Archive:History of Westminster, Heywood, J-L
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Heywood, William Sweetzer, History of Westminster, Massashusetts (First named Narragansett No. 2), From the date of the original grant of the township to the present time, 1728-1893, with a Biographic-Genealogical Register of its Principal Families, (Vox Populi Press: S.W. Huse & Co., Lowell, Mass.: 1893); New England Historic Genealogical Society Call No. F/74/W72/H6.
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[p. 723-726] JACKSON
- The ancestral immigrant from whom descended the Jacksons of W. was Edward1, a res. of Camb. in 1643. He lived in that part of the territory lying south of Charles River, afterwards set off and incorporated as the town (now city) of Newton. A bro., John1 had preceded him in coming to this country by several yrs., and had taken up lands in the same general locality. They were the sons of Christopher Jackson of Whitechapel, London, who owned in the east part of the great metropolis a fine estate and bore an honorable reputation.
- Edward Jackson1 had m. in the mother country, and his w. accompanied him hither. During the passage she gave birth to a s., who from the circumstances of the case was christened Seaborn, which name, afterward changed to Sebas, remained in the family for several generations. This Sebas2 was a soldier in the war with King Philip, and as such his heirs (he being deceased) had a grantee's right in Nar. No. 2, upon which his s. Edward3 in the first division of the township lands, drew lot No. 42, the former Job Seaver place, now owned by Warren La Geyet, which he sold in 1738 to Thomas Stearns of Watertown. The following year Isaac Jackson4, s. of Edward3 became a proprietor by purchase of lot No. 92, the late homestead of Lyman Allen, and there the family first had a local habitation in the township.
- Isaac Jackson4 m. Ruth Greenwood of Newton, and had quite a number of chn., but it does not appear that he ever established a home for himself and family here, although he was reported to the Gen. Ct. in 1751 as having "a little land cleared," "the frame of a little house put up," and "two men at work" upon his lot. Three of his sons, however, subsequently set. in the township, and there are indications that he spent the last yrs. of his life with them, his w. having prob. passed away. He d. in 1765 or 1766, leaving a large property, mostly of lands here and elsewhere, which he disposed of by a will dated July 8, 1765 and preserved at the Probate Office, Worcester. He gave to his s. Josiah5 lots 92 and 93 (the Allen farm), with meadow lot No. 57 (in Gardner); to Edward5, No. 7, 2d Div. (on B. P. Hill), and 48, 3d Div. (prob. in Gr.), with all rights in the still undivided lands of the township; to Elisha5, 113, 2d Div., 37, 3d Div., and meadow lot No. 67 (all in Gr.); and to Isaac5 a 4th s., lands and other property in Newton, where he res. Josiah5, Edward5 and Elisha5 located in this town, the first and last on the lots received from their f., and Edward5 on lot No. 20, 2d Div., the original poor farm of the town. Elisha5's homestead was on the borders of what is now So. Gr. Village, his dwelling occupying the commanding elevation at the N. W., known as Kendall Hill, a part of the estate of the late John R. Conant.
- 1. Jackson, Josiah5 s. of Isaac4 and Ruth, was b. April 23, 1733, according to his tombstone, but in 1730, as stated in Jackson's History of Newton. He was permanently located here at the time of the town's incorporation, his name appearing in the records of a proprietors' meeting held Oct. 16, 1759, and again in the first list of tax payers under the newly organized District of W. His dwelling house stood on lot 92, a few rods south of the more commodious structure built by his s. Oliver, and recently occupied by Mr. Allen. Mr. Jackson was an industrious, frugal, prosperous farmer, becoming one of the largest land holders of his day, and a substantial, worthy, and much esteemed citizen. He was twice chosen Selectman, and was called to other posts of public service. He m. Jan. 30, 1755, Mary, dau. of Andrew and Elizabeth (Patch) Darby, who survived him and who, in 1781, became the 2d w. of Jonas Winship. He d. Feb. 5, 1776, a. 42 or 45. She d. Feb. 4, 1823, a. 87 yrs., 11 mos., 7ds. The names of their chn. are all found in the W. records, but it is not certain that the oldest were b. in the place. They were:
2. Mary6, b. Sept. 11, 1755; d. young. 3. Oliver6, b. Nov. 22, 1757; m. Mary Pierce; res. W.; (8 chn.; d. April, iSi6. 4. Ruth6, b. July 31, 1759; m. Joseph Hapgood; d. Jan. 4, 1778. 5. Sarah6, b. April 12, 1762; pub. James Richardson, So. Hadley, May 30, 1784. 6. Eunice6, b. Nov. 6, 1764; prob. d. young; no record. 7. Isaac6, b. Aug. 30, 176S?; had guardian appointed 1783; nothing further. 8. Mary6, b. Nov. 30, 1768?; pub. John Chandler, Stg., Feb. 24, 1782. 9. Lydia6, b. Feb. 13, 1771; m. Thomas Keyes, June 21, 1792.
