Archive:NEHGR, Volume 12
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"Lexington, Concord and Weston Documents", NEHGR, vol. XII (1858), pp. 17-21.
[p. 17]
- S. G. Drake, Esq., Editor N.E. Hist. and Gen. Reg.
- Dear Sir,--Please find with this copies of four ancient papers in my possession. They are as follows:--
- Lexington's Answer to the Petition of John Flint, Esq., and others, for a Separate Township.
- Weston's Answer to same Petition.
- Concord's Anti-Petition.
- Concord's Rate List.
- I am not aware that they have ever been published. Should you consider them worthy a place in your magazine they are entirely at your service.
- Yours respectfully, Jas. Lawrence Bass
- Boston, May 14, 1857
[p. 20]
- These may Certyfie Whom it may Concern that we the Subscribers being Inhabitants and Proprietors of that part of Concord which is Included in a Petition of John Flint Esq and others Prefered to the Genairil Court at theire Sessions in May 1735 praying that the Easterly Part of Concord and the Northerly Part of Weston and the Westerly Part of Lexington May be Set off a Seperate Town Ship.
- Which if Granted will be Greatly to our Damage Sum of us who Dwell with In the bounds set forth in Said petition being nearer to Concord Meating Hous then we can Sopose we shall be to the Meating House in said Township if Granted and the wayes to Concord being very good we most earnestly desire that their petition may not be Granted or that we may not be Included therein.
[p. 21]
- [Petitioners]
- Jonathan Whitney for Ephraim Flint's Living and his own Stock £ 0 11 6
- [Non-Petitioners]
- Daniel Whitney £ 0 8 9
- A True Copy of what the Respective persons above (Inhabitants of Concord) was Rated to the Province Tax in the year 1734. Certified per Samuel Heywood Town Clerk. A Copy examined per Thad Mason Dept Secry.
"Rev. Samuel Parris", NEHGR, vol. XII (1858), pp 63-64.
[p. 63]
- "Stow Novembr 29 1697 -- At a meeting of ye Inhabitns & Proprietrs of this Town being warned bye ye Selectmen according to ye derection of ye Law in referance to ye Reverend Mr. Samll Parris his being helpful to this Towne in ye Work of ye ministry in preaching ye word of God to this people
- As alsoe to considr & conclude what is ferthr necessary to be done in referance to ye proceeding to a Tryall about ye ministerial house.
- furthermore to take sume ordr in what way ye Town may make theire adress unto ye generall Court for help as to ye suport of ye ministry in this small poore Towne
[p. 64]
- The Reverend Mr Samuel Parris according to ye Townes desire havg beene requested to Come to this Town to preach ye word of God to this people in ordr. to his proseeding in said worke & to give ye Ihabits opportunity of hearing him in ordr to being helpfull to ym in yt worke in this theire destitute condition.
- The inhabitns & proprietrs being met did vote & unanimously agree to desire & request ye Reverend Mr. Parris to be ferthr helpfull to ym in bareing on ye worke of preaching ye word of God to this people.
- And did also vote ordr & appoint Abraham Holman Tho: Whetney (Thomas Whitney in Index) Boaz Brown Samuel Hall & Thomas Steevens as a Committee to Treate with him in referance to some monthes or other [2] time yt if ther shal be a Concurrance & compliing there might be a further Treatye as the providence of God may dispose and ordr things. And furthermore for ye Inciridgmt of Mr Parris did vote and agree to give & pay him for his Labir and paines amonst vs thirty five punds pr annu but in case Mr Parris be not willing to except ye sd sallerye ye Inhabitns did agree to pay fourty pounds per Annu as formerly though less able."
- "Jan. 4. 1697 [8] Voted & ye Selectmen were ordrd to make a rate of Ten pounds for Mr. Parris or presant ministr for his Labor & pains amonst vs wch sd rate is for one quartr at ú40 per annu whch is to be seasonably m;ade & commited to ye Constable to collect."
- "Stow Octobr 31. 1698 -- Recd of Richd Whitney (Richard Whitney in Index) Constable at sundry times ye just sum of ten pounds mony due to me for one quartr of a yeare Sallerye.
