Archive:History of Westminster, Heywood, Sawin 1

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Archives > Archive:Extracts > Archive:History of Westminster, Massachusetts > History of Westminster, Heywood, Sawin 1

Heywood, William Sweetzer, History of Westminster, Massashusetts (First named Narragansett No. 2), From the date of the original grant of the township to the present time, 1728-1893, with a Biographic-Genealogical Register of its Principal Families, (Vox Populi Press: S.W. Huse & Co., Lowell, Mass.: 1893); New England Historic Genealogical Society Call No. F/74/W72/H6.

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[p. 851-855] SAWIN

This name, occasionally spelled Sawing in the early records, represents one of the largest families or groups of families that ever had a habitation in W. They mostly belonged to one branch of the original Sawin stock, which first appeared on these shores in the person of John Sawin1 of Watertown, who was made "freeman" in Boston, May 26, 1652. He was s. of Robert Sawin of Boxford, Suffolk Co., Eng., whence he came as early as the spring of 1650. He was a cordwainer (shoemaker) by trade, but owned considerable landed property in the town where he first lived, and in Weston where he passed the last years of his life, dying in 1690. He m., abt. 1652, Abigail, dau of George and Abigail Munning, thus bringing a name into the family which has been retained until recently, if not to the present date. It was first given as a personal appellation to the second of three sons, who was b. April 4, 1655, and who spent his days in Watertown, where he was a leading and highly honored citizen. John3, s. of Munning2, b. in 1689, succeeded to the paternal estate and to many public honors. He m. Elizabeth Coolidge, Dec. 5, 1711, by whom he had 9 chn., one of whom was the first of the name in W.

1. Sawin, Stephen4, s. of John3 and Elizabeth (Coolidge) Sawin, was b. in Watertown, 1712, and having m. Abigail Fiske, sr. of Mrs. Eliezer Bigelow and of Mrs. Samuel Hager, set. in his native place as farmer and shoemaker. Ab. the year 1745 he rem. to Worc., whence he came some 15 yrs. later to this town. On the 15th of Aug., 1760, he purchased of Joseph Hosley the greater part of lots Nos. 37, now owned by Samuel (1) Bridge, and 38, the Betsey Bacon place, and located upon the latter the following year. He ere long purchased considerable portions of what was known as the Governor's farm in the immediate neighborhood, making him one of the largest resident landholders at that date, and enabling him to furnish each of his 4 sons homesteads of reasonable size near at hand. He d. in 1795 at the age of 83. His wid. d. in 1803, a. 92. Their chn. were:
2. Jonathan5, b. Wat., Jan. 12, 1735; m. Mary Whitney; res. W.
3. Samuel5, b. Wat., 1737; m. Molly Wasson and Martha (5) Miller; res.W.
4. Benjamin5, b. Wat., 1740; d. unm. 1764.
5. John5, b. Wat., 1742; d. 1753.
6. David5, b. Worc., 1745; m. Mehitable Brown; res. W.
7. Elizabeth6, b. Worc., 1748; m. Andrew Darby; res. W.; 9 chn.
8. Reuben5, b. Worc., 1752; m. Annis Robbins; res. W.
9. Abigail5, b. Worc., 1754; d. infancy.
10. Sarah5, b. Worc., 1757; m. Nehemiah Bowers; res. Rindge, N. H.; 9 chn.; d. 1856.
[2.] Sawin, Jonathan5, oldest s. of Stephen4, was b. in Watertown, went with his f. to Worc., where he m. Mary Whitney, Feb. 15, 1759, and had 2 chn. before rem. to W. in 1761. He located here on a tract of land belonging to the Gov.'s farm, now owned and occupied by his gt.-gd.s, John F. Sawin. He is said to have served in the F. and I. War before coming to W., and was a soldier in the Revolution. He d. Jan. 17, 1822, a. 87. His wid. d. Nov. 3, 1826, a. 94. Their chn. were:
11. Daniel6, b. Worc., 1759; m. Lucy Byam; res. W.
12. James6, b. Jan. 2, 1761; m. Elizabeth Estabrook; res. W.
13. Abner6, b. Aug. 29, 1763; m. Anna Robbins; res. W.
14. Elizabeth6, b. Jan. 3, 1765; m. Elijah Farrington; rs. Vt.
15. Abigail6, b. Feb. 9, 1767; m. Oliver Sampson; res. Ash.; 8 chn.; d. 1843.
16. Stephen6, b. May 5, 1769; m. Lydia Bemis; res. Fg.; 2 chn.; d. 1802.
17. Asa6, b. July 15, 1771; m. Susannah Grimes; res. Ash.; 8 chn.; d. 1828.
18. Eunice6, b. Jan. 16, 1774; m. Jacob Constantine; res. Vt.
19. Luther6, b. Dec. 18, 1776; m. Eunice Gilbert; res. W.
[3.] Sawin, Samuel5, second s. of Stephen4, b. in Watertown, accompanied his f. to Worc., where he m. Molly Wasson of Sudbury, June 19, 1760, a year before his rem. to W. He set. on lot No. 37, the present Samuel (1) Bridge farm, which he carried on in connection with his trade as stonecutter. He was active in public affairs, and an ardent patriot in the Revolutionary times, was several years Selectman, and animated by the military spirit, served as Lieut. under Capt. Noah Miles at the time of the Lexington alarm, and in the same capacity under Capt. Elisha Jackson when troops were called to Bennington in 1777. He afterward obtained a Capt.'s commission in the State Militia. His first wife., Molly Wasson, d. ab. 1770, and he m. (2) Martha (5), dau. of Dea. Joseph and Mary (Williams) Miller (pub. Aug. 18, 1771), and (3) Wid. Abigail Bowers in 1810. He d. Oct. 23, 1822, a. 84. His second w., Martha, d. Aug. 1, 1808, a. 61. Abigail, his third w., d. at date unkn. Chn.:
20. Molly6, b. April, 1762; m. Jonathan Emory; res. New Ipswich, N. H.; d. 1850?
21. Benjamin6, b. Dec. 13, 1764; m. Lucy Laws; res. Gr., etc.; 3? chn.; d. unkn.