- [3.] Jackson, Oliver6, s. of the last, was pub. to Mary, dau. of John and Abigail (Beard) Pierce, Oct. 22, 1780. He succeeded to his f.'s estate, and, like his f., was one of the worthy yeomanry of the town. He built, no doubt for his own use, the large, commodious dwelling now standing on the premises. He d. April, 1816, a. 58, and his wid. m. (2) Col. Thaddeus Bond. She d. March 17, 1833, a. 72. Their chn. were:
10. Polly7, b. Nov. 12, 1781; m. Adam Partridge; res. Gr.; 8 chn.; d. 11. Asenath7, b. March 29, 1785; m. Jonas Holden; res. W. 12. Josiah7, b. Sept. 7, 1787; m. Nancy Bolton; res. W. 13. Betsey7, b. Aug. 5, 1790; m. Jesse Warren; res. W., etc. 14. Isaac7, b. Nov. 24, 1792; m. Betsey Brooks and Hittie Minott; res. Gr.; 6 chn. 15. Abigal7, b. June 18, 1796; m. John Dunn; res. W., etc.; 13 chn. 16. Horace7, b. April 1, 1800; prob. d. infancy. 17. Elvira7, b. May 28, 1802; m. Jonas Cutting; res. W.
- [12.] Jackson, Josiah7, s. of the last, m. (1) Nancy, dau. of Aaron and Dorcas (Winship) Bolton, pub. 1811, and set. in the west part of the town, on Winchendon road, last house. Late in life he rem. to Gr., where he d. Jan. 28, 1871, a. 83. His w., Nancy, d. Aug. 22, 1853, and he m. (2) wid. Sally (Richardson) Merriam of Gr., Jan. 4, 1855. She d. Feb. 25, 1869, a. 76. Chn.:
18. Emily8, b. Nov. 16, 1812; m. Anson Ray; res. W. 19. Ann M.8, b. July 3, 1814; m. J. Elliot Gates; res. W. 20. M.ARY M.8, b. Feb. 6, 1817; m. Ezekiel F. Divol; res. W. 21. Fidelia8, b. Nov. 26, 1819; m. Asa F. Smith; res. Gr.; 2 chn.; living. 22. Nancy8, b. Jan. 29, 1823; m. Hiram Wood; res. Gr.; d. Aug. 27, 1843. 23. Unnamed dau.8, b. Oct. 11, 1824; d. Oct. 13, 1824. 23. Horace8, b. March 11, 1831; d. March 21, 1853, unm.
- 25. Jackson, Edward5, s. of Isaac4 and Ruth (Greenwood) Jackson, was b. at Newton, Sept. 3, 1739. He disposed of the lands left him by his f., and bought of James Ross, Nov. 6, 1766, lot No. 20, 2d Div., the old town farm on Beech Hill, where he spent his days. He was an enterprising farmer, of good character and standing, and was honored by his fellow townsmen with the ofifice of Selectman, and other places of responsiblity. He m. Jemima, dau. of Jonathan and Jemima Trowbridge of Newton, ab. the time of his coming here. He lived to be almost 91 yrs. old, his d. taking place Aug. 25, 1830. His w. d. Feb. 20, 1824, a. 79. Chn.:
26. John6, b. July 19, 1767; m. twice; res. W.; d. Dec. 27, 1S55. 27. Milicent6, b. June 12, 1769; m. David Cowee; res. W. and Troy, N. Y.; 4 chn.; d. Oct. 28, 1825. 28. Jemima6, b. Sept. 15,1771; m. Benjamin Brown; d. 1804. 29. Edward6, b. Feb. 25, 1774; d. Dec. 15, 1776. 30. Olive6, b. May 9, 1776; m. Samuel Bruce; res. W.; no chn.; d. Aug. 18, 1859. 31. Anne6, b. March i, 1778; m. Jonathan Whitman; res. W.; no chn.; d. May 9, 1821. 32. Edward6, b. Aug. 8, 1780; m. Dolly Brooks; res. W. 33. Joseph6, b. Aug. 11, 17S2; m. Eunice Bolton; res. Temp.; dec'd. 34. Ruth6, b. Aug. 26, 1784; d. Feb. 15, 1790. 35. Josiah6, b. March 28, 1787; m. Betsey Kendall; res. N. Y. 36. Levi6, b. March 12, 1790; d. May 25, 1799.
