Archive:History of Westminster, Heywood, Whitney 3
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Heywood, William Sweetzer, History of Westminster, Massashusetts (First named Narragansett No. 2), From the date of the original grant of the township to the present time, 1728-1893, with a Biographic-Genealogical Register of its Principal Families, (Vox Populi Press: S.W. Huse & Co., Lowell, Mass.: 1893); New England Historic Genealogical Society Call No. F/74/W72/H6.
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[p. 921]
- 82. Whitney, Nathan5, another early settler of Nar. No. 2, was the head of a different branch of the family under notice from that thus far described, though a descendant of the same progenitors, John1 and Elinor of Waltham. John2, the s. of this couple, had not only Nathaniel3, as stated, but also Benjamin3, who m. Abigail Hager and had by her David4, known far and wide as Ensign David, a prominent res. of Waltham, and the f. of the subject of this sketch, who was b. March 12, 1727. On the 26th of Dec., 1750, Nathan5 bought of Benjamin Brown lot No. 90, in the south part of the township, now represented by his gt.-gd. sons, Edward (133) and George C. (135) Whitney of Worcester, who occupy a portion of it and the buildings thereon as a summer residence. Early in July following he was reported to the Gen. Ct. as "a good man, at work on the spot." Not finding, however, a satisfactory site on the premises for a permanent dwelling ho., he purchased of his prospective f.-in-law, Thomas Merriam of Lex., the S. E. end of the adjoining lots, Nos. 83 and 84, and erected a temporary place of abode near where his gd.s., Calvin (111), now lives. This, a few years later, was superseded by a more substantial structure, the oldest part of the habitation herein represented. In 1752 or 1753 he brought to his new home his yg. bride, Tabitha Merriam, whom he m. in Sept. of the former year. It is stated that after Mr. W. had bought his lot and expended some labor upon it he
[p. 922]
- became much discouraged and resolved to abandon the undertaking. But his intended f.-in-law, who had considerable landed interests in the vicinity, dissuaded him from his purpose. Moreover, the coming hither of his w. at an early day helped to make him contented, though loneliness on her part and fear of the Indians caused her for a time much unhappiness. As time went on, however, outward trials diminished, but sad domestic experiences arose. Twice were these new-comers wholly bereaved of their children. By the fearful epidemic of 1756, the first two d. before the third saw the light, while a similar visitation in 1764 took from them the four that in the intervening period had been born to them. Three only of the nine they had in all, b. at a later date, were spared to mature years.
- Nathan Whitney5 was an enterprising, prosperous citizen, patriotic and public-spirited, and interested in military affairs. As Corporal in the Co. of which Daniel Hoar was Capt. in 1759, he was ordered in the name of his majesty, George II, to impress for service in the Canada Expedition one Edward Joyner, a resident of the township. In 1771 he had risen to the dignity of Captain, receiving his commission from the royal Governor at that date, Thomas Hutchinson. (See Chapter XV.)
- Mr. Whitney departed this life Aug. 10, 1803, at the age of 76. His wid., Tabitha, survived him nearly 20 years, passing on Dec. 26, 1822, a. 90. That he was an eminently successful farmer, and one of the largest property holders of his day is shown by the U. S. valuation and tax-list made out in 1798, an abstract of which is given in the body of this work, pp. 207-11, and also by the inventory of his estate filed at the Prob. Ct., Oct. 1, 1803. It may be questioned whether another resident of the town was so favorably conditioned in this respect as was he at that early date. Interesting features of his will are that his s., David (90), to whom he bequeathed his home farm, shall furnish his wid., Tabitha, besides certain specific household privileges and conveniences, "2 cows, a horse to ride with when she wants it" and also each year "4 bush. rye meal, 6 bush. Indian, 2 bush. wheat made into flour, 100 lbs. pork, 100 beef, 3 barrels cyder, and 10 cords wood."
- The chn. of Nathan5 and Tabitha (Merriam) Whitney were:
83. Tabitha6, b. June 29, 1753; d. Oct. 14, 1756. 84. Nathan6, b. May 16, 1755; d. Aug. 28, 1756. 85. Tabitha6, b. July 6, 1757; d. Jan. 27, 1764. 86. Nathan6, b. April 9, 1759; d. July 2, 1764. 87. Jonathan6, b. May 14, 1761; d. June 21, 1764. 88. Ruth6, b. April 17, 1763; d. July 7, 1864. [misprint; should be 1764] 89. Nathan6, b. July 1, 1765; m. Eunice (5) Puffer; res. W. 90. David6, b. Aug. 16, 1767; m. Elizabeth Barron; res. W. 91. John6, b. Oct. 13, 1769; m. Elizabeth Stearns; res. W.
