Archive:History of Westminster, Heywood, E-G
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Heywood, William Sweetzer, History of Westminster, Massashusetts (First named Narragansett No. 2), From the date of the original grant of the township to the present time, 1728-1893, with a Biographic-Genealogical Register of its Principal Families, (Vox Populi Press: S.W. Huse & Co., Lowell, Mass.: 1893); New England Historic Genealogical Society Call No. F/74/W72/H6.
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[p. 626-629] EATON
- Several persons of this name were among the early settlers in Massachusetts, each of them having families and becoming the head of a long line of descendants. Nathaniel, an associate of Winthrop and bro. of Gov. Theophilus Eaton of Conn., was teacher in Harvard College before it was fully organized and put in working order under Pres. Dunster. He resided in Cambridge, where he left children, though he himself returned to England under somewhat of a cloud, having been discharged from his office on account of alleged avarice, tyranny, and other misconduct, as he was also, for the same reasons, excommunicated from the church. John, who m. wid. Abigail Dammant (Damon), came to this country in 1635 and settled in Dedham. He was the ancestor of the Eatons of Gr., and also of Dea. Orland Eaton, of Hancock, N. H., a leading citizen of that town, and one much interested in its ecently published "History" - a work of 1076 pages, prepared by Rev. W. W. Hayward, late of Medfield, dec'd. William, with 3 chn., was an early resident of Watertown.
- Jonas Eaton1, the fourth of these immigrant settlers, and per. bro. of Wm., was amont the early proprietors of Reading, being there with his wife Grace in 1634, when a dau. Mary was b. They were both natives of England, of course, and very likely m. before coming to these shores. They had a son Jonathan2, whose w. Mary bore him Nathaniel3. He m. Lydia ----, and of this union came the first of the name in W., to wit: [snip]
- [13.] Eaton, Nathan6, half-bro. of the last [s. Nathan5 and his 2nd wife Elinor Parmenter, b. May 22, 1805], m. (1) Mary Ann Bruce, Marlboro', in 1830. She d. soon s. p., and he m. (2) Emeline Ball of Athol, by whom he had 3 chn. She d. July 10, 1841, a. 34, and he m. (3) Eliza Ann Tavener of Newton, who d. May 7, 1877, a. 65. He res. in the ho. now occupied by his s. Nathaniel, 1 miles west of the Central Village. His d. occurred Dec. 21, 1884, at the a. of 79. Chn.:
36. Mary7, b. March 15, 1836; d. Oct. 25, 1839. 37. Nancy7, b. prob. 1838; d. Aug. 12, 1841. 38. Nathaniel7, b. June 28, 1841; d. Sept. 28, 1841; 39. Nathaniel7, b. Dec 18, 1842; m. Lucy Ann Eaton; res. W.; 2 chn. 40. George W.7, b. Oct 23, 1845; m. Mary (178) Whitney; res. W.; no chn. 41. Calvin7, b. Aug. 27, 1847; m. Laura H. Miller; res. W.; no chn. 42. Susan C.7, b. Nov. 4, 1850; d. Sept. 13, 1852.