[p. 744] [18.] Lucy6, dau. of James and Anne (Danforth) Laws, b. Feb. 14, 1770; m. Benjamin Sawin; res. Gr.; chn.

22. John6, b. May 2, 1767; m.; res. W.; 1 chd.; d. 1806.
23. Samuel6, b. Sept. 18, 1769; m. Martha Heywood; res. Gr.; 5 chn.; d. unkn.
24. Lucy6, b. Sept. 30, 1772; m. John (5) Damon ; res. W.; 11 chn.; d. Sept. 22, 1851.
25. Abijah6, b. Aug. 7, 1774; d. childhood.
26. Sullivan6, b. Aug. 9, 1778; m. Mary Heywood; res. W. and Gr.; 6 chn.
27. Sally6, b. Aug. 9, 1778; m. John Wetherbee; res. Manchester, Vt.

[p. 905] John, s. Nathan and Elizabeth Wetherbee, b. Aug. 30, 1778; m. Sally Sawin; res. Manchester, Vt.

28. Phebe6, b. Feb. 9, 1753; m. Isaac (3) Williams; d. 1809
29. Annis6, b. June 4, 1785; m. James Cooledge; res. Gr.; 8 chn.; d. 1841
30. Ruth6, b. Dec. 3, 1787; d. 1803.
31. Betsey6, b. Oct. 9, 1790; m. Ephraim (4) Williams; res. Gr.; 6 chn.; d.
[11.] Sawin, Daniel6, s. of Jonathan5 and Mary Whitney, m. Lucy Byam of Templeton, to whom he was pub. June 30, 1782, and set. on a 3d. div. lot in the Minott neighborhood. (See A. H. No. 74) He was a few months in the Rev. army, but held no public office. He d. Aug. 27, 1834, a. 75. His wid. d. the following year, Dec. 7, age unknown. Chn.:
36. Lucy7, b. Sept. 6, 1783; d. 1792.
37. Molly7, b. April 29, 1787; d. 1792
38. Daniel7, b. Aug. 11, 1792; m. Priscilla Hastings; res. W.
39. Abel7, b. Jan. 11, 1794; d. in Ohio, unm., 1841.
40. Aaron7, b. Jan. 18, 1796; m. Phebe Marshall; res. W., etc.
[12.] Sawin, James6, bro. of the last, was brought to W. on horseback when 6 weeks old. He m. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 8, 1763 [p. 636], dau. of John and Anna (Bemis) Estabrook, Oct. 27, 1785. He is said to have been a soldier in the Rev., though his name does not appear in the Mass. archives. He first set. in S. W. part of the town, on the corner opp. where the wid. of Norman Seaver now res., but ere long returned to his father's, and there remained through life. The house inherited by him is now gone. He d. Aug. 26, 1859, a. 98 yrs. 7 mos. 24 ds. His w. d. Dec. 26, 1852, a. 89 yrs. 11 mos. 18 ds. Chn.:
41. Ezra7, b. Aug. 22, 1786; m. Agnes McIntire; res. Hub.; had chn.; d. 1875.
42. Abel7, b. April 11, 1791; d. infancy.
43. Betsey7, b. Dec. 9, 1795; d. Jan. 21, 1800.
44. James7, b. Dec. 15, 1798; m. Eunice Hyde; res. W.
45. John7, b. Dec. 5, 1798; m. 3 times; res. W.
46. Nehemiah7, b. June 23, 1805; d. infancy.