- [89.] Whitney, Nathan6, the oldest surviving s. of the last-named, m. Eunice (5), dau. of Josiah and Mary (Reed) Puffer,
[p. 923]
- Dec., 1786. In 1793 he bought of Samuel Gerrish the greater part of lot No. 4, bounding east and south on Bacon and Main Sts., Central Village, and ever after res. thereon. He was an upright, honorable and trustworthy citizen. He held the office of Town Treasurer from 1810 to 1830, dischrging the duties of his office with conscientious fidelity. Ab. the latter date, however, he experienced great financial embrassment and loss by a business disaster, elsewhere noticed, in which others of his fellow-townsmen, as well as himself, were seriously involved. [See Cowee] He bore his misfortune, however, with creditable patience, and maintained his good name and Christian standing to the end of his life. He d. Feb. 14, 1851, at the ripe old age of 85. His w., Eunice, d. Feb. 24, 1846, a. 78. Chn.:
92. Eunice7, b. Dec. 12, 1787; d. unm. Feb. 27, 1812. 93. Ruth7, b. Nov. 12, 1789; m. Smyrna (15) Whitney; res. W.; 7 chn. 94. Nathan7, b. March 28, 1792; m. Ann M. Whitney; res. W. 95. Percis7, b. April 3, 1797; prob. d. infancy. 96. Asa7, b. Oct. 24, 1797; d. Sept. 27, 1802. 97. Leonard7, b. Sept. 18, 1800; d. Sept. 26, 1802. 98. Asa7, b. Oct. 25, 1803; d. Sept. 6, 1814. 99. Mary7, b. May 23, 1806; m. N. H. (15) Cutting; res. W.; 6 chn. 100. Leonard7, b. Nov. 25, 1808; d. unm. in early manhood.
- [90.] Whitney, David6, bro. of the last, inherited the home place of his f., and some of his outlying lands, as he did also his habits of industry, economy and thrift. [photo from facing page]

- He was a deeply religious man, earnestly devoted to the interests of the First Chh. of the town, whose fortunes he shared and served as Dea. for more than 60 yers. He also partook of the military spirit which manifested itself at an early age by his enlistment in the service of the state for the suppression of Shays' Rebellion. Later in life, July 12, 1811, he was commissioned Capt. of the So. Co. in W. by Gov. Elbridge Gerry. He was 2 yrs. a member of the Board of Selectmen. He l. to be almost a centennarian, dying March 25, 1867, a. 99 yrs., 7 mos., 9 days. His w., Elizabeth, dau. of Oliver and Mary Barron, who he m. Nov. 24, 1791, d. April 28, 1853, at the age of 84. Chn.:
101. Tabitha7, b. March 9, 1793; m. John C. (33) Miller; res. W.; 8 chn.; d. April 11, 1888. 102. Betsey7, b. Jan. 18, 1795; d. May 4, 1796. 103. David7, b. Oct. 24, 1796; d. unm. March 8, 1875. 104. Reuben7, b. May 5, 1798; d. July 27, 1800. 105. Aaron7, b. March 1, 1800; m. Martha (14) Raymond; res. W. 106. Betsey7, b. Feb. 5, 1802; m. Nathan (13) Howard; res. W.; 7 chn.; living. 107. Reuben P.7, b. July 24, 1804; m. Clarissa Woodward; res. Prn.; sev. chn.; d. 1892. 108. Isaac7, b. March 14, 1806; m. twice; res. in Ill.; d. Aug. 4, 1846. 109. Mary7, d. Aug. 19, 1808; m. Wm. S. Everett; res. Prn.; 1 chd.; d. May 28, 1838. 110. Sally7, b. June 17, 1810; m. Moses Booth; res. Newark, Ill.; 1 chd.; living. 111. Calvin7, b. Dec. 1, 1813; m. Huldah (16) Brown; res. W.
- [91.] Whitney, John6, youngest s. of Capt. Nathan5 and Tabitha, m. Elizabeth6, b. Aug. 1, 1770 [p. 881], dau. of Josiah and Abigail (Emerson) Stearns, Dec. 31(?), 1793, and set. on the first lot bought by his
[p. 924]
- f., No. 90, building the house now used for a summer residence by his gd.sons, as before noted. His life was brief, terminating June 25, 1802, at the age of 32. His wid. m. (2) James7 Walker, s. Paul6 and Rebecca (Haines) Walker, b. 1778; d. 1804, a. 26 [p. 896], who d. without issue, and (3) Luke Warren of Hub., by whom she had 4 chn., and d. Oct. 30, 1838, a. 68. J. Whitney's chn.:
112. John7, b. Jan. 15, 1795; d. Feb. 22, 1796. 113. John7, b. Feb. 20, 1797; m. Lydia Allen; res. W. 114. Betsey7, b. May 3, 1799; m. Thomas (19) Merriam; res. W.; 3 chn.; d. July 15, 1888. 114a Melinda7, [b. ab. 1802]; m. Joseph (13) Raymond; res. W.; 6 chn.; d. March 23, 1847. [Note: Heywood did not assign Melinda a number on this page. See record of husband.]
- [94.] Whitney, Nathan7, s. of Nathan6 and Eunice (Puffer) Whitney, m. Ann. M., dau. of Andrew and Lucy (49) (Miles) Whitney of Pn., in 1821, and res. with his f. in the Central Village. He was by trade a carpenter. He d. Dec. 10, 1831, a. 39. His wid. d. June 3, 1885, a. 84. Chn.:
Copyright © 2000, 2006, 2011, Robert L. Ward and the Whitney Research Group.