Archive:History of Westminster, Heywood, U-Y
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Heywood, William Sweetzer, History of Westminster, Massashusetts (First named Narragansett No. 2), From the date of the original grant of the township to the present time, 1728-1893, with a Biographic-Genealogical Register of its Principal Families, (Vox Populi Press: S.W. Huse & Co., Lowell, Mass.: 1893); New England Historic Genealogical Society Call No. F/74/W72/H6.
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[p. 894] URBAN
- 1. Urban, G. Frank, a native of Germany, m. Nov. 16, 1879, Emma Elmina (117) , dau. of Joel and Elmina (Perkins) Merriam, and has since lived in town. He is an intelligent mechanic, and served on the Sch. Com. in 1891. He is at present employed by Mass. Gypsy Moth Commission in the E. part of Middlesex Co., but retains his res. here. Chn:
[p. 899-901] WARREN
- No less than five distinct Warren families have had a local habitation and a name in town at different periods of its history. No relationship whatever has been found to exist between them, and only one of them has been traced to its immigrant ancestor. That one will for this reason first receive attention, although several of the others were located here at an earlier date.
- John Warren1 was one of the early members of the Mass. Colony, coming to this country in 1630, perhaps in Gov. Winthrop's company, and set. in Watertown where he was made "freeman" in the following year and subsequently chosen Selectman. He was the father of Daniel2, one of whose sons was active in military affairs and attained the distinction of being called Ensign John3. Dea. John4 was s. of the Ensign and father of Elisha5 who had Isaac6, also distinguished by the title of Dea. He m. Elizabeth Warren and lived in Charlestown, as did several of his ancestors.
- 7. Warren, Samuel, birthplace, date, ptge., etc. unascertained, was living on lot No. 116, 3d Div., in the extreme north part of the town - the John G. Hadley place - in 1773, when a road was laid out for him by the Selectmen. He m. Nov. 3, 1774, Anna (71), dau. of Samuel and Anna (Whitney) Merriam. He was taxed here from 1772 to 1777, but d. bef. May 1778, when his estate was the undivided property of his heirs. His wid. m. (2) Jacob Harris and res. at Ash. Chn.:
8. Rebecca, b. Feb. 28, 1775. 9. Anna, b. April 27, 1778.
- 1. Wellington, Seth6, s. of William5 and Mary (Whitney) Wellington of Waltham, and bro. of Rev. Charles Wellington, D.D., of Templeton, was b. Nov. 18, 1785. He was a descendant of Roger Wellington1 of Watertown, the first of the name in N. E., through Joseph2, Thomas3, Thomas4, William5, his f. On the 10th of April, 1816, he purchased the brick dwelling of Isaac Miles, whose dau. Louisa he had m. July 1, 1813. Mr. Wellington kept a public house there while in town, as Mr. Miles had previously done, but sold in 1818 to Benj. Davis, the last innkeeper on the premises, and not long after left the place. Mr. Wellington m. (2) Wid. Sabra (Ward) Stone, March 26, 1833, his first w. having died Aug. 26, 1831. He had a large number of chn., all by his w. Louisa, several of whom were b. in W. They were:
2. Susan L., b. July 16, 1814; m. Dr. Benjamin Johnson; d. July 2, 1852. 3. Lydia M., B. Dec. 4, 1815; m. Nehemiah Rich. 4. Heliodorus, b. March 8, 1817; m. Catharine A. Wright. 5. Almira, b. Aug. 1, 1818; m. Elias D. Bennett. 6. William, b. March 19, 1800; m. Mary ---- and set. Montgomery, Ala. 7. Emeline, b. July 21, 1822; m. Charles D. Duprez. 8. Leander, b. Feb. 1, 1824; lived at Valpariso, S. A. 9. Sarah, b. Dec. 1, 1825; m. Merrick P. Brigham. 10. Hannibal, b. Sept. 27, 1827; res. Sonsora, Cal. 11. Aaron H., b. Nov. 12, 1829; res. N. Y. City.
[p. 904-905] WETHERBEE
- There were three families of this name in town as early as 1780, all of whom were undoubtedly the descendants of John of Marlboro', the immigrant, who m. Mary Howe in 1672, and Lydia Moore for a second wife at an unkn. date. The original spelling of the name seems to have been Witherby, the form still preserved by many of John's descendants, though others choose a yet different orthography and write it Witherbee. The first given method has always been used in this town and vicinity.
- The ancestral John Witherby1 of Marlboro' had a s., John2, who settled in Stow, and by his w., Catharine, had 8 chn., among whom was Thomas2, the progenitor of one of the W. families as set forth below.
