of Whitney, Knight. | Sr. James Baskerville, Knight. ________________________________________________|____________________________________________________ | | | Sr. JAHES WHITNEY EUSTACE WHITNEY = MARGARET, da. & coh. of ROBERT WHITNEY, of Whitney, Kt. of Whitney, | William Vaughan of 3 sonne of Sr. Robert Whitney, Kt. dyed without issue. brother & heire | Glasbury in Co. Radnor. = of Sr. James. | | _________________________________________________________________| |________ | | | THOHAS, Sr. ROBERT WHITNEY = ----- da. of THOMAS WHITNEY of a Batchilor. of Whitney, Knight, | Sr. Tho: Lucy Westminster, Gent. ao. 1617. | of Carlescot in = | Com: Warwick, Kt. | ______________________________________|______________ | | | | | | ROBERT WHITNEY of CONSTANCE. LUCY. ROBERT WHITNEY, ANN. ELLINOR. Westminster, mar. dyed without Mary da. of John Towers issue. of Shropshire. = | | JOHN WHITNEY, claimeth to be heire male of the whole Family.
[p. 273]
PEDIGREE OF WHITNEY. The Visitation of Herefordshire, 1586, with additions of later date. Harleian Manuscript No. 1442, f. 66.In British Museum.
Sr. ROBERT WHITNEY = SIBELL, da. of Sr. James of Whitney, Kt, | Baskervile, Kt. ___________________________________________________| | | | Sr. JAMES, EUSTACE. ROBT. WHITNEY, 3 sonn of s. p. Sr. Robert Whitney, Kt. = | THO. WHITNEY of Westminster. = | ROBT. WHITNEY = MARY, d. of John of Westminster. Towers of Chestr. = | JOHN WHITNEY at 38, ano. 1676.
[p. 274]
PEDIGREE OF WHITNEY OF WHITNEY. The Visitation of Herefordshire, 1569, with additions. Harleian Manuscript No. 1345, ff. 68b, 69b.In British Museum.
SR. BALDWIN WHITNEY = d. of Whitney in Com. Heref- | of ford. | Pitchard. ________________________| | SR. EUSTACE WHITNEY = d. of Whitney, Knt. | of _________________| Clambow. | SR. ROBERT WHITNEY = d. of Whitney. | of ________________| Russell. | SR. EUSTACE WHITNEY = d. of Whitney, Knt. | of | Parr. |_____ | = ROBERT WHITNEY = CONSTANCE, d. of James Lord d. of Tho. Rogers | of Whitney. Audley by d. of ----- Hol- of Herefford. | land, Earle of Kent ___________________|_____________________________________________________________ | | | JAMES WHITNEY = BLANCH, d. & Heire = Sr. Willm Herbert JOANE, ux. Roger ----- ux. Wm. Harper of Whitney. | of Simon Milborne. 1 Husband. Vaughan of Heref- of Willington in com: | ford. Herefford. | | |
[p. 275] | | | | | _____________________|________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | WATKYN WHITNEY = MARGARETT, d. & heire ROBERT WHITNEY = MARGARETT, d. of Robert JAMES. ROBERT. ELIZABETH, ux. Thom. | of Jenkin Price of of Whitney. | Wye of Glostershire. Morgan of Arkston. | Clyron in com. Rad- | | nor. | ____________| _________________________|__________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | JENKIN CATHERIN, ux. SR. ROBERT WHITNEY = SIBBELL, d. of Sr. James JAMES, WILLIAM, GEORGE WHITNEY. ELIZABETH, ux. William, WHITNEY. Rob. Clough of Whitney. | Baskerville, Knt. ob. S.P. ob. S.P. = Bastard of Danbury in of Sallop. = | | com. Oxon or neare to it. ________________________________| | |______________________________________________ | _________________________|_________________________________________________________________________________________ | WILLIAM WHITNEY. | | | | | | Sr. JAMES, EUSTACE WHITNEY = MARGARET, d. & Coheire ROBERT WHITNEY = ELIZABETH, d. of BLANCH, ux. ELIZABETH, ux. | ob. S.P. of Whitney. | of Wm. Vaughan of | Morgan Gull- Rob Grevill, John Pye of | | Claybery. | liams. brother to Sr. Mauagthy or | _______________________________________________|__________________________ | Foulk. myne in com. | | | | | | Herefford. | Sr. ROBERT WHITNEY = ANNE, d. of Sr. Thomas THOMAS ELLINOR, ux. JOANE, ux. John | | of Whitney, 1617. | Lucye of Charlecott WHITNEY, Sr. Hen. Wil- Wigmore of Lac- | | | in Com: Warwick, unmarid liams, Knt. ton & had Yssue | | | Knt. 1616. Willm. | | ________________|_________________________________ _______________________________|_________________________________________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | ROBERT WHITNEY. CONSTANCE. LUCYE. ANN. ELLEN. NICHOLAS WHITNEY. WILLIAM. THOMAS. RICHARD. MARGARET ux. ANN, ux. Tho. | = William Boll. Robage, ser- | | vant to Wm. E. | | of Pembrook. | EUSTACE WHITNEY. | ____________________________________________________________| | | GEORGE WHITNEY = d. of Savage of MARY, marid Com. Worster. to Thom. Mills of the Star Chambre
[p. 276]
ROBERT CHAUNDLER PEDIGREE, EXTRACT. Visitation of London, 1634.Publications of Harleian Society, Vol. 15, page 157.
ROBERT WHITNEY, 2 sonne of WHITNEY of WHITNEY = | _________________________________|___________________________ | | | | | | THOMAS ROBAGE = ANN. MARGERY, NICOLAS. of Lelton in | wife to RICHARD. com. Hereford. | ----- THOMAS. |_______ Williams, WILLIAM. | ROBERT CHAUNDLER = ELIZA. of Cumberton mag- na in Com. Wigorn.
Copyright © 2004, 2006, Robert L. Ward and the Whitney Research Group