- [26.] Jackson, John6, s. of the last, succeeded to the estate of his f. on Beech Hill, but becoming embarrassed financially by the business irregularities of some of his fellow-townsmen whom he had too implicitly trusted, he sold out and rem., when past middle life, to the more humble home built by Dr. Shumway, near the Winship place. He was a man of more than average intelligence, natural ability, and good judgment, serving the town acceptably for many yrs. as an Assessor. He was also for 1 yr. a member of the Sch. Com. In religion he was an earnest Universalist. He m. (i) Susannah, dau. of Jonathan and Susannah (Flint) Sawyer (pub. April 11, 1792), who became the mother of his 8 chn. She d. Dec. 1, 1831, a. 60, and he m. (2) Nancy, wid. of Benjamin Lynde, pub. Sept. 27, 1832. He d. Dec. 27, 1855, a. 88. His wid., Nancy (Larrabee) Lynde Jackson, d. Feb. 8, 1869, a. 83. Chn.:
37. Ruth7, b. Oct. 23, 1793; d. May 15, 1805. 38. Susannah7, b. Nov. 27, 1795; d. unm. April 27, 1828. 39. Nancy7, b. Jan. 11, 1798; m. Henry Farwell; res. West; d. Aug., 1887. 40. Harriet7, b. Feb. 4, 1800; d. March 14, 1809. 41. Julia7, b. Sept. 27, 1803; d. Sept. 17, 1805. 42. John V.7, b. May 14, 1806. 43. Harriet7, b. July 16, 1810; m. Francis Coolidge; chn.; d. 44. Jonathan M.7, b. Dec. 15, 1812; m. Betsey or Susan Taylor.
- [32.] Jackson, Edward6 bro. of the last, m. Dolly, dau. of Jonathan and Mary (Winship) Brooks of Fg., May 16, 1804, and located on a part of lot No. 23, 2d Div., half a mile N. W. of his f.'s, where his s., Levi, more recently resided. He d. Jan. 3, i860, a. 79, and his wid. followed him to the land unseen July 15, 1863, a. 82. Chn.:
45. Levi7, b. Oct. 10, 1804; d. Sept. 14, 1805. 46. Edward L.7, b. April 17, 1807; d. Dec. i, 1824. 47. Levi7, b. Dec. 14, 1S09; m. Jane Grant; res. W. 48. Cyrus B.7, b. July 12, 1812; m. twice; res. Boston and West; sev. chn. 49. Dorothy7, b. June 21, 1813; d. same day. 50. Dolly7, b. Nov. 29, 181 5; m. Geo. W. Whitney; res. W.; 3 chn.; living. 51. Mary7, b. Sept. 5, 1818; m. David Wyman; 4 chn.; res. Minneapolis.
- [47.] Jackson, Levi7, s. of the last, m. May 13, 1838, Jane, dau. of Enoch and Jane Grant, b. March 25, 1810, at Brunswick, Me., and spent his days upon the parental estate. He d. April 21, 1865, a. 55. His wid. d. Sept. 15, 1878, a. 68. Chn.:
52. Edward L.8 b. Aug. 25, 1839; d. unm. Feb. 2, 1869. 53. Levi8, b. Nov. 17, 1840; m. Elvira M. Moulton; res. W.; 5 chn. 54. George Whitney8, b. May 7, 1842; d. Aug. 12, 1S49. 55. Elizabeth A.8, b. July 26, 1843; m. Alfred W. Ray; res. Gr.; 3 chn. 56. Albert C.8, b. Feb. 13, 1846; d. Aug. 10, 1849. 57. Parker C.8, b. Feb. 29, 1848; d. Aug. 14, 1849. 58. Martha C.8, b. June 26, 1849; m. Frank Eaton; res. W.; 2 chn. 59. Laura J.8, b. Sept. 10, 1853; d. Feb. 18, 1870.
- [53.] Jackson, Levi8 of the last family, m. Elvira M., dau. of Joseph S. and Marion Moulton of Barre, June 20, 1874. He was a long-time invalid and d. Aug. 4, 1892. Chn.:
60. Levi9, b. Dec. 5, 1874. 61. Leo E.9, b. July 11, 1876. 62. Marion J.9, b. Sept. 11, 1878. 63. Josephine E.9, b. Aug. 16, 1880. 64. Annie M.9, b. June 18, 1884.
- 65. Jackson, Sebas5 (sometimes spelled Sebez or Sebaz), was s. of Sebas4 and Abigail (Patten) Jackson, b. Newton, July 10, 1737. The f. was bro. of Isaac4, whose sons, Josiah5 and Edward5, have received due notice. Sebas5 came to W. in 1767 or 1768, and on Oct. 21, 1769, purchased of Nathaniel Merrill the long-known Ezra Wood place near the R. R. Station, now owned by Melville H. Warner. He m. prob. before coming here, Mary, dau. of George and Susannah (Greenwood) Bacon, of his native town, the sr. of Edward Bacon, who located near by a few yrs. afterward. So far as appears she d. childless, and he m. (2) Elizabeth Walton, March 16, 1778, the mother of the 4 daus. whose names are given below. Few facts concerning this family have been brought to light, the last descendant of it having long since left town, and the records relating to it being very meagre. Mr. Jackson d. 1803, a. 66. Mrs. Jackson d. Nov. 18, 1814, a. 70. Chn.:
66. Mary B.6, b. Oct. 21, 1778; no record found. 67. Lucy6, b. Jan. 25, 1780; ni. William Rand; res. Rutland, Vt. 68. Catee6, b. Feb. 12, 1782; m. Ezra Wood; res. W. 69. Esther6, b. April 16, 1784; m. Edmond Nichols; res. Gr.; i chd.; d. early.
