Archive:Lincolnville, Maine, Vital Records

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Archives > Archive:Vital Records > Archive:Maine, Vital Records > Lincolnville, Maine, Vital Records

Maresh, Isabel Morse, Elizabeth M. Mosher, and Jacqueline Young Watts, comp., Vital records of Lincolnville Maine, prior to 1892 (Rockport, ME: Picton Press, 1993).



Lucy, d. Samuel Austin and Ruth, b. 1 Apr. 1804. [p. 37]
John P., s. Samuel and Ruth, b. 30 Dec. 1805. [p. 37]
Mary Jane, d. Samuel and Ruth, b. 2 July, 1811. [p. 37]
Phoebe Perkins, d. Samuel and Ruth, b. 5 July, 1816. [p. 37]
Samuel, s. Samuel A. and Ruth, b. 30 July, 1802. [p. 37]
Samuel Austin, s. Samuel and Abigail, born in Concord [does not indicate ME, MA or NH], 27 Sep. 1771. [p. 37]

Marriage Intentions


Abiale of Lincolnville and Dudley Tyler of Camden, 18 Feb. 1812. [p. 489.]
John P., Capt., of Lincolnville & Miss Temperance P. Johnson of Castine, 5 Oct. 1829. [p. 273.]
Joan and Abner Heal 2d both of Lincolnville, 20 July, 1833. [p. 302.]
Phebe of Lincolnville and Dr. Edward W. Hooke of Pinkneyville Mississippi, 29 Apr. 1843. [p. 377.]
Rhoda and Charles M. Young, both of Lincolnville, 31 Oct. 1840. [p. 361.]



Edgar F. and Alice Viola Drinkwater, 15 Dec. 1881. [p. 151.]
Lois and Samuel Wadsworth, both of Lincolnville, 6 June, 1840. [p. 400.]
Lucy (d. Samuel A. and Ruth) m. William Ludwig (b. 3 Apr. 1797, s. Jacob and Susan) of Waldoborough, 17 Nov. 1829. [p. 101.]
Mary m. Sedate Young 26 Aug. 1817. [p. 67.]
Mary J. and William A. Schenck, both of Lincolnville, 10 Dec. 1843. [p. 384.]
Samuel Austin Whitney m. Ruth (b. 6 Nov. 1777, Castine, ME) d. John and Phoebe Perkins, [no marriage date given].



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