- [11.] Wetherbee, Caleb, s. of the last [b. Dec. 17, 1776; s. of Nathan and Elizabeth] m. Sept. 8, 1799, Anna, dau. of Jonathan and Polly Wood of Gr., and succeeded his f. on the Beech Hill homestead. He d. Nov. 3, 1826, a. 49. His wid., Anna, d. June 8, 1853, a. 74. They had 5 [should be 6] chn.:
15. Nathan, b. Jan. 22, 1800; d. 1829 or 1830; prob. unm. 16. Lovisa, b. May 20, 1801; m. Abram Osborne, Fg. 17. Eliza, b. Nov. 8, 1802; m. Isaac B. Woodward; res.W. and Fg.; sev. chn. 18. Caleb, b. May 25, 1805; m. Mary E. Carter; res. W. 19. Catharine, b. Aug. 23, 1807. 20. Milton, b. Dec. 1813; m. Lucy A. (53) Whitney
- [20.] Wetherbee, Milton, s. of the last, m. Lucy Ann (53), dau. of Jonas W. and Phebe (Rand) Whitney, April, 1843. He d. March 19, 1848, a. 34. His wid. is still living at Fg. They had 1 chd.:
- 30. Aaron F., b. March 4, 1844; resides in the far West.
- 32. Wetherbee, Ephraim, bro. of Nathan (8) [prob. s. of Caleb and Hannah of Marlboro'] came to this town from Marlboro' or Northboro' ab. the year 1770, and m. Hannah, dau. of John and Mary Woodward. They lived for some years on the place at the foot of Beech Hill, and prob. built the house still standing there. He sold in 1777, and purchased lot No. 84, 2d Div., in the valley of Whitman River, afterwards the Benson Barrell homestead, where John Boin recently res., which he disposed of in 1801 to Daniel Lincoln of Hingham. He was very poor, and d. in the yr. just named, leaving his family a public charge. Out of this fact arose in 1816 the celebrated lawsuit called the "Malden Case," the question involved being one of settlement. The town, after incurring great expense, was beaten, very unjustly, it was believed. Mr. Wetherbee is said to have served 3 years in the Rev. War. After his death the family rem. from town, though many years afterward his wid. returned and m. (2) Samuel Whitney from Worc., known by the unique sobriquet of "Old Truth." She d. Dec. 12, 1832, a. 83. Chn.:
33. Jonah, b. March 11, 1771. 34. Isaac, b. Feb. 7, 1773. 35. Joseph, b. Feb. 7, 1775. 36. Sally, b. Nov. 14, 1777; d. Aug. 31, 1778. 37. Calvin, B. Nov. 30, 1780. 38. Sally, b. Sept. 3, 1784. 39. Asa, b. Aug. 14, 1786. 40. Hosea, b. Dec. 1, 1788. 41. Hannah, b. Dec. 21, 1790.
[p. 906-910] WHEELER
- The Wheelers were among the first settlers of the old town of Concord, Mass. Four of that name, George, Obadiah, Thomas, and Ephraim, sup. to be brothers, were there as early as 1640, and a fifth, Timothy, was in the vicinity ab. the same date. They were all, without doubt, b. in England. Two of them, Thomas and Ephraim, rem. to Strafford, Conn., in 1645. The other three had descendants in W., as set forth in the following paragraphs.
- The first mentioned, George1, by his w., Katharine, had a s. Wm.2, who m. Hannah Buss, Oct. 30, 1659. Their s. John3 m. Dorothy Hosmer, and was the father of the first Wheeler in this town. Wm.2 and Hannah (Buss), just named, had also a s. Wm.3, b. 1665-6, who m. Sarah Fletcher, of which union came Nathaniel4, b. 1702, who m. Abigail, sr. of Ebenezer and Thomas Conant, early res. here. These were parents of Nathaniel5, more of whom hereafter. Wm.2 and Hannah (Buss) Wheeler had a third s., George3, who m. Abigail Hosmer, sr. of his bro. John's w., before referred to. A son of these two, Simon4, m. Dorothy Wooster, Sept. 18, 1739, and had Josiah5, b. Sept. 29, 1743, sup. to be the one of that name mentioned in proper place below.
- Obadiah Wheeler1, another of the original quartette first-named, was b., according to his will, in 1608. By his w., Susannah, he had a s. Obadiah2, whose w., Elizabeth, was dau. of Resolved White, and gd.dau. of Wm. White, one of the Mayflower Pilgrims. Obadiah2 and Elizabeth were parents of Uriah3, who settled in Sudbury, where his f. conveyed lands to him in 1712. By his w., Abigail, he had 10 chn., among whom was Elisha4, whom. Mary ---- and had Asahel5, the f. of Hayman Wheeler6, Esq., who res. in the No. part of this town and is well remembered by a few of our older people.