[p. 638] ESTEY
- 1. Estey, Oliver, s. of Oliver and Elizabeth (Gay) Estey of Orange, Mass., was b. March 7, 1797. While but a lad he came here and entered the store of Dr. Bartlett as an apprentice, and there he remained through life. After the decease of the Dr. in 1819, the property of his employer came into his hands. He greatly improved it, extending trade and enhancing in many ways the value and attractiveness of the estate. He m. (1) Oct. 14, 1821, Achsah Bartlett, neice and adopted dau. of the Dr., who d. Jan. 15, 1824, leaving one child. On the 12th of the following Oct. Mr. Estey m. (2) Lucy, dau. of Wm. and Anna (Heywood) Whitney of Gr., who was his faithful helpmeet through life and who survived him more than twenty-five years. He served the town two years as Selectman and was one year a member of the School Committee. He d. May 9, 184, a. 57. His w., Lucy, d. May 11, 1889, a. 83. Chn.:
2. Oliver B., b. Jan. 6, 1724; m. Abigail (61) Holden; res. W. 3. Achsah M., b. Dec. 8, 1825; m. Chas. G. Giles; 4 chn.; d. Feb. 15, 1869. 4. Lucy E., b. Sept. 10, 1827; m. Chas.G. Giles, 2d wife; no chn.; living. 5. William W., b. Dec. 9, 1829; d. unm. Sept. 1, 1862. 6. George, b. April 24, 1833; m. Susan Bendick; res. G.; d. May 19, 1871. 7. Francis, b. Jan. 31, 1837; lost his health in war of Rebellion and d. Jan. 19, 1865. 8. Eliza A., b. June 15, 1837; m. Alden F. (54) Adams; res. W.; 2 chn. 9. Mary A., b. June 4, 1841; m. Geo. H. Harris; res. W.; 1 chd. 10. Emma A., b. March 24, 1848; unm.
- [2.] Estey, Oliver Bartlett, s. of the last, m. Abigail (61), dau. Jonas and Asenath (Jackson) Holden, Nov. 17, 1j846, and remained in town through life. He d. May 12, 1872, a. 48. His wid., Abigail, d. Jan. 19, 1876, a. 51. Chn.:
11. Frank L., b. Jan. 18, 1859; d. Oct. 11, 1860. 12. Fannie E., b. May 25, 1862; m. Chas. W. Minott; res. W.
[p. 657-659] GARFIELD
- Edward Garfield1 was an early resident of Watertown, coming there soon after its settlement and remaining through life. He d. June 14, 1672, at the great age of 97. His s. Edward2 was made a freeman in 1635, and located in that part of town afterwards set off to form Waltham, with which place the family for several generations was largely identified. Another s. of the first Edward1 was named Samuel2, of whom no extended record is extant. Capt. Benjamin Garfield3, a notable citizen of Watertown in his day, was the s. of one of these, presumably of the former, though the authorities differ on that point. He had a s. Samuel4, who m. Mary, dau. of Nathaniel, and neice of Joseph, Bowman, an early proprietor and resident of Nar. No. 2. [snip]
- 11. Garfield, Samuel, a distant relative of the preceding, and a native of Waltham, m. (1) Eunice (14), dau. of Samuel and Phebe (Keyes) Mosman, March 18, 1810. After res. in Waltham and W. Boylston ab. 5 yrs., he came to W. and set. on or near the May place, in the north part of the town. He subsequently lived on the late Israel Dickinson farm, and elsewhere in these borders. His w., Eunice, d. March 31, 1829, a. 50, and he m. (2) May 8, 1831, wid. Ruth (9) (Puffer) Darby Byam, residing a few years at her house, where George Harris now lives. He d. May 16, 1848, a. 68., and his second w., Ruth (Puffer) d. April 15, 1834* [See Transcriber's Note], a. 58. Chn.:
12. Martha K., b. Nov. 21, 1810; m. Stephen Bathrick; res. W.; no chn.; d. Nov. 29, 1873. 13. Moses, b. at unkn. date; m., had 4 chn., and d. Saxonville, 1862. 14. Samuel, b. at unkn. date; m. had 3 chn., and d. California, 1887. 15. Eunice, b. Dec. 5, 1814; m. George Smith; res. W.; 3 chn.; d. Feb. 3, 1864. 16. Jane, b. Sept. 24, 1816; m. three times; 4 chn.; now living Lunenburg. 17. Mary, b. March 8, 1818; m. Amos Pond; 5 chn.; d. Greenfield, 1885. 18. Asaph, b. April 17, 1820; m. Phebe Smith; 2 chn.; d. Waltham, 1886.
