Archive:NEHGR, Volume 90
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"NOTES: WHITNEY BIBLE RECORDS," NEHGR, vol. XC (1936), pp. 393-395.
[p. 393]
- The following records have been copied from a Bible, printed in Philadelphia, Pa., in 1811, now in the possession of the New England Historic Genealogical Society.
- Revd Peter Whitney born Seps 6th 1744
- Miss Julia Lambert born April 9 1742
- Married March 17th 1768
- Thomas Lambert Whitney, Dec. 10, 1769. died June 24th, 1812, Age 43.
- Peter Whitney Junr, Jany 19, 1770.
- Julia Whitney, May 7, 1771. died Feb. 16, 1772
- Julia Whitney, May 25, 1772 died Nov. 29 1800
- Margeret Whitney, Feb. 12, 1774.
- Elizebeth Whitney, Sept. 6, 1775.
- William Whitney, Dec. 14, 1776.
- Aaron Whitney, Aug. 11, 1779.
- Sally Whitney, Nov. 3, 1781.
- Abel Whitney, May 23, 1783.
- John Whitney, Sept. 29, 1785.
- Revd. Peter & Julia Whitney March 17th. 1768.
- Thomas Lambert & Mary Whit'y Sept. 3d. 1795.
- Peter Whitney Junr & Jane May --- 1800
- Margeret Whitney, Octr. 1804
- Sally Whitney, Jany 6th. 1806.
- Abel & Susannah Whit-y Decemr. 21st. 1809.
- John & Sophia Whitney Octr. 1809
[p. 394]
- Elizebeth Whitney Mary 1814
- William & Zilpher Whitney March 1816.
- Revd. J. Edward Wright & Julia Ann Whitney Oct 4th 1876
- Moses G. Howe & Abigail W. Whitney July 7th 1887.
- Benjn. White & Thankful White June 17th 1778
- Abigail White Octr. 1800
- Mariah White Septr. 1802
- Benjm. Jun. & Ann White June 1810
- Warren & Abigail White December 9th 1817
- William L. Whitney and Lucy Ann Jones married October 18 1836
- William L. Whitney and Rebecah R. Brackett married July 28th 1840
- James Brackett and Susan Elizabeth Whitney Married January 31st 1856
- Augustus A Whitney and Susan B Manning Married Dec 27th 1870
- Wm L Whitney Jun. and Alpa M. Nutt married Nov 12th 1872
- A A Whitney & E A Sawyer Oct 26 1887
- Revd. Peter Whitney Sept. 6 old stile new 17 1744
- Julia Lambert April 9th old stile new 20th 1742
- Thomas L. Whitney Decemr. 10th 1768
- Mary Lincoln Jany 25th 1770
- Jane Lincoln Jany. 1775
- Julia Whitney May 7th 1771
- Julia Whitney August 26th 1772
- Margeret Whitney Feby. 12th 1774
- Elizebeth Whitney Sept. 6 1775
- William Whitney Decemr. 14th 1776
- Aaron Whitney August 11th 1778
- Sally Whitney Nov. 3d, 1781
- John Whitney Sept. 29th 1785
- Benjn. White June 13th. 1743
- Thankful White March the 28 old style 1745
- Abigail White March 20th 1779
- Isaac White Sept. 1st 1780
- Mariah White Sept. 15th 1782
- Benjn. White Junr. April 13th 1784
- Warren White Decemr. 20th 1790
- Moses G Howe Aug 18th 1827 Husband of Abigail W. Whitney
- Abel Whitney May 23d. 1783
- Susannah White July 7th 1786
- William L Whitney March 11th 1811
- Augustus Anson Whitney December 4th. 1812
- Benjamin White Whitney August 9th. 1815
- Susan Elizebeth Whitney Feby. 20 1817
- Abigail White Whitney April 10th. 1827
- Lucy Ann Jones born June 9th 1812.
- Rebeck R. Brackett March 26 1809
- Lucy Ann Whitney August 14th 1841
- William Lambert Whitney born Febuary 1 1844
- Julia Ann Whitney born August 1st 1847
- S B M W born Oct 1st 1817
- Thom L. Whitney July 1812.
- Julia Whitney Febuy. 16 1772
- Julia Whitney Novr. 29 1800
- Isaac White May 29th. 1781
- Abigail Gore Decemr 2d. 1801
- Benjn. White March 20th 1814
- Mariah Bass June 10th. 1815
- Revd. Peter Whitney February the 29th 1816.
- Benjn. Bass August 25th 1819
[p. 395]
- Madam Julia Whitney Jany. 10th 1821
- Col William Whitney July 26th 1834
- Ann White Feby. 28 1835
- Thankfull White Novr. 17 1836
- Lucy Ann J. Whitney Augt. 10 1838
- Benjamin White July 7th 1839
- Revd. Peter Whitney March 3d 1843.
- Margarett Whitney Feby 3d 1849
- John Whitney Jany 2d 1850
- Abel Whitney Feby. 22d. 1853
- Elizabeth Whitney Adams Sept. 26th 1856
- Sally Whitney Brackett May 3d 1864
- Warren White April 30th 1866
- Susannah Whitney Dec 14th 1867
- Benjamin White Whitney Dec 19th 1879.
- Rebecca R Whitney Dec 8th 1881.
- Susan B. M. Whitney, March 5th. 1885.
- James Brackett, Aug 21st. 1887.
- Augustus A. Whitney July 29th 1891.
- Susan Elisabeth Whitney Brackett September 21st. 1894.
- Moses Giles Howe August 13th. 1896.
- Evelyn A Whitney Sept 18th 1898.
- William Lambert Whitney, May 29th, 1900.
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