- Timothy Wheeler1, also mentioned at the outset, had 3 sons, all of whom were distinguished by military titles: Lieut. Joseph2, Capt. Timothy2, and Capt. Thomas2 famed as the hero of the Brookfield battle in the time of King Philip's war. The w. of Capt. Thomas2 was Ruth Wood, dau. of Wm., the ancestor of the earlier Wood families of W. Thomas2 and Ruth had a s. named Deliverance3, who located in Stow. His s. Thomas4 was f. of a second Thomas5, who m. Mary Gates and had Deliverance6, of whom further notice hereafter. Another descendant of the original Timothy1 lived and d. in this town, viz: Elinor, the w. of Capt. Wm. Edgell, Sen.
- [39.] Wheeler, Josiah6, s. of the last [b. July 19, 1785, s. of Josiah5 and Huldah (Page) Wheeler] m. Betsey (12), dau. of Josiah and Mary (Reed) Puffer, 1807. On Dec. 19 of that year he bought the N.E. corner of his father's farm and built on it the house which he afterwards occupied through life, and which was destroyed by fire many years since. (See A. H. No. 11.) He was a man of genial temper and "given to hospitality," a kind neighbor and worthy citizen. He d. May 20, 1851, a. 64. His w. d. Aug. 10, 1846, a. 58. Chn.:
43. Josiah A.7, b. Sept. 1, 1808; m. twice and had 1 chd.; res. Lockport, N. Y. 44. Lyman7, b. Aug. 1, 1810; d. Nov. 20, 1810. 45. Betsey7, b. Sept. 24, 1811; d. Sept. 1, 1813. 46. Betsey7, b. Jan. 4, 1814; m. Theodore (167) Whitney; res. W.; 2 chn.; d. March 31, 1884. 47. Newell R.7, b. May 6, 1816; m. twice; res. W. [One of his wives was Sarah (47) Adams.] 48. Asa W.7, b. Nov. 15, 1818; d. Sept. 13, 1833. 49. Clinton D.7, b. Nov. 15, 1818; m. Susanah F. Darling; res. Fg.; 6 chn.; d. 1893. 50. Orange7, b. April 24, 1821; m. twice; res. Worc., etc.; no chn.; d. Nov. 29, 1882. 51. Mary A.7, b. Sept. 24, 1823; m. Farwell Morse; res. W.; chn.; d. June 15, 1866. 52. Carolina M.7, b. May 13, 1827; m. David W. Hill; res. W.; 2 chn.; d. Aug. 13, 1854. 53. Martha M.7, b. Jan. 9, 1829; m. Edward Baldwin; res. Fg.; 1 chd.; living. 54. Harriet F.7, b. Aug. 15, 1832; d. unm. April 4, 1875.
[p. 933-934] WILLIAMS
- Robert Williams, sup. to have come from Norwich, Eng., during one of the early years of Mass. Colony, set. in Roxbury and was made "freeman" there in 1637. He was one of the founders of the church of which the celebrated John Eliot was Teacher and Rev. Thomas Weld Pastor, and an active, influential citizen of the town. He m. before leaving his native land, and delayed emigrating, as he desired, for some time, on account of the resolute opposition of his wife. Her objections to the change were overcome, it is said, by a spiritual vision which revealed to her the fact that if it were made she would become the mother of many devout and illustrious ministers of the Gospel of Christ. Being profoundly religious and happy in the thought of being an instrument for the accomplishment of results that would redound to the extension and glory of the faith she held dear, she cheerfully yielded to the wishes of her husband and consented to accompany him to the new world. Whatever of reality there may have been in the assumed revelation, it has come to pass that a very large number of clergymen, distinguished for their talents, usefulness, high position, and exalted Chn. character, have not only traced descent from her, but have borne her married name. Among these were William, of Hatfield; Ephraim, founder of Williams' College; John, of Deerfield; Solomon, of Lebanon, Conn.; William, of Weston; Eleazer, of Louis XVII pretentions and fame; Elisha, of Yale College; Samuel, of Harvard College, etc. Few families, if any, in this particular, have been so marked in the annuals of the country.
- Isaac Williams2, s. of the immigrant, b. in 1638, upon arriving at maturity, set. in Newton, where his descendants multiplied exceedingly and were crowned with distinction and honor. By his w., Martha Parke, he had Isaac3, b. 1661, who m. Elizabeth Hyde. A s. of these b. 1686, also named Isaac4, m. Martha Whitman, of whom was born another Isaac5 in 1725. His wife was Sarah Stratton. These all resided in Newton and have many representatives there and in the vicinity still.
