Archive:NEHGR, Volume 5
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"Mr. Walton's Journal", NEHGR, vol. V, (1851), pp. 42
- Sir -- I send herewith, a copy of a brief journal kept by Mr. Josiah Walton, during a campaign in the "Old French War." If you think proper, please insert it in the Register. Mr. W. was born at Reading. About 1770, he removed to New Ipswich. On the day of "Concord fight," he joined a company that went from that town, and was at the battle of Bunker's Hill, where he was severely wounded; but recovered, and was at the Battle of Bennington. He lived a long and useful life, and died June 21st, 1831, aged 95 years. F. K.
- "June ye 30, 1755.
- "I went with Major Nichols, bound for Crown Point. Monday, from Reading to Woburn. Tuesday, from there, through Bedford, Concord, Sudbury, Westboro', to Worcester. On Wednesday, from there, through Leicester and Brookfield, to Palmer. Thursday, through Springfield and Westfield, to Glasgow. Friday, through part of Number One, to Sheffield. Saturday, through Kinderhook, to the Half-way House. Sunday, to Albany. July 6, We went up the river, from the 6th of August till ye 14th, when we arrived at the carrying place. Sept. ye 4th, got to Lake George. Sept. ye 8th, there was a scout of seven hundred men which met an army of French and Indians, which beat us back to the camp, and there fought some hours. The fight began four miles from camp. I was dismissed at Lake George, Oct. 4th. I got to Albany the 7th. Went on board Capt. Clapp's sloop, which sailed that day for Boston, where we arrived Oct. ye 21, and got home the next day.
- "A Company that went in the Expedition to Crown Point, under the command of Major Nichols.
- [list including] Ebenezer Whitney
- "April ye 22, 1756, a general training, to enlist men for Crown Point."
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