Archive:TAG Volume 19
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Curtis, Harlow D., "Early Probate Records at Norwich, N.Y.," TAG, vol. 19 (1941-1942), pp. 31-33.
[p. 32]
- "9. Estate of Joshua Whitney of Union township. Thomas Green, administrator. Inventory taken Oct. 1, 1793, in presence of Joshua Whitney, Jr., and Sarah Whitney, two of the heirs. Appraisers: John Patterson and Thomas Quigley."
Sheppard, Walter Lee, Jr., "The Descendants of William Fifield," TAG, vol. 19 (1942-43), pp. 90-110.
[p. 108]
- "303. ANNAH FIFIELD, born 10 Dec. 1776, married John Folsom, born 1768, died at Tunbridge, Vt.
- Children (Folsom):
- 668. *Judith, b. 28 Jan. 1799.
- 669. Zena, d. unm.
- 670. Jeremiah (had Riley and Alma).
- 671. Huldah.
- 672. Chloe.
- 673. Clarissa, m. Ami Whitney.
- 674. Anna.
- 675. Daniel.
- 676. Mary.
- 668. *Judith, b. 28 Jan. 1799.
- Reference: Folsom Genealogy, p. 79."
Jacobus, Donald Lines, "Source Material for a Finch Genealogy," TAG, vol. 19 (1941-42), pp. 118-125.
[p. 119]
- Fairfield (Conn.) Probate Records:
- "Vol. 5, p. 296. Inventory of estate of Joseph Finch of Greenwich, taken Apr. 1714. Agreement of heirs: Joseph Finch, eldest son; sons Samuel, Jonathan, and Benjamin Finch; son-in-law Joseph Renalds; dau. Elizabeth Whitney; dau. Sarah Finch; son-in-law Jonathan Mead."
Chase, Ada R., "The MacWithey Family of Preston, Connecticut," TAG, vol. 19 (1941-42), pp. 141-150.
[p. 144]
- "DAVID3 MACWITHEY (David2, James1), of Preston, Conn., m. 3 Apr. 1722 ABIGAIL PARK (Preston 2nd Ch. Rec.). ...
- Children of David and Abigail, baptisms from the Preston 2nd Church, the last three from Voluntown, Conn., Vit. Rec., 1-32:
11. i. Reuben4, bp. 21 Nov. 1739, possibly the Reuben McWe( )thy who m. ZERUIAH WHITNEY of Plainfield, 1 Nov. 1749 (Kent, Conn., Ch. Rec.). . . ."
Brush, Julia E. C., "Marriages, Ridgebury, Conn., Church Records," TAG, vol. 19 (1941-42), pp. 211-217.
[p. 213]
- "[page 152] [1774]
- Dec. 22nd. DAVID GATES to JERUSHA WHITNEY both of Ridgefield,
- Ridgebury Parish."
[p. 214]
- "[page 152], 1777.
- January 1st. DANIEL WHITLOCK of Wilton in Norwalk to ESTHER WHITNEY, of
- Ridgefield in Ridgebury Parish."
[p. 216]
- "[page 153]
- February 27th. SILAS PIERCE fo Philip's Patent to MARY WHITNEY of
- Ridgefield, Ridgebury P."
[p. 216]
- "[page 156] [1783]
- Dec. 11th. JACOB LOBDELL of Cortland's Manour to BETTEE WHITNEY
- of Ridgefield, Ridgebury Parish."
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