Archive:NEHGR, Volume 161

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Ullman, Helen Schatvet, "Editorial" NEHGR, Volume 161 (2007), p. 3.

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For example, Clarence Bowen's Genealogies of Woodstock Families is a massive and helpful work. However, when he wrote that Caleb Davis mentioned his mother, Mrs. Sarah Whitney, in his 1797 will, that statement conflicted with the death notice of Mrs. Sarah Whitney of Weston, Massachusetts, age 83, mother of ten children and 103 grandchildren, in the Columbian Centinel of 16 December 1795. Was Caleb's will really dated in 1797? No, it was dated 10 March 1795 and proved in 1797. Other details convinced me that the death notice was for the Sarah in question, who did indeed have ten children.

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Hoff, Henry B., "New England Articles in Genealogical Journals in 2005" NEHGR, Volume 161 (2007), pp. 223-238.

[p. 228]


[p. 233]

Kinsey, Helen. "Who Was Lois, Wife of Bartholomew Whitney of Clarendon, Vt., in 1971?" VG 10 (July 2005):150-52.

Copyright © 2009, Robert L. Ward and the Whitney Research Group