Archive:Hopkinton, Massachusetts, Vital Records
Archives > Archive:Vital Records > Archive:Massachusetts, Vital Records > Hopkinton, Massachusetts, Vital Records
Vital Records of Hopkinton, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850 (Boston, MA: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1911).
C.R.1 - Christ Church
G.R.4 - Woodville Cemetery
P.R.3 - from private record of Col. John Jones, Sr. & Col. John Jones, Jr.
R.R. - rebellion record
Pages 200-201
- Sarah, d. Mark and Tabatha, June 12, 1739.[Whitney, C.R.1]
- Asaph, ch. Jonathan, bp. Nov.3, 1776. C.R.1.
- Easter, Mark and Tabitha, Oct. 3, 1742. [Esther [Esther written in pencil], C.R.1].
- Elizabeth, d. Isaac and Elisabeth, Jan. 28, 1731-2. [Whittney, C.R.1].
- Elizabeth, d. Gideon and Hannah, Dec. 30, 1751.
- Esther(see Easter)
- George D. [h. Sarah J. Garfield], ____, 1828. G.R.4.
- Gidion, s. Isaac and Elizabeth, Nov. 29, 1729. [Gideon Whittney, C.R.1].
- Isaac [dup.Whitnay], s. Issac and Elizab[eth] [dup. Elizabath], July 25, 1725. [Whitteney, C.R.1].
- Jason, s. Mark and Tabitha, Aug. 31, 1729. [Whittney, C.R.1].
- John Marshall, s. Marshall and Caroline W., July 3, 1842.
- Jonathan, ch. Jonathan, bp. Nov. 3, 1776. C.R.1.
- Joseph J., s. Joseph H. and Sarah, July 25, 1836 in Grafton. R.R.
- Judeth [dup. Whitnay], d. Isaac and Elizabeth [dup. Elizabath] July 25, 1727. [Judith, C.R.1].
- [torn]ove, d. Mark and Tabitha, Nov. 21, 1727. Love Whittney, C.R.1].
- Mark, s. Mark and Tabitha, Apr.11, 1732-3.
- Mark, ch. Mark, bp. Aug. 17, 1746. C.R.1
- Mary, d. Mark and Tabitha, Oct. 4, 1731. [Whittney, C.R.1]
- Sarah J. Garfield [_____], w. George D., ______, 1831. G.R.4.
- Tabatha, d. Mark and Tabatha, Mar. 11, 1737-8.
- Thomas, s. Mark and Tabitha, Feb. 24, 1736. [Whittney, C.R.1].
Pages 388-389
- Gideon [int. Gedion Whitney] and Hannah Norcross [int. Norcros] of Weston [int. Westown], Mar. 14, 1750-1, in Sudbury.
- Alexander, of Westborough, and Lois Carryl, int. 13 Jul 1776 [m. 1 Aug C.R.2].
- Elisabeth and Ebenezer How, int. Mar. 11, 1748-9 [Eliza[beth], m. Sept. 7, 1749, C.R.1].
- Esther of Natick, and James Wadkins [int. Watkins], Aug. 30, 1764 in Natick.
- Gideon (see Gideon Whiting).
- Hannah and Joseph Hayden, _______ 24 [int May 26, 1754], [17]55. [Heyden, Apr. 24, 1755, C.R.1].
- Isaac of Holliston, and Mary Tombs, int. Mar. 4, 1771.
- Levi and Cynthia Hayward of Charlton, int. Apr. 12, 1812.
- Loas(___[torn]) [int. Lois Whitney of Wesboro] and Abiahail Chamberlin [int. Abihail Chamberlin], Dec. 4, 1763. [Lois Whitnney of Westborough, and Abihail Chamberlain, C.R.1]
- Lucy of Milford, and Joseph Chamberlain, int. Mar. 11, [1786].
- Lydia of Mendon, and Sam[uel] Bouker, Dec. 12, 1754, in Mendon.
- Mark and Tabitha Mellon of Framingham, Jan. 4, 1726-7, in Framingham*
- Marshall and Caroline W. Baker of Worcester, int. Sept. 21, 1839.
- Mary and Joseph Cody [int. Coady Jr.] Nov. 3, 1748 [Cody C.R.1].
- Rhoda [int.Whetney of Mendon] and William Haydon [int. Haydon] Dec. 9, 1779, in Mendon.
- Rhoda [int. adds Mrs.] of Holliston, and Capt. John Hayden [int. Haydon], Jan. 24, 1790 in Holliston.
- Sarah of Natick and Nathan Watkins, int. Apr. 17, 1761.
- Sarah and William Perce, Apr. 18, 1729* [Whitteny, and William Pierce, C.R.1]
- Lydia of Holliston, and Isaac Hill of Holliston, May 2, 1745. * P.R.3.
- Mary of Holliston, and John Jones of Mendon, May ___, 1735.* P.R.3.
* Intention not recorded
Pages 459-460
- Tabatha, d. Mark and Tabatha, July 11, 1735.
From "Massachusetts Vital Records, 1841-1910," from original records held by the Massachusetts Archives. Online database: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2004.
