Archive:NEHGR, Volume 80

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Archives > Archive:Extracts > Archive:The New England Historical and Genealogical Register > NEHGR, Volume 80

"Memoirs," NEHGR, vol. LXXX (1926), pp. 437-438.

[p. 437]

JAMES FRANCIS WHITNEY, of Somerville, Mass., elected a resident member in 1897 and made a life member in 1919, was born at Albany, N. Y., 23 October 1842, the son of James Fordyce and Mary Gates (Whitney) Whitney, and died in Boston, at the Massachusetts Homeopathic Hospital, 25 October 1923.
He was a descendant of John1 Whitney, who was born in England in 1589 and died at Watertown, Mass., 1 June 1673, through Thomas2, who was born in England in 1629 and died 20 September 1719, Isaiah3, who was born 16 September 1671 and died at Cambridge, Mass., 7 January 1712, Isaiah4, who was born at Cambridge 1 June 1700 and died in 1737, Isaiah5, a soldier in the Revolution, who was born at Harvard, Mass., 28 November 1735 and died 23 February 1813, Cyrus6, who was born at Stow, Mass., 17 August 1771, married Mary Whitney, daughter of Dea. Isaac and Lucy (Mead) Whitney, and died at Harvard 24 August 1847, and James Fordyce7

[p. 438]

Whitney, his father, who was born at Harvard 11 April 1806 and married his cousin, Mary Gates Whitney, daughter of Capt. Moses and Lucy (Gates) Whitney and seventh in descent from John1 Whitney.
Mr. Whitney received a high-school education at Albany, N. Y., and afterwards took a course in business training. He was by occupation an accountant. He made his home in Somerville and spent his summers in Stow.
He was a member of the Massachusetts Society, Sons of the American Revolution, of the Somerville Historical Society, in which he was deeply interested, and of King Solomon Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, and he was also an associate member of the Willard C. Kinsley Post, 139, Grand Army of the Republic. His religious affiliations were with the Winter Hill Congregational Church, on Broadway, Somerville, and he was a constant attendant at its services. His appreciation of the work of the New England Historic Genealogical Society was shown by his bequest to the Society of $1,000, without restrictions as to its use.
Mr. Whitney married, 24 October 1874, Emma F. Chamberlain, who died 4 January 1894, daughter of John and Mary (Nichols) Chamberlain. They had no children, and his nearest surviving relatives were a brother, Cyrus H. Whitney, and two sisters, Martha G. and Adeline Whitney.

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