[p. 660-661] GATES
- Stephen - sometimes spelled Steeven - Gates1, the immigrant ancestor of this family in N. E., was son of Thomas of Norwich in the mother country. In 1638 he with his wife, two sons, Stephen2 and Simon2, and dau., Elizabeth2, came over in the Diligent and settled in Hingham. Another son, Thomas2, was b. after reaching these shores. From Hingham Stephen1, the elder, moved first to Camb. and thence to Lancaster, where he was made freeman in 1753, and with others petitioned for the incorporation of the town in 1754. He started out zealously in the work of the new settlement, but being of an impulsive, or perhaps irascible, temperament, soon got into trouble with his fellow-incorporators and finally left them, in disgust and indignation, going back to Camb., where he d. in 1662. In his will, still extant, he signs his name Steffene Gates.
- His s. Stephen2, upon becoming of age, set. in Boston, but in 1673 bought 300 acres of land on the Elsabeth (Assabet) river in Stow, and was among the first proprietors of the town. Thomas Gates2, another s. of the first Stephen, located awhile in Sudbury, then in Marlboro', but finally established himself permanently near his brother in Stow. Both of these had large families whence have sprung a great multitude scattered far and wide through the land. From one of the Stow settlers the Gateses of W., Gr., and vicinity no doubt descended, but a careful search of the records there and elsewhere failed to make sure the connecting links. Some authorities state that Stephen2 had a son Simon3, the father of an Amos4, b. ab. 1700. This Amos4 may have had a s. by the same name, who was the first Gates in this town, it being a matter of record that the earliest of the family here was so related, as shown below. On this supposition, the lineage given is based.
- [5.] Gates, Simon5, presumably bro. of Amos5 [s. of Amos4 and Nancy], b. abt. 1740, m. Susannah Reed of Stow, and had 1 chd. before coming to W. He bought, Sept. 4, 1765, lot No. 26, 2d Div., situated just over the line in Gr., and recently occupied by his gd.s., Horace Gates, but did not locate upon it before 1768. When Gr. was incorporated he was assigned to the new town at his own request, "because," he said, "he was most needed there," though another version of the story is that he was promised a deaconship, - a promise, however, which was never kept, and one, perhaps, "more honored in the breach than in the observance." He was the ancestor of most of those who have ever borne the name of Gates in W., Gr., and vicinity. He d. March 11, 1803, a. 63. His wid., Susannah, d. Dec 18, 1833, a. 88. Chn.:
6. Nathan6, b. 1767; m. Abigail Knowlton; res. Gr. and elsewhere; 15 chn. 7. Elizabeth6, b. Sept. 14, 1769; d. Jan 21, 1791. 8. Susannah6, b. May 19, 1772; d. Sept. 13, 1778. 9. Simon6, b. Nov. 7, 1774; d. Sept. 10, 1778. 10. Anna6, b. Aug. 24, 1777; d. Sept. 17, 1778. 11. Simon6, b. July 28, 1779; m. twice; res. Gr.; 7 chn. 12. Daniel6, b. July 23, 1782; m. Phebe (17) Mosman; res. Gr. and W.; 7 chn. 13. Gerry6?, b. 1784; d. young. 14. Reuben6, b. April 21, 1786; m. Anna (16) Mosman; res. Gr.; 8 chn. 15. Ezekiel6, b. Oct. 31, 1789; d. Aug. 2, 1809. 16. Elizabeth6, b. Jan., 1791; d. Jan. 21, 1791. 17. Elizabeth6; d. unm.