Witness my hand -- Sam: Parris"
"Marriage and Deaths", NEHGR, vol. XII (1858), pp. 90-93.
[p. 92] Deaths
- Whitney, Mrs. Elizabeth, Westminster, 18 Nov., Æ. 91 yrs. and 9 mos.; widow of the late Jonas Whitney, Esq.
"The Patent of New Canaan, Litchfield County, Conn.", NEHGR, vol. XII (1858), pp. 124-126.
[p. 126]
- This Pattent is Recorded in the Proprietors Book of Records in Canaan, page 75 and 76.
- By David Whitney, November 29th, 1745. Proprietors Clerck.
"Active Members, from the formation of the Society in 1844, to March 1, 1858.", NEHGR, vol. XII, pp. 189-192.
- * signifies deceased.
- + signifies membership changed.
- ± signifies ceased to be a member.
When no State is named, Massachusetts is understood.
[p. 190]
[p. 191]
Henry Austin Whitney, do.
"Payments &c.", NEHGR, vol. XII (1858), pp. 192, 370.
[p. 192]
- Brighton, F. A. Whitney (Frederick Augustus Whitney in Index)
[p. 370]
- Boston, H. A. Whitney (Henry Austin Whitney in Index)
Harris, Dr. L. M., "A Branch of the Whitney Family," NEHGR, vol. XII (1858), pp. 215-219.
[p. 215]
- On looking over the genealogy of the Whitney Family, as given in two late numbers of the Register, I find that the family name of the wife of John3, son of John2 and Ruth (Reynolds) Whitney, was not known, either to Dr. Bond, or H. A. W. [Henry Austin Whitney --RLW]
- Robert Harris, my immigrant ancestor, was married, Jan. 24, 1642-3, to Elizabeth Boughey, at Roxbury. Their eldest child, Elizabeth2, was born Nov. 9, 1644. Their next child, John2, was baptized Aug. 8, 1647. Elizabeth2, dau. of Robert H. m., (probably) in 1669, John3 Whitney; and John2, son of Robert H. m., Sept. 20, 1670, Mary, b. 26. 7. 1650, dau. of Richard Sanger of Watertown. Now, by reading the will of Robert Reynolds, Vol. IX., p. 137, Gen. Reg., you will find that Ruth, the mother of John3 W., and Mary, mother of John3 H.'s wife were both daus. of the said Reynolds.
- To make this more intelligible, I give the names of the Patriarch Robert's children in full, and in some order.
- Robert Harris m., Jan. 24, 1642-3, Elizabeth Boughey.
- Elizabeth, born Nov. 9, 1644, m. 1669, John3 Whitney of Watertown.
- John, baptized Aug. 8, 1647, m. Sept. 20, 1670, Mary, b. 26. 7. 1650, dau. of Richard Sanger of Watertown.
- Timothy, born July 9, 1650, m. April 2, 1697, Abigail, b. March 30, 1681, dau. of Thomas and Susannah Morey of Roxbury.
- Daniel, born May 14, 1652, m. June 14, 1682, Joanna Brown. Parentage not ascertained.
- Priscilla, born Oct. 7, 1653, died Jan. 2, 1718, unm. Have a copy of her will, made Dec. 31, 1717.
- I find no record of the Patriarch, Robert's, death; but his signature to a deed, May 19, 1698, is yet in existence; and a legacy, to be paid two years after his decease, to his dau. Elizabeth Whitney, is receipted for by herself and her husband, Jan. 14, 1702-3, which makes it probably that he died in Jan. 1700-1.
- John Whitney, the grandson of John and Elinor Whitney, the first settlers, was made freeman in May, 1684, and d. March 4, 1726, aged 83. "Elizabeth Whitney owned covenant at Roxbury chh. 30. 2. 1671." The name of John W. appears in the list of members of the 2d chh. in Roxbury, when gathered by "ye Rev. Nehemiah Walter, Nov. 2d, 1712," and, doubtless, he had previously been a member of the first chh. in Roxbury. His houselot, containing nine acres, was situated in that part of Roxbury called Jamaica Plain; and lying on the right as you pass up Pond St. to the south part of Brookline, which town was called Muddy River until the year 1705.
