Archive:NEHGR, Volume 143

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Archives > Archive:Extracts > Archive:The New England Historical and Genealogical Register > NEHGR, Volume 143

Joslyn, Roger D., "The Benchley-Bensley Family," NEHGR, Volume CXLII (1989), pp. 3-15, 177-196, 281-297, 371-385; Volume CXLIII (1989), pp. 52-69, 152-165.

[p. 157]

Leaving school at the age of fourteen, James [Benchley] was apprenticed as a machinist. He and Hannah [(Wetherbee) Benchley, his wife,] first lived in Connecticut, moving to New Haven in April 1819 and to Hamden in December 1820, where James worked in Captain Whitney's gun factory.

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