Archive:NEHGR, Volume 38
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"Notes and Queries", NEHGR, vol. XXXVIII (1884), pp. 82-87.
[p. 83]
- Robinson.-- Is it possible to find from what county in England Thomas Robinson, who settled in Hartford in 1640, came?
- Moseley Homestead, Westfield, Mass. -- Maria M. Whitney
"Deaths", NEHGR, vol. XXXVIII (1884), pp. 250-251.
[p. 251]
- Whitney, William A.*, died in Detroit, Jan. 23, 1884, aged 63, and was buried in Oakwood cemetery, Adrian, Mich., on the 25th. She was born in Shelby, Orleans Co., N. Y., April 21, 1820. He was one of the earliest pioneers of Adrian, to which place he removed with his parents in 1828. He was city recorder of Adrian, 1859 to 1861; register of Lenawee Co., 1863 to 1867; postmaster of Adrian, 1869 to 1873. He then engaged in the printing business, and founded the Adrian Daily and Weekly Press, which newspaper is still published in the city. In 1867, he wrote the early history of Adrian from 1825 to 1835, and published it in the Adrian Times. In conjunction with Richard I. Bonner, he was author of the History and Biographical Record of Lenawee County, published in 1879.
- *William Augustus Whitney in Index
"Book Notices", NEHGR, vol. XXXVIII (1884), pp.353-362.
[p. 358]
- Memorial Sketches of Stephen Whitney Phoenix. By Jacob Bailey Moore and Henry Thayer Drowne, of New York. Boston: Press of David Clapp & Son, 35 Bedford Street. 1883. 8vo. pp. 6+7.
- These are two interesting sketches of the life of S. Whitney Phoenix, a graduate of Columbia College, a fine Greek and Latin scholar, and one well read in English literature. His knowledge had been elarged by travel in various parts of the world. His love for his kindred and his desire to preserve their memory, were shown by the exhaustive work on his mother's family, the Whitneys, noticed by us in July, 1879. He had also collected much about the Phoenixes and other families from which he was descended. Mr. Moore's excellent sketch of him for the New York Historical Society, in reprinted from the Register for July, 1883. That of Mr. Drowne, his intimate friend, was read before the Rhode Island Historical Society, July 3, 1883, and was printed in the Newport Historical Magazine the same month. The two biographies present clearly the incidents in the much too brief career of ne who showed the liberality of his nature by noble bequests to Columbia College, the New York Historical Society and the Museum of Natural History.
"Records of Winchester, N. H.", NEHGR, vol. XXXVIII (1884), pp. 405-407.
[p. 405]
Communicated by John L. Alexander, M.D., of Belmont, Mass.
Continued from page 289.
[p. 406]
- Children of Jonas & Mary Whitney
- Mary b Mar 12th 1764
- Orlando b Nov 30th 1766
- Katharine b Mar 21st 1768
- Zabina* b Decr 6th 1769
- Daniel Thayer b Feb 26th 1772
- Lydia b Oct 23d 1774
- James b Sept 23d 1776
- James b July 24th 1778
- *Sabina Whitney in Index
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