- Whitney's lot extended back from the street, westerly, to the line separating Roxbury from Brookline. The late Major Benjamin Weld of Roxbury, who died in 1852, being then in his 86th year, told me, a short time before his decease, that he well remembered the Whitney house to have been standing in his boyhood. The old tabernacle has, probably, been among the things that were, from 75 to 80 years. Within the last 14 years, two hollows, marking the places of the cellar and well have
[p. 216]
- been visible; but the plough has since passed over, and obliterated all marks of them. The dwelling-house of Robert Harris stood about six rods over the line into Brookline; and the two houses--Harris's and Whitney's--were about 1/4 of a mile apart, following the road that leads into Brookline. In the rear of the spot where the old Whitney mansion stood, the ground descends on a gradual slope for several rods to a narrow strip of meadow, through which runs a pleasant little brook. Beyond the meadow, the ground rises abruptly to an elevation many feet higher than the front of the lot; and still rises, gradually, forming a slope of considerable dimensions, and extending westerly to its boundary on Brookline. All that part of the lot lying west of the brook is covered with a fine grove of forest trees. On the removal of the Whitneys, the property came, by purchase, into the possession of the Child Family, whose premises it joined, and was by them retained until about four years since, when Mr. Stephen Child of Boston, lately deceased, sold the lot to Mr. Abel Adams. On the elevated plain in the rearward portion of his lot, Mr. Adams has erected a magnificent stone edifice, in the Elizabethan style of architecture, which fairly out-gables Hawthorne's Pynchon house.
- The numbers given in parentheses refer to the same persons mentioned in the Whitney Genealogy, as given in Vol. XI. of the Register, beginning on page 113, and continued on page 225.
- JOHN WHITNEY3 (13) the grandson of JOHN and ELINOR, m. ELIZABETH HARRIS, probably in 1649 [sic: should be 1669 --RLW]. He was admitted freeman, May, 1684, d. March 4, 1726, aged 83.
- 1. (77) Elizabeth, b. Sept. 9, 1670. 2. (78) John, b. April 1, 1672; probably d. young. 3. (79) Ruth, b. Aug. 31, 1674, m. April 22, 1701, Joseph Adams, son of Mary and Roger Adams. They lived in Brookline, where she d. Nov. 19, 1762, aged 88 years. 4. (80) Timothy, b. April 16, 1678. See below. 5. (81) Daniel, b. Dec. 3, 1681. See below. 6. (82) Sarah, b. Aug. 2, 1684. A Sarah Whitney d. July 4, 1689.
- TIMOTHY WHITNEY4, (80) m. MARGARET BACON, June 12, 1706. He
purchased land of the Prentice family, in Newton, in 1728, where he afterwards resided. See Bond, p. 964. His children, as here given, were born in Roxbury.
- (211) I. Sarah, b. Feb. 28, 1707.
- (212) II. Caleb, b. April 7, 1711, m. Hannah Cheney. See below.
- (218) III. Moses, b. June 20, 1714, m. Rebecca Hyde. See below.
- (232) IV. Joseph, b. Feb. 1, 1716, m. Mary Hastings.
- Children--1. Abigail, b. Dec. 18, 1749. 2. Martha, b. May 31, 1752. 3. Ann, b. Feb. 10, 1755. 4. Samuel, b. Aug. 7, 1758. 5. Lois, b. Sept. 5, 1761.
- (240) V. Timothy, b. April 30, 1720, or 1721.
- DANIEL WHITNEY4, (81) m. in Roxbury, June 21, 1704, SUSANNA CURTIS.
- (242) I. John, b. May 23, 1705.
- (243) II. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 4, 1706-7.
- (244) III. Susanna, b. Feb. 21, 1708-9.
[p. 217]
- (245) IV. Daniel, b. March 25, 1711, m. in Roxbury, Sarah Gray, March 7, 1769.