- 1. Williams, Isaac6, s. of Isaac5 and Sarah, was b. Sept. 7, 1748. He came to W. in his opening manhood, and, Nov. 8, 1774, m. Hannah, the dau. of Dea. James and Abigail (Wood) Walker, who were then living on lot No. 69. [snip] He d. Sept. 8, 1817, a. 69. His wid. survived him more than 30 years, passing away June 8, 1849, a. almost 97. Chn.:
2. Isaac7, b. Feb. 20, 1776; d. Oct. 11, 1778. 3. Isaac7, b. Feb. 21, 1791; m. Phebe (28) Sawin and Polly Eaton; res. W. 4. Ephraim7, b. April 3, 1785; m. Betsey (31) Sawin; res. Gr.; 6 chn.; d. April 12, 1861. 5. Hannah7, b. May 22, 1788; m. Ebenezer Sawin; res., W., etc.; 7 chn.; d. April 14, 1823.
- [3.] Williams, Isaac7, s. of the last and his successor in estate, avocation, civil and military office, etc., m. (1) Phebe (28) , dau. of Samuel and Martha (Miller) Sawin, Feb. 16, 1804. She had 3 chn. and d. Dec. 19, 1809. He then m. (2) Jan. 6, 1811, Polly, dau. of John and Mary (Larkin) Eaton of Gr., who bore him 3 chns. He remained in town till ab. 1842, when he sold his place and rem. to Jamestown, N. Y., that he might be near a dau. res. there. He d. in 1860, a. 79. His w. Polly d. 1870, a. 80. Chn.:
6. George8, b. May 5, 1805; d. unm. at Pittsfield, Sept. 1831. 7. Unnamed8; d. 1808. 8. Unnamed8; d. 1813. 9. Mary8, b. May 4, 1814; m. Ezra Wood; res. Jamestown, N. Y.; living. 10. Charles8, b. Sept. 14, 1816; no further record. 11. Calvin8, b. Feb. 21, 1819; no further record.
- George (6) Williams, the oldest of the above chn., says Mr. George Wood who knew him well, "was a young man of rare genius, and gave promise of success and eminence had his life been spared. He improved every opportunity for culture, was of very pure character, and high moral sensibilities." He early learned the trade of cabinet making, but finding himself possessed of much skill and taste in the painters' art, turned his attention to that calling in some of its higher and more delicate forms. "After spending a year in the studio of Prof. West in Boston, he produced many portraits, to which high merit was accorded, and subsequently several Scriptures scenes, which attracted much attention." A short time before his death he completed arrangements with the celebrated Am. sculptor, Powers, for a course of study under his direction at Rome, Italy. But his sudden and premature demise put an end to his earthly labors and aspirations, and removed from the world one who, it is believed by those who knew him best, would have been an honor to himself and his friends, and given another name to the catalogue of those that shine illustrious in the annuals of Am. art. "Sic transit gloria mundi."
[p. 953] YOUNG
- 1. Young, Samuel, s. of William of Templeton, was b. May 7, 1787. Coming to W. before reaching his majority, he was pub. to Sally (Mary), dau. of Jonathan and Betty (Lewis) Graves, Oct. 19, 1806, and having m. her, settled on the estate belonging to her father, near Cedar Swamp. He d. Aug. 18, 1850, a. 63. His w. d. May 12, 1846, a. 61. Chn.:
2. Orange, b. Aug. 2, 180-; m. three times (should be four); res. W. 3. Betsey, b. May 18, 1812; m. Lovell Williams; res. Fg.; 1 chd.; living. 4. Mary, b. Dec. 9, 1815; unm.; res. Gr. 5. William, m. Anna Bennett; res. Royalston; r. chn.; dec'd. 6. Caleb, m. Jane Whitney; res. Gr.; 2 chn.; dec'd. 7. Newell, b. Jan. 30, 1824; m. Persis A. Macullar; res. Orange; 3 chn.; l. 8. John, b. May 7, ----; m. Betsey Bosworth; res.Gr.; 1 chd.; dec'd. 9. Anson, m. twice; res. Otter River; no chn.; living.
- [2.] Young, Orange, s. of the last, m. (1) Lavina, dau. of Martin Baker, who bore him 3 chn. and d. May 21, 1846, a. 33. He m. (2) Wid. Mary (52) Thompson, dau. of Luther Sawin, Feb. 4, 1847. She d. March 4, 1858; a. 52, and he m. (3) in Oct. of the same year, Wid. Mary A. Chapin of Gr., who d. Dec. 17, 1876. His last w., is still living with her s. on the old Jonathan Graves farm, was Fidelia (Whitney), wid. of Aaron (73) Sawin. He d. Dec. 24, 1886, a. 80. He had but 3 chn., all by first wife:
9. Rufus, b. 1832?; m. Climelia (110) Sawin; res. Gr.; 6 chn.; dec'd. 10. Lucy M., b. 1833?; m. George S. Cheever; res. Cal.; 2 chn. 11. Edward O., b. June 1, 1844; d. in the war, May, 1864. (See p. 413)
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