Archive:History of the town of Surry

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Archives > Archive:Extracts > History of the town of Surry

Kingsbury, Frank Burnside, History of the town of Surry, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, from date of severance from Gilsum and Westmoreland, 1769-1922, with a genealogical register and map of the town.

[p. 27]

The charter of the town is printed and, included in the signatures is "Beniaman Wheetney             Benjamin Whitney".

[p. 108, Surry in the Revolution]

"WHITNEY, Benjamin. Was in what is now Surry as early as July 1768 when he signed the petition for the new town. He may be the same as mentioned in Keene, as coming from Marlboro, Mass. He rem. prior to 1776 and settled in Westminster, VT, where he probably was living in 1790. Enl. May 1, 1775; dis. Aug. 1, 1775, in Capt. William Walker's Co., Col. James Reed's Reg. Gilsum History states he was at the battle of Bunker Hill."
"WHITNEY, Joseph. Doubtless kindred of Benjamin q.v. came to town 1771 and after living there possibly 10 years rem. to Westmoreland. Enl. from here June 28, 1777; dis. July 10, 1777, was appointed corpl. in Capt. Elisha Mack's Co., Col. Samuel Ashley's Reg. which went to the relief of Ti. He rec'd. a pension 1818 for services as a private in Massachusetts."

[p. 244, town industries]

"Blacksmith shops have been quite numerous. Joseph Whitney, a blacksmith, was living near No. 22 about 1767, and is supposed to have built a shop nearby, which Benjamin Whitney was running in 1772."

[pp. 933-934]

"Benjamin Whitney, so far as known, was the first blacksmith to locate in what is now Surry. His name is found as early as July 4, 1768, and when the road was surveyed 1771, his shop stood not far from No. 22. From Keene he came to this town, and after a few years removed to Westminster, VT. He married Jerusha Brockway, dau. of Wolston Brockway, q. v.
i. Parnal (dau), Keene, Jan 13, 1766.
ii. Abigail, Keene, Jan 13, 1768.
iii. Anna, Surry, July 27, 1770."

[p. ???]

"Joseph Whitney was a blacksmith in Surry, as early as 1771, at which time he purchased land; prior to 1782, he removed to Westmoreland where he resided for several years. Doubtless he was the Joseph who married in Surry May 4, 1779 to Bethiah Smith of Walpole. There was a 'Joseph Whitney' who witnessed a deed in Keene in 1762.
Children (perhaps there were others):
i. Hannah, Surry, Dec. 11, 1779.
ii. Joseph Jr., married Apr. 20 1803, Eunice Britton, dau. of James Britton."

This Benjamin and Joseph may (or may not!) have been the twin sons of Zachariah4 and Ruth (TAYLOR) WHITNEY [Ebenezer3, Richard2, John1], b. 5 Nov 1743, Pomfret, CT. --- Robert L. Ward

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