Archive:Holliston, Massachusetts, Vital Records
Archives > Archive:Vital Records > Archive:Massachusetts, Vital Records > Holliston, Massachusetts, Vital Records
Vital Records of Holliston, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850 (Boston, MA: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1908).
C.R.1 - First Congregational Church
C.R.2 - Methodist Church
G.R.6 - West Cemetery
M.R. - Middlesex County Record, East Cambridge
P.R.35 - Warfield Family Bible
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- Abigail, d. Elias and Elisabeth, Mar. 19, 1747.
- Annrillen, d. Elias and Elisabeth, June 1, 1753.
- Elias, s. Elias and Elisabeth, June 15, 1750.
- George [h. Louisa P. C. (Lincoln)], ____, 1821. G.R.6.
- Hannah, d. George and Sarah, Apr. 12, 1748.
- Hannah, d. John and Molley, Sept.3, 1768.
- Hannah, d. Isaac, bp. Feb. 15, 1778. C.R.1
- Hannah, d. Laban and Olive, Dec. 8, 1805.
- Isaac, s. George and Sarah, Sept. 7, 1746.
- Isaac, s. Isaac and Mary, Aug. 12, 1775.
- Lydia, d. Isaac and Lydia, May 4, 1752.
- NOTE: This was Lydia Hill, not Whitney, who was baptized 17 May 1752, Holliston.
- Marsa, d. George and Sarah, Dec.22, 1749.
- Sarah, d. George and Sarah, Nov. 30, 1752.
- Sarah, d. Isaac and Mary, Sept. 12, 1773.
- Sophia, Aug. ___, 1789. P.R.35.
Pages 282-283
- George and Sarah Couzens, Nov. 21, 1745.* [Whitney, and Sarah Cozens, Nov. 6, M.R.].
- Charles and Suson Sanger of Sherburne, int. Sept. 12, 1839.
- Dorathy and Ebenezer Hunt, May 9, 1734* [Dorothy, M.R.].
- Elias and Elisabeth Mellen, Feb. 6, 1745-6* [Elizebeth, M.R.].
- Ezra of Upton, and Olive Bullard, June 1, 1801.
- George E. [int.omits E.], 23, cordwainer of Milford, s. Jonathan and Lavina, and Louisa P.C. Lincoln, 19, teacher, d. Ira and Patty, Jan. 1, 1845. Jan.1, 1845. [Geo[rge] E. and Lou P.C. Lincoln, C.R.2].
- Isaac and Mary Tombs [int. of Hopkinston], May 8, 1771.
- James of Sherburne, and Susanna Hill, int. Mar. 13, 1780.
- Levi of Milford, and Rhoda Daniels, int. Aug. 18, 1785.
- Lydia of Milford, and Abijah Clark, Sept. 6, 1798.
- Mary A., 18, d. Charles and Mary, and Abel H. Seley, 23, Miller, s. Samuel and Charlotte, Jan. 1, 1845.
- Mehetabel and David Cutler, June 26, 1746.* [Mehitabel, M.R.]
- Rhoda and Capt. John Hayden of Hopkinton, Jan. 24, 1790. [Mrs. Rhoda and Capt. John Hayden of Hopkinston. M.R.] [Mrs. Rhoda and Capt. John Hayden of Hopkinton, C.R.I.]
- int. also recorded
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- George, Sept. 26, 1752.
- Sarah, d. George and Sarah, Dec. 14, 1752.
- ______, ch. Mrs, Whitney, Nov. 24, 1832, a. 4. [a. 2, C.R.I]
- ______, ch. Mary, Mar. 23, 1842, a. 2.
From "Massachusetts Vital Records, 1841-1910," from original records held by the Massachusetts Archives. Online database: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2004.
Whitney, Stillman F., birth, 1856, vol. 97, p. 141:
- [number] 971; [birthdate] Augt. 10, 1856; [date of record] --; [name] Stillman F. Whitney; [sex] Male; [birthplace] Holliston; [parents] Charles & Isabella Whitney; [residence of father] Holliston; [occupation of father] Boot maker; [birthplace of father] Holliston; [birthplace of mother] Holliston.
