Archive:Hopkinton, Massachusetts, Vital Records

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Archives > Archive:Vital Records > Archive:Massachusetts, Vital Records > Hopkinton, Massachusetts, Vital Records

Vital Records of Hopkinton, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850 (Boston, MA: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1911).


C.R.1 - Christ Church
G.R.4 - Woodville Cemetery
P.R.3 - from private record of Col. John Jones, Sr. & Col. John Jones, Jr.
R.R. - rebellion record


Pages 200-201


Sarah, d. Mark and Tabatha, June 12, 1739.[Whitney, C.R.1]


Asaph, ch. Jonathan, bp. Nov.3, 1776. C.R.1.
Easter, Mark and Tabitha, Oct. 3, 1742. [Esther [Esther written in pencil], C.R.1].
Elizabeth, d. Isaac and Elisabeth, Jan. 28, 1731-2. [Whittney, C.R.1].
Elizabeth, d. Gideon and Hannah, Dec. 30, 1751.
Esther(see Easter)
George D. [h. Sarah J. Garfield], ____, 1828. G.R.4.
Gidion, s. Isaac and Elizabeth, Nov. 29, 1729. [Gideon Whittney, C.R.1].
Isaac [dup.Whitnay], s. Issac and Elizab[eth] [dup. Elizabath], July 25, 1725. [Whitteney, C.R.1].
Jason, s. Mark and Tabitha, Aug. 31, 1729. [Whittney, C.R.1].
John Marshall, s. Marshall and Caroline W., July 3, 1842.
Jonathan, ch. Jonathan, bp. Nov. 3, 1776. C.R.1.
Joseph J., s. Joseph H. and Sarah, July 25, 1836 in Grafton. R.R.
Judeth [dup. Whitnay], d. Isaac and Elizabeth [dup. Elizabath] July 25, 1727. [Judith, C.R.1].
[torn]ove, d. Mark and Tabitha, Nov. 21, 1727. Love Whittney, C.R.1].
Mark, s. Mark and Tabitha, Apr.11, 1732-3.
Mark, ch. Mark, bp. Aug. 17, 1746. C.R.1
Mary, d. Mark and Tabitha, Oct. 4, 1731. [Whittney, C.R.1]
Sarah J. Garfield [_____], w. George D., ______, 1831. G.R.4.
Tabatha, d. Mark and Tabatha, Mar. 11, 1737-8.
Thomas, s. Mark and Tabitha, Feb. 24, 1736. [Whittney, C.R.1].


Pages 388-389


Gideon [int. Gedion Whitney] and Hannah Norcross [int. Norcros] of Weston [int. Westown], Mar. 14, 1750-1, in Sudbury.


Alexander, of Westborough, and Lois Carryl, int. 13 Jul 1776 [m. 1 Aug C.R.2].
Elisabeth and Ebenezer How, int. Mar. 11, 1748-9 [Eliza[beth], m. Sept. 7, 1749, C.R.1].
Esther of Natick, and James Wadkins [int. Watkins], Aug. 30, 1764 in Natick.
Gideon (see Gideon Whiting).
Hannah and Joseph Hayden, _______ 24 [int May 26, 1754], [17]55. [Heyden, Apr. 24, 1755, C.R.1].
Isaac of Holliston, and Mary Tombs, int. Mar. 4, 1771.
Levi and Cynthia Hayward of Charlton, int. Apr. 12, 1812.
Loas(___[torn]) [int. Lois Whitney of Wesboro] and Abiahail Chamberlin [int. Abihail Chamberlin], Dec. 4, 1763. [Lois Whitnney of Westborough, and Abihail Chamberlain, C.R.1]
Lucy of Milford, and Joseph Chamberlain, int. Mar. 11, [1786].
Lydia of Mendon, and Sam[uel] Bouker, Dec. 12, 1754, in Mendon.
Mark and Tabitha Mellon of Framingham, Jan. 4, 1726-7, in Framingham*
Marshall and Caroline W. Baker of Worcester, int. Sept. 21, 1839.
Mary and Joseph Cody [int. Coady Jr.] Nov. 3, 1748 [Cody C.R.1].
Rhoda [int.Whetney of Mendon] and William Haydon [int. Haydon] Dec. 9, 1779, in Mendon.
Rhoda [int. adds Mrs.] of Holliston, and Capt. John Hayden [int. Haydon], Jan. 24, 1790 in Holliston.
Sarah of Natick and Nathan Watkins, int. Apr. 17, 1761.


Sarah and William Perce, Apr. 18, 1729* [Whitteny, and William Pierce, C.R.1]


Lydia of Holliston, and Isaac Hill of Holliston, May 2, 1745. * P.R.3.


Mary of Holliston, and John Jones of Mendon, May ___, 1735.* P.R.3.

* Intention not recorded


Pages 459-460


Tabatha, d. Mark and Tabatha, July 11, 1735.


Gideon, July 24, 1752.
_______, ch. David, May 17, 1808, a. 4m. C.R.1. [NOTE]


From "Massachusetts Vital Records, 1841-1910," from original records held by the Massachusetts Archives. Online database: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2004.


