Archive:NEHGR, Volume 13

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Whitmore, W. H., "A List of American Genealogies", NEHGR, vol. XIII (1859), pp. 6.

In Vol. 11, pp. 354-6, I gave a list of American Genealogies. The following table contains those since published or examined by me. W. H. W.
148 Family: *Whitney | Author: L. M. Harris | Publishers: H. W. Dutton & Son | Place: Boston | Date: 1858 | Pages: 7
* Reprinted from the N. E. Hist. and Gen. Register -- (Note: See transcription of Vol. 12)
29. Funeral Sermon on Mrs. Susanna Park Champney, with a Genealogical Notice of the Champney and Park Families, by Rev. F. A. Whitney. (Frederick Augustus Whitney in Index) Boston. Crosby, Nichols & Co. 1855 -- ( Note: See transcription Vol. 10, The Christian Mother)

"Petition for Protection of Township No. 4", NEHGR, vol. XIII (1859), pp. 7-8.

[p. 7]

[Communicated by James Lawrence Bass.]
[The document of which the following is a copy, is in my possession. The chirography is somewhat obscure; but wherever the least doubt exists, as to correct deciphering, I have affixed an interrogation mark. Believing this waif of the olden time of sufficient historical and genealogical interest to merit a place in the Register, it is respectfully submitted.]
To his Excelancy and the whol Court -- the petition of us, the subscribers, humbly showeth, that dwelling near the frontiers of this Province and being haretly Consarned for the Interest of it as being members of the same and pertickelorly that of the most Exterior Inland fronteers, we cannot but attempt a modest Representation of our sentements to your Excelancey and honnors, as followeth. -- We humbly conceve it would be for the Good of the Province in General as well as the fronteers in partickler that the Tounship called No. 4 on Connicticut River with the Asshaweletts &c should be protected & apprehend the Inhabitance to have ben a grate safegard to all that Lye near the senter of the province, as an argument of which we might aledg the Repeted skirmages those Inhabitance have had with the Indian Enemy who in all prowebilety would have infected the Interior Parts and Consequently would have ben Much more extencively mischeveas had they not been prevented by such a barrer, apprehending Lickewise that these places, if defended, may be of Singuler sarvis to such volinteers on there Return as may be sent against the Enemy and that it cannot commode the publick to give the Enemy such a wide extent of Land unsettled as Lys within these Places, and tho we must express our loall gratetude for the paternall care of the Government in allowing supplys of Soulders to the towns to which many of us belong yet we can't but think it would have ben as conducive to the Generol savefty, as well as the welth of the Province to have placed them nearer the Enemies Cuntrey, for which Reson we shall for the futer Readily submitt to there Removefall to these Exterior Places even tho' it should not sarve our own privett defence and advantage -- for these Resons not to mention the pitefall surcomstances of these poore inhabitance we hunbly Intreet your Excelancey and honnors to Protect there strong and Costley Garisons, if such a gracious answer to our prayer sutable obediance we will allways submitt and your petisioners will ever pray &c. December 31, 1746.

[p. 8]

LUNENBURG -- Zachariah Whitney ; Jonathan Whitney ; Ephraim Whitney ;
GROTON -- Shadrick Whitney (Shadrach Whitney in Index) ;
HARVARD -- David Whitney ;

Editor's Notes, NEHGR, vol. XIII (1859), pp. 96

Whitney, (see Vol. XII., p.217) -- There was a Daniel Whitney, son of Elijah and Hannah Whitney, who m. Sarah Gay, March 7, 1769. He moved to Warwick soon after, and both died there at an advanced age. His brother, John, b. Nov. 29, 1749, m. Mary Payson, April 22d, 1773. They also lived in Warwick; she died about 1816, and he lived until after 1830. S.B.

"Payments to the Register", NEHGR, vol. XIII (1859), pp. 95-96, 191, 378.

[p. 96] (for 1858) ... received from Aug. 27th to Dec. 14th

Providence, R. I., G. H. Whitney (probably George H. Whitney per Index listings)

[p. 191] (for 1859)

Brighton, F. A. Whitney (Frederick Augustus Whitney in Index)

[p. 378] (for 1859)

Boston, H. A. Whitney (Henry Austin Whitney in Index)

"Marriages and Deaths", NEHGR, vol. XIII (1859), pp. 181-187.

[p. 187] Deaths

Wright, Deacon Amos, Brighton, Nov. 25, ae. 75 yrs. 3 mos. 6 days. He was born at Concord, August 19, 1783, son of Amos, and grandson of Amos, all of Concord. Funeral services were conducted at the First Church, Brighton, Sunday afternoon, the 28th, in place of the regular public worship, by his Pastor, Rev. Frederick A. Whitney, and with Masonic ceremonies at Evergreen Cemetery, Brighton, by Deputy Grand Master Coolidge, of Newton. F.A.W.

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