Whitney, Eli Harrison, marriage, 1896, vol. 461, p. 185:
- [number] 4; [marriage date and place] June 15th, Holliston; [date of record] Nov. 20; [groom] Eli Harrison Whitney; [residence] Westboro; [age] 48; [occupation] Farmer; [birthplace] Upton; [parents] Wm. and Harriet N. (Morse); [number of marriage] Second; [bride] Mary Louise Oliver, m.n. Fiske; [residence] Holliston; [age] 43; [occupation] At home; [birthplace] Holliston; [parents] Reuben E. and Betsey L. (Plimpton); [number of marriage] Second; [officiant] C. W. Wilder, Holliston, Minister of the Gospel.
Whitney, Ette I., marriage, 1866, vol. 190, p. 162:
- [number] 7; [marriage date and place] Mary 4, 1866; [date of record] --; [groom] Charles A. Adams; [residence] Holliston; [age] 21; [occupation] Mechanic; [birthplace] Holliston; [parents] Gilbert & Sally Adams; [number of marriage] First; [bride] Ette I. Whitney; [residence] Holliston; [age] 20; [occupation] --; [birthplace] Lancaster; [parents] Wm. S. & Harriet Whitney; [number of marriage] First; [officiant] J. T. Tucker, Minister.
Whitney, George E., marriage, 1845, vol. 13, p. 27:
- [number] --; [marriage date and place] Jan 1st, 1845; [date of record] May 11, 1845; [groom] George E. Whitney; [residence]
Milford; [age] 23; [occupation] Cordwainer; [birthplace] Milford; [parents] Jonathan & Lavina Whitney; [number of marriage] Single; [bride] Louisa P. C. Lincoln; [residence] Holliston; [age] 19; [occupation] Teacher; [birthplace] Holliston; [parents] Ira & Patty Lincoln; [number of marriage] Single; [officiant] Amos Walton, Minister of the Gospel.
Whitney, Georgiana F., marriage, 1862, vol. 154, p. 134:
- [number] 318; [marriage date and place] July 9th; [date of record] --; [groom] Joseeph S. French; [residence] Holliston; [age] 22; [occupation] Boot maker; [birthplace] Westbrook, Me.; [parents] Joseph & Catherine French; [number of marriage] First; [bride] Georgiana F. Whitney; [residence] Holliston; [age] 19; [occupation] --; [birthplace] Lancaster; [parents] Harriet Whitney; [number of marriage] First; [officiant] J. T. Tucker, Minister, 1st Parish.
Whitney, Henry L., marriage, 1877, vol. 290, p. 84:
- [number] 14; [marriage date and place] November 4th; [date of record] --; [groom] Henry L. Whitney; [residence] Medway; [age] 24; [occupation] Boot Finisher; [birthplace] Medway; [parents] Jason & Emma Whitney; [number of marriage] Second; [bride] Mary Helen Giles; [residence] Holliston; [age] 23; [occupation] --; [birthplace] Holliston; [parents] Wm. & Rosanna Giles; [number of marriage] First; [officiant] Joshua Giles, Pastor of M. E. Church.
Whitney, Isabel C., marriage, 1861, vol. 145, p. 83:
- [number] 208; [marriage date and place] Dec. 24th, 1861; [date of record] --; [groom] Wm. W. Otis; [residence] Sherborn; [age] 42; [occupation] Farmer; [birthplace] Exeter, N.H.; [parents] William & Hannah Curtis; [number of marriage] Second; [bride] Isabel C. Whitney; [residence] Sherborn; [age] 25; [occupation] --; [birthplace] Holliston; [parents] Charles & Susan Whitney; [number of marriage] First; [officiant] B. A. Edwards, Clergyman.
