Archive:Privy Purse Expenses of the Princess Mary, Daughter of King Henry the Eighth

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Archives > Archive:Extracts > Privy Purse Expenses of the Princess Mary, Daughter of King Henry the Eighth

Privy Purse Expenses of the Princess Mary, daughter of King Henry the Eighth, Aftwards Queen ..., by Frederic Madden (1831)

Page xlv.

...These accounts afford a competent idea of the state kept up in the Princess's Court during this period, and the dignity conferred on her at a time when the mind begins to feel deeply the impressions made by exterior objects, but which, afterwards, must only have contributed to render more bitter the obscurity and retirement to which she was condemned.

It is, apparently, to the residence of the Lady Mary in the Marches, that we are to attribute the intimacy formed with the Lady Herbert of Troy, Sir Rice Mansell, and other Welsh families of distinction, and to the same cause may be ascribed the appearance of so many Cambrian names in the lists of her household.

Transcribed by Adrian Benjamin Burke, Esq.