Archive:NEHGR, Volume 90

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Archives > Archive:Extracts > Archive:The New England Historical and Genealogical Register > NEHGR, Volume 90

"NOTES: WHITNEY BIBLE RECORDS," NEHGR, vol. XC (1936), pp. 393-395.

[p. 393]

The following records have been copied from a Bible, printed in Philadelphia, Pa., in 1811, now in the possession of the New England Historic Genealogical Society.
Revd Peter Whitney born Seps 6th 1744
Miss Julia Lambert born April 9 1742
Married March 17th 1768
Thomas Lambert Whitney, Dec. 10, 1769. died June 24th, 1812, Age 43.
Peter Whitney Junr, Jany 19, 1770.
Julia Whitney, May 7, 1771. died Feb. 16, 1772
Julia Whitney, May 25, 1772 died Nov. 29 1800
Margeret Whitney, Feb. 12, 1774.
Elizebeth Whitney, Sept. 6, 1775.
William Whitney, Dec. 14, 1776.
Aaron Whitney, Aug. 11, 1779.
Sally Whitney, Nov. 3, 1781.
Abel Whitney, May 23, 1783.
John Whitney, Sept. 29, 1785.
Revd. Peter & Julia Whitney March 17th. 1768.
Thomas Lambert & Mary Whit'y Sept. 3d. 1795.
Peter Whitney Junr & Jane May --- 1800
Margeret Whitney, Octr. 1804
Sally Whitney, Jany 6th. 1806.
Abel & Susannah Whit-y Decemr. 21st. 1809.
John & Sophia Whitney Octr. 1809

[p. 394]

Elizebeth Whitney Mary 1814
William & Zilpher Whitney March 1816.
Revd. J. Edward Wright & Julia Ann Whitney Oct 4th 1876
Moses G. Howe & Abigail W. Whitney July 7th 1887.
Benjn. White & Thankful White June 17th 1778
Abigail White Octr. 1800
Mariah White Septr. 1802
Benjm. Jun. & Ann White June 1810
Warren & Abigail White December 9th 1817
William L. Whitney and Lucy Ann Jones married October 18 1836
William L. Whitney and Rebecah R. Brackett married July 28th 1840
James Brackett and Susan Elizabeth Whitney Married January 31st 1856
Augustus A Whitney and Susan B Manning Married Dec 27th 1870
Wm L Whitney Jun. and Alpa M. Nutt married Nov 12th 1872
A A Whitney & E A Sawyer Oct 26 1887
Revd. Peter Whitney Sept. 6 old stile new 17 1744
Julia Lambert April 9th old stile new 20th 1742
Thomas L. Whitney Decemr. 10th 1768
Mary Lincoln Jany 25th 1770
Jane Lincoln Jany. 1775
Julia Whitney May 7th 1771
Julia Whitney August 26th 1772
Margeret Whitney Feby. 12th 1774
Elizebeth Whitney Sept. 6 1775
William Whitney Decemr. 14th 1776
Aaron Whitney August 11th 1778
Sally Whitney Nov. 3d, 1781
John Whitney Sept. 29th 1785
Benjn. White June 13th. 1743
Thankful White March the 28 old style 1745
Abigail White March 20th 1779
Isaac White Sept. 1st 1780
Mariah White Sept. 15th 1782
Benjn. White Junr. April 13th 1784
Warren White Decemr. 20th 1790
Moses G Howe Aug 18th 1827 Husband of Abigail W. Whitney
Abel Whitney May 23d. 1783
Susannah White July 7th 1786
William L Whitney March 11th 1811
Augustus Anson Whitney December 4th. 1812
Benjamin White Whitney August 9th. 1815
Susan Elizebeth Whitney Feby. 20 1817
Abigail White Whitney April 10th. 1827
Lucy Ann Jones born June 9th 1812.
Rebeck R. Brackett March 26 1809
Lucy Ann Whitney August 14th 1841
William Lambert Whitney born Febuary 1 1844
Julia Ann Whitney born August 1st 1847
S B M W born Oct 1st 1817
Thom L. Whitney July 1812.
Julia Whitney Febuy. 16 1772
Julia Whitney Novr. 29 1800
Isaac White May 29th. 1781
Abigail Gore Decemr 2d. 1801
Benjn. White March 20th 1814
Mariah Bass June 10th. 1815
Revd. Peter Whitney February the 29th 1816.
Benjn. Bass August 25th 1819

[p. 395]

Madam Julia Whitney Jany. 10th 1821
Col William Whitney July 26th 1834
Ann White Feby. 28 1835
Thankfull White Novr. 17 1836
Lucy Ann J. Whitney Augt. 10 1838
Benjamin White July 7th 1839
Revd. Peter Whitney March 3d 1843.
Margarett Whitney Feby 3d 1849
John Whitney Jany 2d 1850
Abel Whitney Feby. 22d. 1853
Elizabeth Whitney Adams Sept. 26th 1856
Sally Whitney Brackett May 3d 1864
Warren White April 30th 1866
Susannah Whitney Dec 14th 1867
Benjamin White Whitney Dec 19th 1879.
Rebecca R Whitney Dec 8th 1881.
Susan B. M. Whitney, March 5th. 1885.
James Brackett, Aug 21st. 1887.
Augustus A. Whitney July 29th 1891.
Susan Elisabeth Whitney Brackett September 21st. 1894.
Moses Giles Howe August 13th. 1896.
Evelyn A Whitney Sept 18th 1898.
William Lambert Whitney, May 29th, 1900.

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