[13.] Sawin, Abner6, bro. of the last, m. Annis Robbins, and set. near his bro. Daniel, in the S. W. part of town. (See A. H. No. 75.) They had but one chd.:
47. Charles7, b. 1788; m. Patience Graves; res. W.
[16.] Sawin, Stephen6, another s. of Jonathan6, m. Lydia, b. 1771; d. May 10, 1855 [p. 544-545] dau. of Zaccheus and Elizabeth (Lyon) Bemis, 1796 (pub. Jan. 17). They were then of W., but set. in the edge of Fg., from which place he petitioned the Gen. Ct., in 1799, to be set off to this town, though without avail. He d. in 1802, and his wid. m. Levi Graves. Stephen and Lydia Sawin had 2 chn.:
48. Betsey7, b. Feb. 4, 1801; m. Hollis (8) Bolton; res. W.; 10 chn.
49. Mary7, b. 1802; d. 1803.
[19.] Sawin, Luther6, bro. of the last, m. Eunice Gilbert and res. in W., and Windhall, Vt. he d. May 5, 1813, a. 37. His w. d. at unkn. date. 3 chn.:
50. Lucinda7, b. 1799; m. Leonard (31) Hoar; res. W.; 9 chn.; d. March 18, 1887.
51. Jonathan7, b. March 30, 1802; m. Mary A. Thompson; res. W., etc.
52. Mary7, b. Nov. 13, 1806; m. twice; res. W., etc.; sev. chn.; d. March 9, 1858.
[26.] Sawin, Sullivan6, s. of Capt. Samuel5 and Martha (Miller) Sawin, m. Mary5, b. Lanc., Feb. 11, 1776 [p. 692], dau. Timothy and Patience (Stebbins) Heywood, to whom he was pub. Sept. 12, 1801. He succeeded to his father's estate, and spent most of his active life in W., carrying on the farm, and doing a considerable millwright business besides. Ab the year 1830 he removed to Gardner, engaging in the manufacture of lumber, chair stock, farming, etc., until advancing years and the infirmities of age put an end to his labors. While in W. he served for some years on the board of Selectmen, and in other less responsible places of public trust. He was a Whig in politics, and in religion sympathized with the more rational and liberal branch of the Chn. church. He d. Aug. 30, 1846, a. 68. His w., Mary, d. Feb. 1, 1844, a. 67. Their chn., natives of W., were:
53. Reuben H.7, b. Jan. 22, 1802; m. Sarah S. Robbins; res. Cal.; 2 chn.; d. May 2, 1884.
54. Ruth7, b. Sept. 6, 1803; m. John (24) Damon; res. Gr., and Fitzwilliam, N. H.; 3 chn.; d. Nov. 11, 1839.
55. Mary7, b. Dec. 22, 1807; m. Horace (165) Whitney; res. W., etc.; 11 chn.; d. Jan. 7, 1891.
56. Eliza7, b. March 20, 1810; m. Dr. David Parker; res. Gr.; 3 chn.; d. Sept. 5, 1839.
57. Sullivan7, b. June 13, 1813; d. unm. at Warren, Ohio, April 6, 1853.
58. John7, b. Oct. 9, 1815; m. Eliza Bent; res. Gr.; 3 chn.; living.

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