- (246) V. Ann, b. April 4, 1713.
- (247) VI. Elijah, b. Jan. 15, 1715, wife Hannah. See below.
- (248) VII. Ruth, b. Dec. 5, 1719.
- (249) VIII. Elisha, b. Oct. 15? 1722, m. Abigail Dana. See below.
- IX. Esther, bapt. July 11, 1726, (2d Ch. Rec. Rxobury,) m. John White, March 8, 1745, (2d Ch. Rec.)
- CALEB WHITNEY5, (son of Timothy and Margaret,) m. HANNAH CHENEY, in 1756, dau. of Joseph and Sarah (Wiswall) Cheney of Newton.
- Hannah, b. March 3, 1737, m. Nathl. Parker, 1772.
- Caleb, b. June 17, 1740, m. Elizabeth Hyde. See below.
- Sarah, b. Oct. 23, 1743, m. James Richards, Jr., 1769. She d. 1771.
- Thaddeus, b. July 10, 1747, m. Temperance Hyde. See below.
- MOSES WHITNEY5, (218) (son of Timothy and Margaret,) m. REBECCA HYDE, in 1739, dau. of Ensign Timothy and Rebecca (Davis) Hyde of Newton.
- Margaret, b. May 8, 1741.
- Moses, b. April 9, 1743, d. in the Revolutionary Army.
- Mary, b. Feb. 1, 1745, m. Edward Richard of Cambridge.
- Timothy, b. Feb. 12, 1747, m. Mary Hyde. See below.
- Stephen, b. Feb. 12, 1747, d. in the Army.
- Elizabeth, b. May 30, 1749, m. Asa Payson, 1777. Had Asa and 2 daughters.
- Ephraim, b. June 16, 1751, m. Ann Fuller, 1774, and d. in the Army.
- Rebecca, b. March 17, 1754, m. Wm. Buzzard, 1780. Chil. Betsey, Clara.
- Gershom, b. July 25, 1758, d. 1759.
- Persis, b. Feb. 19, 1760, m. James Richards, 1797.
- John, b. April 8, 1762, m. Polly Pope, 1785. Children--Moses, Asa, and 2 daughs. He d. suddenly, Aug. 28, 1816, aged 54.
- (247) ELIJAH WHITNEY,5 (son of Daniel and Susanna,) m. HANNAH -----.
- Elijah, b. Sept. 23, 1744.
- Elisha, b. Oct. 6, 1747, m. Abigail Dana. (See below.)
- John, b. Nov. 29, 1749.
- Hannah, b. June 13, 1756.
- CALEB WHITNEY6, (son of Caleb and Hannah,) [m.] ELIZABETH HYDE, 1765.
- Oliver, b. March 9, 1766, d. unm.
- Amariah, b. Nov. 18, 1767.
- Ruth, b. May 31, 1773.
- Sarah, b. June 4, 1774.
- Abigail, b. Sept. 10, 1775.
[p. 218]
- THADDEUS WHITNEY6, (son of Caleb and Hannah,) m. 1772, TEMPERANCE HYDE, dau. of Lieut. Noah and Ruth (Seger.) He d. 1832, aged 85. She d. 1842, aged 89.
- Temperance, b. Sept. 2, 1774, m. Jona. Cook, Jr. 1795.
- Ruth, b. 1776, m. ------ Worcester.
- Hannah, b. April 9, 1779, m. David Wardwell. No chil.
- Thaddeus, b. Sept. 1, 1788, d. 1823, unm.
- TIMOTHY WHITNEY6, (son of Moses and Rebecca) m. MARY HYDE, 1773. He d. 1821. She d. 1828.
- Stephen, b. prob. 1774, m. May 5, 1803, Ruth Whittemore. Has children.
- Timothy, b. prob. 1776, m. Peggy, dau. of Lott Thayer, 1821.
- Polly, b. prob. 1778.
- Peggy, b. prob. 1780, m. Elijah Whitney.
- Anna, b. prob. 1782.
- Elisha, b. prob. 1784, d. young.