Whitney, Clarance, birth, 1872, vol. 242, p. 190:

[number] 110; [birthdate] Sept.18; [date of record] --; [name] Clarance Whitney; [sex] Male; [birthplace] Hopkinton; [parents] Geo. H., Addi E.; [residence of father] Hopkinton; [occupation of father] Farmer; [birthplace of father] Methuen; [birthplace of mother] Hopkinton.
NOTE: Apparently this was Clarence10 Whiting, not Whitney [George H.9, Lewis8, Lewis7, Hervey6, Lewis5, David4, David3, Samuel2, Nathaniel1].

Whitney, Joseph J., birth, 1863, vol. 160, p. 93:

[number] 30; [birthdate] May 21, 1863; [date of record] --; [name] Joseph J. Whitney; [sex] Male; [birthplace] Hopkinton; [parents] Joseph J. & Matilda (Arnold); [residence of father] Hopkinton; [occupation of father] bootmaker; [birthplace of father] Grafton; [birthplace of mother] Ireland.


Whitney, Angnett L., marriage, 1859, vol. 127, p. 81:

[number] 179; [marriage date and place] Aug. 8, 1859; [date of record] --; [groom] Melvin A. Gould; [residence] Upton; [age] 21; [occupation] Student; [birthplace] Mount Vernon, Me.; [parents] Dr. James N. B. Gould; [number of marriage] First; [bride] Angnett L. Whitney; [residence] Upton; [age] 19; [occupation] --; [birthplace] Upton; [parents] Daniel Whitney; [number of marriage] First; [officiant] John C. Webster, Clergyman.

Whitney, Clara E., marriage, 1871, vol. 236, p. 187:

[number] 15; [marriage date and place] Nov. 29, '71; [date of record] --; [groom] Homer Ward; [residence] Hopkinton; [age] 24; [occupation] Mechanic; [birthplace] Hopkinton; [parents] Thomas J., Mary E.; [number of marriage] First; [bride] Clara E. Whitney; [residence] Hopkinton; [age] 19; [occupation] --; [birthplace] Hopkinton; [parents] Lewis C., Susan; [number of marriage] First; [officiant] W. A. Worthington, Paston, Woodville.
NOTE: Apparently this was Clara Elizabeth9 Whiting, not Whitney [Lewis8, Lewis7, Hervey6, Lewis5, David4, David3, Samuel2, Nathaniel1].

Whitney, Clarence E., marriage, 1871, vol. 236, p. 187:

[number] 6; [marriage date and place] May 8, '71; [date of record] --; [groom] Clarence E. Whitney; [residence] Hopkinton; [age] 19; [occupation] Bootmaker; [birthplace] Hopkinton; [parents] Lewis, Susan; [number of marriage] First; [bride] Madora Bruce; [residence] Hopkinton; [age] 17; [occupation] --; [birthplace] Upton; [parents] Henry E., Lucy; [number of marriage] First; [officiant] Horace Dalton, Clergyman, Northboro'.
NOTE: Apparently this was Clarence E.9 Whiting, not Whitney [Lewis8, Lewis7, Hervey6, Lewis5, David4, David3, Samuel2, Nathaniel1].

Whitney, George D., marriage, 1862, vol. 154, p. 136:

[number] 235; [marriage date and place] June 10, 1862; [date of record] --; [groom] George D. Whitney; [residence] Westboro; [age] 33; [occupation] Farmer; [birthplace] Westboro; [parents] David and Samaria Whitney; [number of marriage] First; [bride] Sarah J. Gaffield; [residence] Upton; [age] 29; [occupation] --; [birthplace] Upton; [parents] Jasper & Nancy Gaffield; [number of marriage] First; [officiant] J. C. Webster, Clergyman.

Whitney, Lambert, marriage, 1852, vol. 61, p. 82:

[number] 6; [marriage date and place] May 17; [date of record] --; [groom] Lambert Whitney; [residence] Westboro; [age] 39; [occupation] Boot maker; [birthplace] Boyelston; [parents] Levi Whitney; [number of marriage] 2d; [bride] Mary H. Phipps; [residence] Hopkinton; [age] 25; [occupation] --; [birthplace] Hopkinton; [parents] Nathan Phipps; [number of marriage] 1st; [officiant] Rev. J. C. Webster.


Whitney, Freddie A., death, 1871, vol. 239, p. 151:

[number] 3; [death date and place] Nov. 2; [date of record] --; [name] Freddie A. Whitney; [sex] Male; [marital status] --; [age] 5 - 12; [cause] Unknown; [residence] Hopkinton; [occupation] --; [birthplace] Hopkinton; [parents] George, Sarah; [parents' birthplaces] --.

Whitney, Matilda J. [Arnold], death, 1901, vol. 517, p. 502:

[number] 25; [death date and place] Sept. 3; [date of record] Sept. 4, 1901; [name] Matilda J. Whitney, m.n. Matilda J. Arnold; [sex] Female; [marital status] Married to Joseph J. Whitney; [age] 68 3 10; [cause] Carcinoma of ovary; [residence] Hopkinton; [occupation] Housekeeper; [birthplace] Ireland; [parents] James Arnold; [parents' birthplaces] Ireland, Ireland.

Copyright © 1999, 2006, 2008, 2015, Robert L. Ward and the Whitney Research Group.