Archive:History of Westminster, Heywood, Sawin 2
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Heywood, William Sweetzer, History of Westminster, Massashusetts (First named Narragansett No. 2), From the date of the original grant of the township to the present time, 1728-1893, with a Biographic-Genealogical Register of its Principal Families, (Vox Populi Press: S.W. Huse & Co., Lowell, Mass.: 1893); New England Historic Genealogical Society Call No. F/74/W72/H6.
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[p. 855-859]
- [34.] Sawin, Joseph6, the only surviving child of Reuben5 and Annis (Robbins) Sawin [b. Nov. 27, 1777], was pub. to Polly Gilbert of Acton, Dec. 18, 1791. He was a quiet, undemonstrative man, a devoted member of the First Congl. Church, and a good citizen. He d. Feb. 14, 1860, a. almost 86 years. His wid. d. May 7, 1866, a. 93. Chn.:
61. Nancy7, b. May 24, 1792; m. Joseph Whitney; res. Gr.; 12 chn. [One of their sons was Frederic P. Whitney, m. Mary W. (92) Merriam.] 62. Reuben7, b. Feb. 12, 1794; m. twice; res. W.; no chn; d. April 6, 1683. 63. Rhoda7, b. March 26, 1797; m. Hubbard Kendall; res. Gr.; 11 chn. 64. Miritia7, b. Jan. 10, 1800; m. Lowell Rawson; res. Jamaica, Vt.; 5 chn. 65. Luke7, b. Oct. 17, 1801; m. Clarissa Lane; res. W. 66. Joseph D.7, b. July 21, 1805; m. Marchia M. Scribner; res. Gr.; 7 chn. 67. Eli G.7, b. July 14, 1807; m. Tabitha Bickford; res. Gr.; 1 chd. 68. Mary A.7, b. Sept. 29, 1809; m. Farwell Edgell; res. Gr.; 3 chn.; d. 1842. 69. Josiah W.7, b. Aug. 28, 1812; m. Lucy Smith; res. Sterling.
- [38.] Sawin, Daniel7, s. of Daniel6 and Lucy (Byam), m. Priscilla Hastings, who was b. Loudan, Conn., and settled in the S. W. part of the town, on the place where the widow of Norman Seaver now resides. He d. Jan. 13, 1849, a. 57. She d. Sept. 27, 1867, a. 82. Chn.:
70. Lucy8, b. Dec. 22, 1814; m. Amos Sanders; res. W.; 9 chn.; living 71. Stillman8, b. Jan. 12, 1817; m. Sarah Wilson; res. Leom.; 4 chn.; living. 72. Emory8, b. June 22, 1818; m. Caroline Sibley; res. Athol; 3 chn.; living. 73. Aaron8, b. Aug. 30, 1820; m. Fidelia Whitney; res. W. 74. Willard8,b. Oct. 5, 1822; d. unm. June 30, 1849.
- [40.] Sawin, Aaron7, bro. of the last, m. Phebe, dau. Dr. Benjamin and Adah (Upton) Marshall, b. Jan. 16, 1801 [p. 760], (pub. Sept. 21), 1822. He was a blacksmith and carried on business near the S. E. Sch. Ho., and later at the stand long occupied by John K. Learned. He rem. to Littleton, and thence to Orange, where he d. at a date unknown, as also did his wife. Their chn., b. mostly in W. were:
75. Benjamin M.8, b. Dec. 13, 1823. 76. Mary L.8, b. July 21, 1826. 77. Aaron S.8, b. Jan. 28, 1828. 78. Sylvander B.8, b. Jan. 11, 1830. 79. Frank F.8, b. June 24, 1832. 80. Charles L.8, b. Feb. 8, 1834. 81. Elbridge P.8, b. Oct. 9, 1836. 82. Elbert C.8, b. July 18, 1838. 83. Henry P.8, b. Oct. 31, 1841.