[p. 740-741] KNOWER
- George Knower1, with bro. Thomas, was in Charlestown in 1631, perhaps in 1630. They are reputed to have come from London. Thomas was a clothier, but had, so far as known, no family. He was found dead in a boat on the Mystic River, Nov. 9, 1641. George1 m. Elizabeth (?) ----, and set. in that part of town afterward set off to form Malden. His s. Jonathan2, b. 1645, m. Sarah Winslow (perhaps of Plymouth), and had, besides other chn., John3, b. May 22, 1690. By his w., Elizabeth, the latter had a large family, of which John4 and Joseph4, twins, were b. Feb. 28, 1723-4. The first of these m. Phebe Sprague, and so prepared the way for the W. set. bearing that name - a name which, in both colonial and town annals, has had a various orthography. The old custom house records have it Knore; the early form of it here was Knoah; Jonathan2 wrote his signature Knowre, and sometimes it has appeared in Scripture guise, Noah. For two or three generations it has been used only as at present found. Knower.
- [10.] Knower, Horace B.7, s. of the last [Thomas and Elmira (Eager) Knower, b. Jan. 21, 1828], m. Jan. 4, 1854, Mary Adelia (90), dau. James and Eunice (Hyde) Sawin, and set. with his parents on the ancestral farmstead, which came into his possession after their decease. Like his f. and gd.f., he was an industrious, well-to-do farmer, keeping up the reputation of the paternal line for good husbandry and uprightness of character. His career was brought to a tragic close at the So. Main st. R. R. crossing in Gardner, where, in attempting to pass, he was struck by a train and instantly killed, Oct. 7, 1885. His wid is still living upon the old place. Chn.:
11. Calvin Heywood8, b. June 28, 1855; d. Aug. 27, 1871. 12. Charles Franklin8, b. Dec. 21, 1856; m. Edith E. Prescott; res. W.
- [12.] Knower, Charles Franklin8, just named, m. Nov. 16, 1879, Edith E., dau. Geo. H. and Emily A. (Taylor) Prescott. Upon the sudden d. of his f. he succeeded to the management of the home estate, which he still retains. Chn.:
[p. 741-742] LAMB
- Among the early proprietors of Leicester, who, in 16S7, bought of the native Indians the territory now including the central village of that town, and christened it Strawberry Hill, was Col. Joshua Lamb1, presumed to have been of English birth and the head of the family of that name in this part of the country. His sup. s., Jonathan3, had John3, a res. of Spencer, the f. of James4, who set. in Hub. One of the s. of James4, Pliny5, m. Rebecca Brown, and from this union came the Lamb families of W.
- Lamb, Greenlief6, s. of the last named, was b. Hub. Jan. 25, 1805, and m. Hannah H.,dau. of Stephen and Hannah Frost of that town, April 12, 1827. They res. in their native place awhile, then were in Gr. for a year or two, rem. to W. ab. 1834. He was a blacksmith, and first plied his trade here at the Thomas Gaut shop on Main St., on or near the spot now occupied by the store of George W. Bruce. He subsequently built the well-known stand on Bacon st., — a shop and dwelling, — where he located permanently. He is said to have been a superior workman and had an extensive patronage. In connection with his regular calling he manufactured elliptic carriage springs, forks for agricultural uses, etc., which had an excellent reputation and a large sale. He d. Feb. 26, 1877, a. 72, His w., Hannah F., d. May 28, 1876, a. 72. Chn.:
2. John G.7, b. May 30, 1828; m. twice; res. W. and Worc.; i chd.; d. Sept. 9, 1872. 3. Stephen F.7, b. June 1, 1834; m. Anna P. Brown; res. W. 4. Mary F.7, b. March 28, 1836; m. Spencer Frost; res. W.; 2 chn.; on Sch. Com., 1877-78. 5. Charles A.7, b. May 18, 1841; d. Sept. 2, 1842.
- [2.] Lamb, John G.7, s. of the last, m. (1) July 31, 1854, Mary B., dau. of Loring Chase, b. Newfane. Vt., 1831. She d. May 1, 1855, and Nov. 2, 1857, he was pub. to Lizzie Richardson of Phillipston. Res. a few years in tn., then rem. to Worc., where he d. Was in the civil war. (See Chap. XX.) Had but 1 chd.:
6. Henry W.8, b. June 27, 1859; res. Boston.
- [3] Lamb, Stephen Frost7, bro. of the last, m. Nov. 10, 1859, Anna P., dau. Philander C. and Louisa (Whitney) Brown, and succeeded to his f.'s calling and estate. He is a reputable citizen of the town, having held the office of Assessor and filled other important positions in the people's gift. Chn.:
7. Charles G.8, b. Sept. 28, i860; m. Alice M. Mansfield; res. Denver, Col.; State Veterinary surgeon; i chd.; living. 8. Lillian B.8, b. Sept. 21, 1864; m. Cyrus T. Miller; res. W. 9. John Wm.8, b. June 21, 1866; m. Ada C. Miller; res. Fg. 10. Georgie L.8 b. June 15, 1880.