- [12.] Gates, Daniel6, s. of the last, m. Phebe (17), dau. of Samuel and Phebe (Keyes) Mosman, May 27, 1805, and set. for a time in Gr. Later he rem. to this town and located on the David Child place, now owned by Hugh Carey, where he d. Sept. 17, 1847, a. 65. His wid., Phebe, d. Aug. 1, 1850, a. 65. Chn.:
18. Daniel M.7, b. April 22, 1806; m. Arvilla Lawrence; res. Northboro'; d. Oct. 13, 1861. 19. Sophronia7, b. April 18, 1808; m. John Stickney; res.W. and Fg. 20. Leonard M.7, b. July 28, 1810; m. twice; res. W. 21. Lucy7, b. Feb. 8, 1813; m. George Smith. 22. Phebe D.7, b. Aug. 26, 1815; m. Gamaliel S. Beaman; res. W. 23. Charlotte7, b. Aug. 11, 1818; m. Stillman Sawyer; res. W.; d. Aug. 30, 1842. 24. Solomon K.7, b. May 16, 1821; m. and had chn.; d. Jan. 2, 1891.
- [20.] Gates, Leonard M.7, s. of Daniel and Phebe, m. (1) Martha J., dau. of Amasa and Martha (Seaver) Leland, Gr., Dec. 24, 1837. She d. Jan. 2, 1852. He m. (2) Eliza Ann Peabody of Nashua, N. H., Oct. 26, 1854. Both are still living. Chn.:
- [25.] Gates, Eugene8, s. of Leonard M. and Martha J., m. Helen, dau. of Anson and Emily (Jackson) Ray, Sept. 2, 1862. He is a farmer and res. on the former Caleb Wetherbee place, near Beech Hill Schl. Ho. He was in the service during the war of the Rebellion. Chn.:
[p. 663-664] GERRISH
- 1. Gerrish, Samuel4 sup. s. of Joseph3 of Newbury, was b. ab. 1740, and, as stated, lived for a time in Lanc. He m. (1) Abigail Moor of that town, Dec. 26, 1771, and seems to have gone back to Newbury for a season, his first child having been b. there. But he soon returned to Lanc., being a resident of that town in May, 1777, when he bought of Dr. Harvey the greater part of lot No. 4 in this place, bounding on Main St., from Bacon St. to Dr. Bartlett's (Estey's), in the central village. On that lot he soon located, opening a store and building up a considerable trade in this and surrounding towns. He was a man of ability, character, and education, and grew rapidly in the esteem and confidence of the public. Two yrs. after coming here he was chosen Assessor, and in 1781 was elected Town Clerk, to fill the vacancy caused by the absence in the army of the previously elected incumbent, Michael Gill. He was also Selectman at the same time. His w., Abigail, d. June 11, 1782, a. 35. Ten yrs. later he m. Ruth, wid. of John Woodward, who had d. in the army, and, selling his estate to Nathan Whitney, res. thereafter in her former home, at the corner of Main St. and the Hub. road — the house occupying the site where now stands the residence of Francis Nichols. Mr. Gerrish in his earlier life was connected with the militia, and bore the title of Lieut. He was the largest man, physically, that ever lived in W., weighing 360 lbs. at the time of his decease, Feb. 6, 1797. He was 56 yrs. of a. His second w., Ruth, d. Jan. 8, 1822, a. 78.
[p. 664-665] GIBBS
- The early families of this name in W. descended from Matthews Gibbs1, the immigrant ancestor who appeared in Charlestown in 1654, but who located in that part of Sudbury set off to Framingham, the following year. He had a son Matthew2, from whom sprung two families resident in W.
- [4.] Gibbs, Elijah4, s. of the last [b. Lanc., April 18, 1732, s. Samuel3 and Lydia Gibbs], located first on lot No. 2, as indicated above. He had land cleared there in 1751, before he was of age, and a house built in 1762, when he sold to Joseph Holden, Jr. The house stood towards the N. E. extremity of the estate (See A. H. No. 39). There are no proofs, however, that he had a family until ab. 1760, when he m. Abigail, wid. of Henry Stevens, who d. 1758, and of whose will he was exectutor. After disposing of lot No. 2 he res. a few years on the Stevens homestead, lot No. 112, at the upper part of Wachusettville, owning principally and running the sawmill in connection with the farm. He subsequently purchased lot No. 43, and prob. spent his last years there. (See A. H. No. 38). His w., Abigail, d. abt. 1768, and he m. (2) Mary Ann (3), dau. of Samuel and Abigail Whitney (pub. Oct. 24), 1769. He d. in 1774, and his wid., m. (2) Edward Scott, Fg., Oct. 22, 1781. Chn., of whom little is known:
8. Samuel5, b. Sept. 28, 1761; - Twins; prob. went to Dummerston, Vt. 9. Edmund5, b. Sept. 28, 1761; - , no record 10. Elijah5, b. Nov. 10, 1764. 11. Amasa5, b. 1766?; d. Aug. 6, 1771. 12. Mary5, b. May 6, 1768. 13. Susannah5, b. July 9, 1770.
