Archive:NEHGR, Volume 7
Archives > Archive:Extracts > Archive:The New England Historical and Genealogical Register > NEHGR, Volume 7
"Early Records of Boston", [Copied by Mr. David Pulsifer of Boston], NEHGR, vol. VII, (1853), pp. 159-162, pp. 281-284.
[p. 159] Watertown
- John the son of John & Elinor Whitney borne 15 (5) 1635.
[p. 162] Watertown continued
- Caleb the son of John & Elinor Whitney buried 12 (5) 1640.
[p. 284] Watertowne
- Benjamin the son of John & Elinor Whitney borne 6 (4) 1643.
- John the son of John & Ruth Whitney borne 16 (7) 1643.
Morse, Rev. Abner, of Sherborn*, "Names of the Early Planters of Wrentham", NEHGR, vol. VII, (1853), pp. 183.
- Josiah Whitne, wf. Mary, 1701
- * The Rev. Abner Morse has succeeded in causing the Legislature of Massachusetts to restore its true orthography the name of the town of SHERBORN; it has been generally written and published Sherburne.
"Gentlemen Elected Resident Members of the Society Since the 1st of January, 1853", NEHGR, vol. VII, (1853), pp.200.
- Fredk. A. Whitney (Frederick Augustus Whitney in Index)
- "Payments for the Register for the present year, 1853, received since the issue of the January number:"
- Belchertown -- Thos. E. Whitney (Thomas Edwin Whitney in Index)
"Researches Among Funeral Sermons, and Other Tracts, for the Recovery of Biographical and Genealogical Materials", NEHGR, vol. VII, (1853), pp. 241-252.
[p. 250]
- CRANCH.--"A discourse delivered at Quincy, Oct. 19, 1811, at the Interment of the Hon. Richard Cranch, who died Oct. 16, 1811, and of Mrs. Mary Cranch, his wife, who died Oct. 17th, 1811. By Peter Whitney, A. M. , Pastor of the Congregational Society in that Town. Boston: 1811." 8vo. pp.19.
"Marriages and Deaths", NEHGR, vol. VII, (1853), pp. 291-295
[p. 295] Deaths
- Whitney, Deac., Abel, Cambridge, 22 Feb. Æ. 70. He was the son of the late Rev. Peter Whitney, of Northboro.
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