- 11. Lamb, Augustus6, another s. of Pliny5, and Rebecca, a. 32, m. (1) Amanda, dau. Liberty and Dorinda Patridge, June 2, 1844. He was also a blacksmith and had a shop near the sawmill of his f. -in-law. Mrs. L. d. April 9, 1853, a. 32. He m. (2) Amanda Colman, and left tn. many years since. Chn.:
12. Julia7, b. Nov. 3, 1844; m. Jos. T. Marshall; res. W.; no chn. 13. Mary E.7, b. July 6, 1845; d. Jan. 9, 1855. 14. Daughter7, b. Dec. 9, 1846; d. infancy. 15. William A.7, b. May 7, 1849; m. and had 3 chn.; res. Stoneham; d. Sept. 29, 1881. 16. Charles G.7 b. Feb. 12, 1851; d. June 12, 1873. 17. Amaretta7 b. Jan. 19, 1853; d. infancy.
[p. 743-745] LAWS
- No very satisfactory accounts of the earlier generations of this family in N. E. have been found. So far as the writer of this sketch can learn, the first record in which the name appears states tht John Laws1, presumably the immigrant settler, m. Lydia, dau. of Roger Draper, in Concord, March 5, 1660. Of this union came John2, b. 1661, Thomas2, b. 1663, and Stephen2, b. 1665. It is prob. that one of these sons was gd.f. of James4, who, Nov. 13, 1756, m. Eunice, dau. of James and Maria Hosley, the sister of Joseph Hosley mentioned in the foregoing pages. James4, his f. being unk., set. in Billerica, where his w. belonged and where the first of the name here had their nativity. It is quite certain he was of the third generation from the John1 who m. Lydia Draper, the intermediate links being omitted, as indicated thus: -- John1, ----2, ----3, and on that presumption the registry below is made up.
- 1. Laws, Thomas5, s. of James4 and Eunice (Hosley) Laws, was b. Nov. 20, 1737. On the 21st of March, 1760, he bought of his bro.-in-law, Joseph Hosley, who had been some years in this place, No. 68, 2d Div., in the extreme north part of the town, on which Malachi Hession now lives, and soon after took possession of it. His w. was Hannah -----. Late in life his mother, Eunice (Hosley) Laws, came here to live, and d. in 1813, a. 92. He d. Sept. 14, 1803, a. 65. His wid. d. Nov. 1, 1806, a. 71. Chn.:
2. Thomas6 b. July 9, 1761; m. Mary Locke; res. W. and N. H. 3. Solomon6, b. Aug. 29, 1766; m. Alovisa Kendall; res. W.; no chn. 4. Hannah6, b. April 7, 1770; m. Jonathan Southwick, Dublin, N. H. 5. Rachel6, b. April 25, 1774; m. Heman Ray; res. W.; chn.
- [2.] Laws, Thomas6 s. of the last, m. Mary, dau. of Ebenezer and Phebe (Mores) Locke, Rindge, N. H., Sept. 4, 1787. He lived in town ab. 14 yrs., on a part of his f.'s farm, which was divided between him and his bro. Solomon. In 1801 he sold out and rem. to Peterboro', N. H., where his 3 youngest chn. were b. The dates of the death of himself and w. are unkn. Chn.:
6. Phebe7, b. Feb. 20, 1789; d. Feb. 25, 1789. 7. Amos7 b. Jan. 14, 1790; d. March 12, 1795. 8. Sampson7, b. Oct. 22, 1792; d. Feb. 27, 1795. 9. Amos7, b. June 14, 1795; d. Sept. 5, 1797. 10. Thomas7, b. May 11, 1797; m. three times; res. Petersham; 3 chn.; d. May 31. 1853. 11. Mary7, b. Jan. 19, 1799; m. James Childs; res. Temple, N. H.; 1 chd.; d. May 10, 1827. 12. Nathaniel F.7, b. May i, 1807; m. Polly Childs; res. Temple, N. H.; 3 chn. 13. Ebenezer7, b. May i, 1803; m. Melinda Wooley; res. Washington, N. H. 14. Solomon7, b. Nov. 13, 1S06; m. Olive M. Johnson; res. Temple, N. H.
- The last of these chn., Solomon7 (14), was of literary and religious habits and aims in life. He fitted for college, grad. Dartmouth, 1S36, studied divinity, and was settled as a Universalist minister at Temple, N H., where he res. many years, much esteemed as a man and of good repute in his profession. Late in life he rem. to Marlboro', N. H., and still later to the West, where he d. His w. was Olive M. Johnson of Chester, Vt. They had sev. chn.
