Archive:NEHGR, Volume 89

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Archives > Archive:Extracts > Archive:The New England Historical and Genealogical Register > NEHGR, Volume 89


[p. 97]

Whitney Genealogy. Ancestors and Descendants of Henry Austin Whitney, 1826-1889. Notes compiled by James Jackson Minot, M.E. n.p. 1934. 21 p. 8o

"MEMOIRS," NEHGR, vol. LXXXIX (1935), p. 182.

EDSON BALDWIN OLDS, of Washington, D. C., elected a resident (annual) member 4 May 1926, was born at Minneapolis, Minn., 8 February 1857, the son of Rev. Mark Lafayette and Katherine (Sargent)(Dustin) Olds, and died at his home in Silver Springs, Md., 9 September 1934.
He traced his descent from Robert1 Olds (Olde), a native of Sherborne, co. Dorset, England, a resident of Windsor, Conn., as early as 1677, a settler at Suffield, Mass., in 1673, where he married secondly, 1 April 1689, Dorothy Granger, and died 16 January 1727/8, through John2, 1691-1755, of Suffield, selectman, who married Elizabeth Denslow, Benjamin3, 1732/3-1813, a soldier in the Revolution, a settler at Marlboro, Vt., town clerk, member of the Vermont Legislature, who married Via Smith, Joseph4, 1769-1844, of Marlboro, town clerk, a settler in 1820 in Ohio, whose wife was Sally Whitney, Hon. Edson Baldwin5, 1802-1869, of Circleville, Ohio, physician, general produce merchant, State representative and senator, United States Representative from 4 March 1849 to 3 March 1855, who married Anna Maria Carolus, and Rev. Mark Lafayette6, his father, a resident of Minneapolis in 1854, lawyer, register of land offices, Protestant Episcopal minister at Belle Plains, Minn., 1860, Hastings, Minn., 1862, Trenton, N. J., 18864, and Washington, D. C., 1865-68, who was born at Circleville, Ohio, 1 January 1828, married at Minneapolis, 29 August 1855, Katherine (Sargent) Dustin (born 20 August 1828, died 30 September 1912, daughter of Hon. Nathan and Rosina (Hodgkinson)(Lewis) Sargent), and died 18 September 1868.
He received his education in the public schools of Washington, D. C., and at Young's School in that city.
In 1871 he entered the employ of the Citizens National Bank as a runner and advanced in position until he was assistant cashier, an office he resigned to become cashier of the American National Bank. In 1905 he was elected treasurer of the Union Trust Company, and later became vice president, a position which he held at the time of his death.
He was an active member and treasurer of the Washington Society of Fine Arts. He was interested in genealogy and music.
He married at Silver Springs, 3 October 1895, Mabel Bradford, who was born 18 September 1870 and died 17 July 1932, only child of Joseph E. and Harried Helen (Knight) Bradford. Three children, Mrs. Oscar F. Schmidt (Marian Bradford), of New York City, Mrs. Halleck D. Fry (Evelyn Bradford), of West Virginia, and Edson Baldwin Olds, A.B. (University of Maryland, 1928), of Washington, D. C., survive him.

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