Whitney, Mary A., marriage, 1845, vol. 13, p. 27:
- [number] --; [marriage date and place] Jany. 1, 1845, Holliston; [date of record] May 11, 1845; [groom] Abel H. Seley; [residence] --; [age] 23; [occupation] Miller; [birthplace] Holliston; [parents] Samuel & Charity Seley; [number of marriage] Single; [bride] Mary A. Whitney; [residence] --; [age] 18; [occupation] Seamstress; [birthplace] Holliston; [parents] Charles & Mary Whitney; [number of marriage] Single; [officiant] Calvin Damond, Minister of the Gospel.
Otis, Isabel C. [Whitney], death, 1904, vol. 1904/49 (Death), p. 41:
- [number] 40; [death date and place] July 28, 1904, Holliston, Mass.; [date of record] Aug. 8, 1904; [name] Isabel C. Otis, m.n. Isabel Whitney; [sex] Female; [marital status] Widow of William W. Otis; [age] 63 9 4; [cause] Brights disease; [residence] --; [occupation] Housekeeper; [birthplace] Sherborn; [parents] Charles Whitney, Susan Sanger; [parents' birthplaces] Sherborn, Sherborn; [buried] Sherborn, Mass.
Whitney, George W., death, 1895, vol. 455, p. 197:
- [number] 61; [death date and place] Feb. 16, Holliston; [date of record] Dec. 31; [name] George W. Whitney; [sex] Male; [marital status] --; [age] 58 - -; [cause] La Grippe, congestion of kidneys & brain; [residence] Holliston; [occupation] Farmer; [birthplace] --; [parents] Alfons Whitney; [parents' birthplaces] Halifax, Vt.; [buried] Westboro.
Whitney, Harriet [Hawkes], death, 1882, vol. 338, p. 90:
- [number] 7; [death date and place] February 9; [date of record] --; [name] Harriet (Hawks) Whitney; [sex] Female; [marital status] Widow; [age] 78 2 13; [cause] Pneumonia; [residence] Holliston; [occupation] Housekeeper; [birthplace] Lancaster; [parents] John & Alice; [parents' birthplaces] Harvard, Lancaster.
Whitney, John, death, 1880, vol. 320, p. 87:
- [number] 5; [death date and place] Feb. 11; [date of record] --; [name] John Whitney; [sex] Male; [marital status] Married; [age] 49 9 -; [cause] Aneurism; [residence] Holliston; [occupation] Bootmaker; [birthplace] Hopkinton; [parents] John & -----; [parents' birthplaces] -----, -----.
Whitney, Susan S. [Sanger], death, 1902, vol. 529, p. 467:
- [number] 11; [death date and place] Mar. 19, 1902, Holliston; [date of record] Dec. 23, 1902; [name] Susan S. Whitney (Sanger); [sex] Female; [marital status] Widow of Charles Whitney; [age] 84 4 21; [cause] Chronice rheumatism & bed sores; [residence] Holliston; [occupation] --; [birthplace] Sherborn; [parents] David & Susan (Johnson) Sanger; [parents' birthplaces] Sherborn, Sherborn; [buried] Sherborn.
Whitney, Susan [Farrington], death, 1904, vol. 1904/49 (death), p. 59:
- [number] 60; [death date and place] Dec. 26, 1904, Holliston; [date of record] Dec. 27, 1904; [name] Susan Whitney, m.n. Susan Farrington; [sex] Female; [marital status] Widow of Aaron Whitney; [age] 82 5 -; [cause] Bronchitis; [residence] --; [occupation] Housewife; [birthplace] Milford, Mass.; [parents] Elijah Farrington, Puah Hayden; [parents' birthplaces] Wrentham, Mass., Hopkinton, Mass., [buried] Mt. Hope Cemetery, Boston, Mass.
Whitney, William, death, 1842, vol. 1, p. 55:
- [number] --; [death date and place] March 23, 1842; [date of record] --; [name] Wm. Whitney; [sex] Male; [marital status] --; [age] 2 - -; [cause] Whooping cough; [residence] --; [occupation] --; [birthplace] --; [parents] --; [parents' birthplaces] --.
Copyright © 1999, 2006, 2008, 2015, Robert L. Ward and the Whitney Research Group