- [3.] Laws, Solomon6, youngest s. of Thomas and Eunice, m. Alovisa Kendall of Fg., March 12, 1801, and succeeded to his f.'s estate, the whole of which came into his possession after the rem. of his bro. from town. Having no chn. he set. his estate upon his bro.-in-law, Wm. Kendall, who cared for himself and w. in their more advanced and dependent years. The date of the death of Solomon Laws and w., Alovisa, has not been learned. With them this branch of the family in town became extinct.
- 15. Laws, James5, s. of James4 and Eunice (Hosley) Laws, was b. Billerica, March 12, 1742. He followed his bro. Thomas to W., and in 1768 his f. deeded to him lot No. 42, 2d Div., on which his gd.s., James H. Laws, now res., and there he soon after located. He m., before coming here, Anne Danforth. He d. Nov., 1 82 1, a. 79. His w. d. Nov. 5, 181 3, a. 69. They had the following chn.:
16. Elizabeth6, b. July 28. 1766; m. Eli Sawyer; res. W. 17. Anna6, b. Feb. 18, 1768; m. Joseph Gibbs; res. Ash.; 8 chn. 18. Lucy6, b. Feb. 14, 1770; m. Benjamin Sawin; res. Gr.; chn. 19. James6, b. Dec. 13, 1772; m. Thankful Metcalf; res. W. 20. William6, b. Oct. 18, 1774; m. and set. Sharon, N. H.; sev. chn. 21. Rhoda6, b. Oct. 4, 1776; m. Edward J. Locke; res. Peterboro', N. H.
- [19.] Laws, James6, s. of the last, m. Thankful Metcalf of Ash., Nov. 21, 1797, and succeeded to his f.'s estate. His w.'s mother was Margaret Shattuck, dau. of Wm. of Groton, a relative of the w. of Dea. Joseph Holden. Mr. Laws d. Aug. 14, i860, a. Sy. His w. d. Jan. 5, 1852, a. y6. Chn.:
22. James^ b. Sept. 9, 1797; d. May 10, 1S03. 23. D.wid", b. March lo, 1799; m. Nancy Wilder; res. W.; 3 chn. 24. Joseph", b. March 3, iSoi; d. July 10, 1S03. 25. Hosea", b. Aug. 13, 1S03; m. twice; res. Boston; 5 chn.; d. Feb. 18, 1S87. 26. Thankful, b. May 30, 1S05; m. Ruel Lawrence; res. Ash.; 5 chn.; d. Oct., 1849. 27. Anna D.", b. July 4, 1807; m. John Rogers; res. Roxbury; no chn.; d. April 8, 1885. 28. J. Hervey", b. Sept. 8, 1809; m. Julia A. Hastings; res. W. 29. Sylvia", b. Sept. 3, iSii; m. ----- Morton; res. Ash.; 5 chn. 30. M.-vry", b. Nov. 2, 181 5; d. Nov. 24, 1S15. 31. S. Newell", b. July 23, 1817; m. Fidelia Whitney; res. Gr.; 4 chn.; living.
- [23.] Laws, David7, s. of the last, m. Nancy, dau. of Caleb and Sarah (Whitney) Wilder, Ash., April 24, 1828. He shared the paternal homestead with his bro. J. Hervey, and like him was an intelligent, high-minded, estimable citizen. He was Town Assessor in 1851. He d. March 22, 1875, a. 76. His wid. is still living in Ash. Chn.:
32. Sarah Ann8, b. Feb. 3, 1829; d. Aug. 14, 1829. 33. Lyman8, b. Sept. 30, 1830; m. Eliza J. Fay; res. Boston; 4 chn.; d. June 16, 1890. 34. M. Rebecca8, b. May 29, 1833; m. James H. Bancroft; res. Worc.; d. Nov. 2, 1879.
- [28.] Laws, James Hervey", bro. of the last, m. Julia A., dau. of John and Sarah (Green) Hastings, Ash., March 24, 1836. Mr. Laws is still living in the enjoyment of a serene old age and the respect and confidence of his fellow-townsmen. His more intimate relations, social, commercial, and religious, have been with the inhabitants of Ash., who hold him and his family in high regard. He is a Methodist by conviction and association, and has been an active and liberal supporter of the chh. of that denomination in the town named, honoring and adorning his Chn. faith by a correspondingly upright, humane, devout life. His w., a worthy companion for ab. half a century, passed to her rest Nov. 19, 1885, at the a. of 74. Chn.:
35. Unnamed^, b. June 13, 1837; d. infancy. 36 and 37. Twins^, unnamed, b. April 24, 183S; d. infancy. 38. Sarah G.*, b. Jan. 7, 1840; d. Aug. 15, 1848. 39. Ellen A.*^, b. June 22, 1841; living unm. 40. Hiram^, b. June 27, 1844; m. Mary E. Button; res. Bedford; 4 chn.; living. 41. Julia E.*, b. Feb. 26, 1846; d. June 9, 1849. 42. Sidney J.^, b. May 13, 1848; m. Emily J. Braman; res. Wore; 2 chn.; living. 43. Walter H.*, b. April 25, 1850; res. W. unm. 44. Mary E.^ b. Oct. 18, 1852; d. Jan. 11, 1873 45. Anna C^, b. May 24, 1857; res. W. unm.