Whitney, Clarance, birth, 1872, vol. 242, p. 190:
- [number] 110; [birthdate] Sept.18; [date of record] --; [name] Clarance Whitney; [sex] Male; [birthplace] Hopkinton; [parents] Geo. H., Addi E.; [residence of father] Hopkinton; [occupation of father] Farmer; [birthplace of father] Methuen; [birthplace of mother] Hopkinton.
- NOTE: Apparently this was Clarence10 Whiting, not Whitney [George H.9, Lewis8, Lewis7, Hervey6, Lewis5, David4, David3, Samuel2, Nathaniel1].
Whitney, Joseph J., birth, 1863, vol. 160, p. 93:
- [number] 30; [birthdate] May 21, 1863; [date of record] --; [name] Joseph J. Whitney; [sex] Male; [birthplace] Hopkinton; [parents] Joseph J. & Matilda (Arnold); [residence of father] Hopkinton; [occupation of father] bootmaker; [birthplace of father] Grafton; [birthplace of mother] Ireland.
Whitney, Angnett L., marriage, 1859, vol. 127, p. 81:
- [number] 179; [marriage date and place] Aug. 8, 1859; [date of record] --; [groom] Melvin A. Gould; [residence] Upton; [age] 21; [occupation] Student; [birthplace] Mount Vernon, Me.; [parents] Dr. James N. B. Gould; [number of marriage] First; [bride] Angnett L. Whitney; [residence] Upton; [age] 19; [occupation] --; [birthplace] Upton; [parents] Daniel Whitney; [number of marriage] First; [officiant] John C. Webster, Clergyman.
Whitney, Clara E., marriage, 1871, vol. 236, p. 187:
- [number] 15; [marriage date and place] Nov. 29, '71; [date of record] --; [groom] Homer Ward; [residence] Hopkinton; [age] 24; [occupation] Mechanic; [birthplace] Hopkinton; [parents] Thomas J., Mary E.; [number of marriage] First; [bride] Clara E. Whitney; [residence] Hopkinton; [age] 19; [occupation] --; [birthplace] Hopkinton; [parents] Lewis C., Susan; [number of marriage] First; [officiant] W. A. Worthington, Paston, Woodville.
- NOTE: Apparently this was Clara Elizabeth9 Whiting, not Whitney [Lewis8, Lewis7, Hervey6, Lewis5, David4, David3, Samuel2, Nathaniel1].
Whitney, Clarence E., marriage, 1871, vol. 236, p. 187:
- [number] 6; [marriage date and place] May 8, '71; [date of record] --; [groom] Clarence E. Whitney; [residence] Hopkinton; [age] 19; [occupation] Bootmaker; [birthplace] Hopkinton; [parents] Lewis, Susan; [number of marriage] First; [bride] Madora Bruce; [residence] Hopkinton; [age] 17; [occupation] --; [birthplace] Upton; [parents] Henry E., Lucy; [number of marriage] First; [officiant] Horace Dalton, Clergyman, Northboro'.
- NOTE: Apparently this was Clarence E.9 Whiting, not Whitney [Lewis8, Lewis7, Hervey6, Lewis5, David4, David3, Samuel2, Nathaniel1].
Whitney, George D., marriage, 1862, vol. 154, p. 136:
- [number] 235; [marriage date and place] June 10, 1862; [date of record] --; [groom] George D. Whitney; [residence] Westboro; [age] 33; [occupation] Farmer; [birthplace] Westboro; [parents] David and Samaria Whitney; [number of marriage] First; [bride] Sarah J. Gaffield; [residence] Upton; [age] 29; [occupation] --; [birthplace] Upton; [parents] Jasper & Nancy Gaffield; [number of marriage] First; [officiant] J. C. Webster, Clergyman.
Whitney, Lambert, marriage, 1852, vol. 61, p. 82:
- [number] 6; [marriage date and place] May 17; [date of record] --; [groom] Lambert Whitney; [residence] Westboro; [age] 39; [occupation] Boot maker; [birthplace] Boyelston; [parents] Levi Whitney; [number of marriage] 2d; [bride] Mary H. Phipps; [residence] Hopkinton; [age] 25; [occupation] --; [birthplace] Hopkinton; [parents] Nathan Phipps; [number of marriage] 1st; [officiant] Rev. J. C. Webster.
Whitney, Freddie A., death, 1871, vol. 239, p. 151:
- [number] 3; [death date and place] Nov. 2; [date of record] --; [name] Freddie A. Whitney; [sex] Male; [marital status] --; [age] 5 - 12; [cause] Unknown; [residence] Hopkinton; [occupation] --; [birthplace] Hopkinton; [parents] George, Sarah; [parents' birthplaces] --.
Whitney, Matilda J. [Arnold], death, 1901, vol. 517, p. 502:
- [number] 25; [death date and place] Sept. 3; [date of record] Sept. 4, 1901; [name] Matilda J. Whitney, m.n. Matilda J. Arnold; [sex] Female; [marital status] Married to Joseph J. Whitney; [age] 68 3 10; [cause] Carcinoma of ovary; [residence] Hopkinton; [occupation] Housekeeper; [birthplace] Ireland; [parents] James Arnold; [parents' birthplaces] Ireland, Ireland.
Copyright © 1999, 2006, 2008, 2015, Robert L. Ward and the Whitney Research Group.