- [44.] Sawin, James7, s. of James6 and Elizabeth (Estabrook) Sawin, m. Eunice, dau. of William and Eunice (Stearns) Hyde, Dec. 2, 1819. She was b. Spencer, March 3, 1801. They located on the Nathan Baker place, in the extreme south part of the town, where Joseph E. Story now res. He d. April 4, 1872, a. 73. His wid., with an unm. dau., rem. to the center of the town, where they still live. On the 3d of March, 1891, the former, still vigorous and active, celebrated the 90th anniversary of her birth. Chn.:
84. Elizabeth8, b. Sept. 3, 1820; m. Samuel (1) Bridge; res. W.; 2 chn.; living. 85. Calvin8, b. March 1, 1823; m. Frances B. Conner; res. Boston; 7 chn.; l. 86. Maria E.8, b. May 27, 1825; m. Joel (15) Newton; res.W.; 13 chn.; living. 87. James O.8, b. June 11, 1827; d. Aug. 10, 1827. 88. Loeneza8, b. Sept. 18, 1828; d. March 5, 1830. 89. James F.8, b. Jan. 22, 1831; d. April 16, 1832. 90. Mary A.8, b. Dec. 30, 1832; m. Horace B. (10) Knower; res.W.; 2 chn.; living. 91. Franklin8, b. April 6, 1835; m. Elizabeth Moore; res. W. 92. Albert8, b. July 13, 1838; m. Emma Richmond; res. Worc.; 1 chd.; living. 93. Farwell8, b. Nov. 28, 1841; d. Aug. 9, 1863. (See Chap. on Rebellion) 94. Louisa M.8, b. Dec. 7, 1844; unm.; res. with her mother.
- [45.] Sawin, John7, bro. of the last, m. (1) Achsah, b. Dec. 28, 1805 [p. 827], dau. Jonas and Achsah (Haynes) Pierce (pub. March 22), 1829. She bore him 1 chd and d. Oct. 17, 1832. He m. (2) her sr. Mary, b. Nov. 4, 1808 [p. 827], (pub. Jan. 25) 1833, who became the mother of 4 chn. and d. April 1, 1845. His third w. was Harriet, dau. of John and Abigail (Davis) Hodgman of Ashby, m. Dec. 31, 1845. She is still living. Mr. Sawin res. on the homestead of his f. and gd.f., occupying the house now standing on the premises. He d. July 6, 1884, a. 83. Chn.:
95. Mary Frances8, b. May 8, 1830; m. Frederick Dickinson; res. Gr.; d. Sept. 27, 1854. 96. Caroline8, b. July 18, 1833; d. Sept. 22, 1865. 97. Adaline8, b. Nov. 12, 1835; m. Charles L. Barbour; res. Northampton. 98. Emily8, b. June 18, 1839; m. George B. Hager; res. Gr. 99. Harrison P.8, b. Jan. 19, 1841; d. unm. Md., Nov. 24, 1862 (See Chap. XX.) 100. Myron W.8, b. Oct. 17, 1849; m. S. Louisa Brown; res. W. 101. John F.8, b. Dec. 5, 1857; m. Emma F. (6) Sawtelle; res. W.
- [47.] Sawin, Charles7, s. of Abner6 and Anna (Robbins), m. Patience, dau. Jonathan and Betty (Lewis) Graves (pub. June 8), 1811, and succeeded to the homestead of his f. He was a cooper as well as farmer, devoting himself to each as the season and his own convenience dictated. He d. April 9, 1849, a. 61. His w. d. Feb. 20, 1842, a. 46. They had 8 chn.:
102. Rebecca H.8, b. March 9, 1812; m. Jarvis Hunting; res. Hub.; 2 chn. 103. Susan M.8, b. Dec 17, 1815; m. Henry S. Grimes; res. Winch.; 8 chn. 104. Charles M.8, b. Dec. 22, 1817; m. Lucy W. Marsh; res. Worc.; 3 chn. 105. Annis M.8, b. Aug. 1, 1819; killed by a log falling on her, July 24, 1827. 106. Addison A.8, b. Aug. 1, 1821; m. Cornelia A. Scott; no. chn. 107. Levi O.8; b. Oct. 14, 1824; m. twice; res. Worc.; sev. chn. 108. George V.8, b. July 18, 1826; d. Oct. 15, 1830. 109 George V.8, b. Dec. 12, 1830; m. Lucy Hunting; res. Fg.; killed Oct. 17, 1851.