- Walter H. Laws (43), the youngest s. of the above family, res. with his f. and sr. (who is their housekeeper) on the original James Laws' homestead. He is an intelligent, enterprising farmer, much interested in the subject of agriculture, both in its scientific and practical aspects and relations, and in whatever is conducive to human good and happiness. He was chosen Selectman in 1S85 and 1886. A worthy name closes the record of a worthy family.
[p. 746-747] LELAND
- Henry Leland1, b. in Eng. ab. 1625, came to this country in 1652, taking up his residence in Sherborn, as one of the original proprietors and first settlers of the town. He d. April 4, 1680, leaving a considerable family, from which has descended a numerous posterity. Ebenezer2, one of his s., had James3, who went to Grafton and established an important branch of the family there. Phineas4, s. of James3, was f. of Eleazer5, who m. Elizabeth Sherman, whence came the name of one of their s., Sherman Leland, - a man of eminence in his day, being for many years a Judge of Probate for Norfolk Co. 7. Leland, Elbridge G.7, s. of Amasa6 and Martha (31) (Seaver) Leland of Gr., was b. Aug. 8, 1820. Amasa6 was fourth cousin of Salmon (b. abt. 1787, s. of Eleazer5 and Elizabeth), his descent from the same immigrant ancestor running thus: Henry1, Hopestill2, William3, Simon4, Simeon5, Amasa6. Elbridge G.7 m. Jan. 26, 1869, wid. Laura Jane (Parkhill) Taylor of Potsdam, N. Y., and res. on the Sebina Spalding place, Beech Hill. No chn. reported.
- 8. Leland, Hollis J.7, bro. of the last, was b. Gr., Aug. 22, 1830. He came to W. when ab. 21, and m. May 8, 1853, Ellen M., dau. of Sewall and Susan Goodridge of Leicester. He is a paper maker by trade and res. at Wachusettville. Chn.:
9. Ida May8, b. June 12, 1855; m. Charles A. Lucas; res. Bristol, N. H.; 2 chn.; d. 1891. 10. Cora Della8, b. June 10, 1859; m. George W. Lucas; res. W.; 1 chd.; d. Jan. 25, 1885.
[p. 752-753] LOMBARD
- Among the early settlers of Springfield, which is one of the oldest towns in Mass., was John Lombard1, living there in 1646. Little has been learned of him or of his immediate descendants. Through his s. David2 he had a gd.s., John3, who became a resident of Brimfield. Joseph4, s. of John3, was f. of Abner5, who emigrated to Vt. and set. in the town of Paulet.
- 1. Lombard, Franklin6, was s. of this Abner5, b. March 25, 1815. When a young man he went to Leominster and learned the art of comb-making, then the leading industry of the place. In 1839 he came to W. and, locating at Scrabble Hollow, established that business and carried it on in a small way awhile, when he abandoned it for chair making, the principal occupation of his later years. He has the honor of being the oldest living chair manufacturer in town. He is a quiet, unpretending man, but conscientious, upright, and exemplary in his private character, and in all the relations of life. He m. (1) Ellen E., dau. of Thomas Damon of Fg., Jan. 24, 1839, by whom he had 1 chd. Soon after its birth the mother d., and he m. (2) Aug. 13, 1840, Eunice (39), dau. of Smyrna and Ruth (Whitney) Whitney. The date of his first wife's d. was Dec. 5, 1839. His second w. passed away in 1891. Chn:
2. Ellen E.7, b. Nov. 26, 1839; m. John N. (59) Harrington; res. Fg.; 8 chn. 3. Charles F.7, b.Aug. 25, 1842; m. Harriet E. Spofford; res. W. 4. Julia W.7, b. Aug. 7, 1844; m. Samuel L. Noyes; res. Leom.; 1 chd.; living. 5. George W.7, b. July 25, 1848; unm.; living. 6. Eunice W.7, b. Feb. 27, 1852; d. Aug. 7, 1853. 7. Edward P.7, b. Feb. 27, 1852; m. Adalaide E. Forbush; res. Ash.; 1 chd.; living. 8. Francilia7, b. May 12, 1850; m. James D. Cogswell; res. Leom.; 1 chd.; living. 9. Mary S.7, b. Aug. 23, 1862; m. Fred W. (50) Mossman ; res. W.