- ELISHA WHITNEY6, (son of Elijah and Hannah,) m. ABIGAIL DANA of Brookline. His portrait, painted by Stuart, is in the possession of his grandson, Benj. Duick Whitney.
- Experience, b. March 1, 1776.
- Abigail, b. April 10, 1778.
- Elisha, b. Feb. 4, 1780, m. Sarah Heath. (See below.)
- Asa, b. May 18, 1782, m. Mary Hammond. (See below.)
- Pede, b. July 20, 1784, m. Col. Joseph Dudley of Roxbury. See Vol. X., p. 342, Gen. Reg.
- William, b. June 17, 1788.
- Elizabeth, b. March 3, 1793.
- ELISHA WHITNEY7, (son of Elisha and Abigail,) m. Feb. 26, 1804, SARAH HEATH. He d. Feb. 12, 1823.
- Abigail, m. a son of Amasa Gay. John, m. a daughter of John Skinner, and had 2 sons. Sarah, unm. William, unm. Caroline, bapt. Jan. 6, 1814. Nathl. Davis, bapt. Dec. 15, 1816. Order of births not known.
- ASA WHITNEY7, (son of Elisha and Abigail,) m. MARY HAMMOND, dau. of Phineas and Mary (Gay) Hammond. He d. March 4, 1826.
- Benj. Duick, b. Nov. 6, 1807; grad. H. C. 1828; m. Elizabeth Williams, and have had 8 children, of whom Stephen Williams, b. 1841, is now of the class of 1861, H. C.
- Daniel Hammond, b. Oct. 7, 1809, d. Oct. 6, 1817.
- Sarah Hammond, b. May 23, 1812, d. June 23, 1817.
- Mary, b. May 5, 1815, d. April 12, 1845. She m. Professor Cornelius C. Felton of Harvard University.
- Emily, b. Sept. 27, 1817, m. Joseph Sargent, M. D. of Worcester.
- Asa Hammond, b. June 17, 1819, m. Laura Henshaw of Leicester. Graduated H. C. 1838. Five children.
- Sarah, b. July 13, 1822; m. Frederic W. Gale of Worcester. They were both lost in the steamer Arctic, Sept. 27, 1854.
[p. 219]
- Catherine Dean, b. Dec. 17, 1824, m. Henry Sargent, M. D. She d. Sept. 9, 1849. He d. 1858.
- NOTES.--The ages of John and Elinor Whitney, and of their children, as recorded, at the time of their embarkation for New England, in April, 1635, (see Vol. X., Third Series, Mass. Hist. Coll., p. 24,) and, as stated in the beginning of the Whitney Genealogy, were doubtless incorrect. It is probable that they were several years older than this record would make them appear.
- Samuel Whitney of Brunswick and son Samuel taken prisoners, to Canada, July 24, 1751, and sold for 126 livres. He had a wife and 6 children. He since made his escape.
- Solomon Whitney made his escape from the Indians, and died at Hospital, Nov. 18, 1750. Timothy Whitney was bought for L315. Per "Revolution" Book, Vol. 74, (VIII.) pages 46 and 59, at State House, Massachusetts.
"Incorporation of the Town of Lexington", NEHGR, vol. XII (1858), pp. 269-270.
[p. 270]
- In Accordance with the above, on March 30th, 1713, a meeting was held ...
- It was voted to build a pound, and also a pair of stocks, and to provide the town with weights and measures. Four hundred and sixteen pounds were voted to defray the cost of the new meetinghouse. The cost of the pound and stocks which were made by Mr. Wellington was four pounds. The expenses of the committee to the General Court were six pounds six shillings and eight pence. Widow Whittney (Widow Whitney in Index) was excused from paying the minister's rate for 1711; and Mary Addams was provided with clothing at the town's cost. Thomas Meads, Nathaniell Dunklin, Joseph Phasit, Phillip Burdoe, Thomas Kendall and Widdow Lidia Teed, were granted the use of the highways enclosed by them, in consideration of their paying a certain sum to the town as an acknowledgement.
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