[p. 667] GILES
- 1. Giles, Charles G., s. of Samuel and Hannah (Foster) Giles of New Salem, was b. May 30, 1818. The f. of Samuel was John, a descendant, no doubt, of the early settler of the same name in old Salem, though the connecting links have not been found. Mr. Giles came to W. when a young man and engaged as clerk in the store of Oliver Estey, where he remained many years. In 1853 he went to Fg. as Asst. P. M. under John Todd, Esq., who had been appointed to that position by Pres. Pierce. After a few years he returned to W. and went into trade at the Whitman store, where F. A. Merriam now is, in company with Nathaniel Eames, whom he afterwards bought out, continuing for a time by himself, or until failing health obliged him to retire to a more quiet life. He was a man of unobtrusive manners, but of substantial worth, much respected and trusted by his fellow-citizens of every class. For 5 yrs. he served the town on the Board of Assessors, and for 3 yrs. was one of the Selectmen. His sympathies were with the Democratic party in politics, and he received some tokens of favor in that behalf by sundry nominations to office. In religion he was an earnest Universalist and Deacon of the chh. During the latter part of his life he was a great sufferer from chronic rheumatism, which incapacitated him for labor much of the time and hastened, no doubt, his death. But he bore his pains patiently and without complaint. He m. (1) Achsah M., dau. of Oliver and Lucy (Whitney) Estey, May 13, 1847, by whom he had 4 chn. She d. Feb. 15, 1869, a. 44, and he m. (2) her sr., Lucy E., May 13, 1872, who is still living. He passed away suddenly Dec. 3, 1887, a. 69. Chn.:
2. Mary E., b. Jan. 20, 1850; d. Oct. 10, 1867. 3. Lucy E., b. Dec. 1, 1853; d. Aug. 19, 1870. 4. Abbie M., b. Nov. 14, 1857; d. July 23, 1867. 5. Charles F., b. Sept. 7, 1860; res. in W.
[p. 671] GOODRIDGE
- 1. Goodridge, Calvin G. s. of David and Susannah (Ross) Goodridge of Winch., was b. Jan. 6, 1815. He. m. Dec. 12, 1833, Lucy W., dau. of Phineas and Betsey (Whitney) Hartwell of W., and after res. in Winch. awhile, rem. to this town, purchasing and settling upon the Joel Whitney farm on the North Common, where he still lives with his s., John C. His w., Lucy W., d. Sept. 10, 1870, a. 62. Chn.:
2. John C., b. Winch., May 3, 1845; m. Lizzie L. Phelps; res. W. 3. Henry H. b. Winch., April 27, 1848; d. Winch., May 7, 1848. 4. Abbie E., b. Winch., May 14, 1850; d. W., Nov. 27, 1864.
- [2.] Goodridge, John C., s. of the last, m. March 27, 1866, Lizzie, dau. of William B. and Hannah (Flint) Phelps, Fg. Chn.:
5. Emily P., b. Oct. 23, 1867; m. Henry H. Sawtelle; res. Jaffrey, N.H. 6. Will J., b. April 17, 1870. 7. Fred A., b. April 8, 1882. 8. Grace E., b. Dec. 16, 1884.
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