- [3.] Lombard, Charles F.7, s. of the last, m. Harriet E., dau. of John T. and Submit Spofford, Peterboro', N. H., Nov. 6, 1866, and set. near his parents. He d. Jan. 28, 1885, leaving 2 chn.:
10. Arthur C.8, b. June 27, 1868; m. Lillian E. (80) Holden; res. Ash. 11. Frank W.8, b. June 5, 1871.
[p. 753] LOVEWELL
- 1. Lovewell, Amasa, s. of Isaac and Eliza (Moulton) Lovewell, was b. Hub., Oct. 22, 1826. He m. (1) Harriet A., dau. Josiah and Harriet (Graves) Conant, Gr., May 25, 1848. She d. May 16, 1881, but whether she left chn. or not he does not report. He m. (2) Ida J. (Whitney), wid. of Oscar E. Whitmore, Oct. 3, 1884. A blacksmith. They have 1 chd.:
2. Ernest A., b. April 15, 1882?.
[p. 754-755] LYNDE
- Thomas Lynde1 was b. in Eng. in 1593-4, and emigrated to this country when 40 yrs. of age: set. first at Wollaston (Quincy) and later in Charlestown, where he was made freeman in 1634-5, and d. in 1671. He was a public-spirited man, held many offices in the town, and was Dea. of the chh. His s. Thomas2, distinguished by the title of "Ensign," located in Malden and had a s. Joseph3 whose descendants have lived in W. during both the earlier and later periods of its history, as noted below.
- 1. Lynde, Joseph4, s. of the last named and his w. Elizabeth, was b. Malden, Sept. 2, 1690. He was one of the first proprietors of Nar. No. 2., though not a Grantee, and a res. in 1741. He was the owner of lot No. 9, the N. E. corner of which was near the site of the present dwelling of Reuben P. Merriam. He built a house on the W. side of the road leading to the Damon place, not far from the So. W. crossing, some indications of the cellar of which may still be recognized. (See A. H. No. 65.) He was not in town many years, but received a bounty for improving and settling his claim, "having 20 acres cleared" in 1751, and "a good house," then occupied by Robert Sever. He returned to Malden where he d. in 1763. In his will, dated April 11, 1757, he ordered his lands in this township, which were considerable in extent, to be divided among 6 of his chn., one other, wid. Elizabeth Green5 being deceased, and a second, Nathan5 having been previously provided for. This Nathan5 was prob. f. of William6, one of the first settlers of Gr. The youngest dau. of Joseph5, Lydia5 m. Nathan Howard, and received, as her portion of the paternal estate, lot No. 54, the late Thomas Merriam place, on which they subsequently located. Mr. Lynde m. Mary Sprague, Oct. 21, 1714, and had 8 chn. One of his sons, Joseph5 was f. of Benjamin6 who owned lands in this town on Bragg Hill, derived from the estate of his gd.f. Benjamin erected a house there and was an occasional resident on the premises, but prob. not a voting citizen.
- 2. Lynde, Benjamin7 s. of the last, b. 1784, came to W. after arriving at mature age, and took possession of a portion of the lands just mentioned. These included lot No. 51, 2d. Div., and contiguous territory — 90 a. in all. A dwelling was on the premises in 1796, when the tn. voted "to place a Sch. Ho. 30 or 40 rods W. of Mr. Loynds house." It was occupied two yrs. later, when the U. S. tax lists were made out, by Abel Mosman. (See A. H. No. 14.) Benjamin Lynde7, the permanent settler, m. Nancy, dau. Samuel and Hannah Larrabee of Malden, who 6 yrs. after her husband's decease, Oct. 3, 1826, m. John Jackson. By her first husband she had 4 chn., but none by the second. She d. Feb. 8, 1869, a. 84. Chn. of Benj. and Nancy:
3. Edwin8; ho date of birth found; went West and d. some years since. 4. Alonzo8; same as Edwin. 5. John8, b. Oct. 26, 1823; m. Lucy Kendall; res. W. 6. Nancy8; b. date unkn.; m. Jonas N. Whitney; res. W.; 2 chn.; dec'd.
- [5.] Lynde, John8, s. of the last, m. Lucy, dau. Edward W. and Lydia (Hoar) Kendall, April 7, 1847. He is both farmer and chair maker, res. on the original Dea. Thurston place, more recently owned by Almond Derby. Chn.:
7. Ellen M.9, b. July i, 1849; m. Irwin Platts; res. Ash. 8. Ada E.9, b. April 4, 1852; m. Albert Lane; res. W.; no chn. 9. Edward B.9, b. Dec. 7, 1853; m. Florence A. Barron; res. W. 10. L. Emma9, b. .Sept. 17, 1856; m. Charles L. Mansur; 4 chn.; res. W. 11. Jennie L.9 b. May 15, 1859; m. Wm. S. Rice; res. W.; i chd. 12. Chester E.9, b. April 12, 1873; res. W.
- [9.] Lynde, Edward B.9, s. of the last, is a butcher and market man, living on the former Jonas Cutting place, corner Main and Bacon sts. He m. Jan. 27, 1875, Florence A., dau. Wm. B. and Phebe D. (Estey) Barron, and has 3 chn.:
13. Lester E.10, b. Jan. 7, 1879. 14. Grace F.10, b. Nov. 2, 1883. 15. Elwin B.10, b. July 20, 1887.
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