- Of the above family, the second son, Addison Abner8 (106), becoming deeply interested in religious things, studied for the Chn. ministry and was first settled as pastor of the Baptist Chh. in Ticonderoga, N. Y. He afterwards was located at Colchester and Bristol, Vt., where he acted as Clerk and Treasurer of the Addison Co. Baptist Assn. He spent some years as missionary in the valley of the Mississippi, dying finally at Irving, Iowa, May 19, 1864, at the age of 43. In a pamphlet edition of "Notes" concerning the descendants of John Sawin of Watertown, the author, Thomas E. Sawin of Wendell, thus speaks of him: He "was one of those very few who have lifted themselves out of very adverse circumstances into a life of letters and professional usefulness."
- [51.] Sawin, Jonathan7, s. of Luther6 and Eunice (Gilbert) Sawin, was b. in Windhall, Vt., March 30, 1802. He m. in 1830 Maryann Thomson [Mary A. Thompson in earlier record] of Londonderry, Vt., where he res. several years. He rem. thence ab. 1838 to Gr., and soon after to this town, and here spent the remainder of his life, dying May 17, 1871, a. 69. He was a carpenter by trade, and built for himself and occupied the house near the late Horace B. Knower's, now occupied by Charles N. Dike. The date of his w.'s death is unknown. Chn.:
110. Climelia8, b. Londonderry, Vt., Nov. 6, 1831; m. Rufus (9) Young. 111. Miranda8, b. L., Sept. 1833; m. Orra Smith; res. L. 112. Sandford M.8, b. L., July 30, 1836. (See Rebellion Record.) 113. Almina R.8, b. Gr., March 4, 1842. 114. Luther J.8, b. W., Sept. 24, 1846. (See Rebellion Record.) 115. Ora W.8, b. Sept. 12, 1853; m. Lilla A. Smith; res.W.
- [73.] Sawin, Aaron8, s. of Daniel7 and Priscilla (Hastings), m. Fidelia Whitney of Rochester, Vt., and lived in town more or less during life. He d. May 26, 1865, a. 48. Nothing learned of his widow thereafter. Only 1 chd. is named in W. records: [see record of Orange (2) Young]
- 124. Sydney Adin9, b. Nov. 16, 1856.
- [91.] Sawin, Franklin8, s. of James and Eunice (Hyde), m. Elizabeth Ann Moore, Ackworth, N. H., Sept. 3, 1857. He res. in his native place, and has had 4 chn.:
125. Walter9, b. June 1828; d. Jan., 1862 126. Clara9, b. July 28, 1860. 127. Farwell L.9, b. Feb. 22, 1866; twin. 128. Flora Louisa9, b. Feb. 22, 1866; twin.
- [100.] Sawin, Myron W.8, s. of John and Harriet (Hodgman), m. S. Louisa Brown, a native of Sudbury, and remained with his parents on the old homestead. Chn.:
129. Wilber P.9, b. Dec. 6, 1873. 130. Walter9, b. Oct. 26, 1878. 131. Hattie9, b. April 17, 1880.
- [115.] Sawin, Ora W.8, s. of Jonathan7 and Maryann (Thompson) Sawin, m. Oct. 9, 1872, Lilla Adelia, dau. of Ora and Miranda Smith of Somerset, Vt. They res. awhile at Keene, N. H., where their first chd. was b., rem. thence to this town where they now live. Chn.:
132. Lizzie L.M.9, b. Sept. 29, 1873. 133. Chauncey W.9, b. Sept. 19, 1876. 134. Fred Ora9, b. Sept. 10, 1879; d. Jan. 31, 1880. 135. Oscar G.9, b. July 20, 1889.
- [In closing this record of the Sawins of Westminster, it may be stated that a pamphlet of 48 pages entitled "Sawin: Summary notes concerning John Sawin and his posterity" was prepared and published in 1867 by Thomas E. Sawin of Wendell, to which the writer of this work acknowledges his indebtedness for many of the facts chronicled above. Thomas E. Sawin of the Munning branch of the original stock, the line of descent from the immigrant running thus: - John1, Munning2, John3, Daniel4 (bro. of Stephen4 of W.), John5, John6, Thomas E.7, b. 1810.]
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