Archive:History of Bradford County, Pennsylvania

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Archives > Archive:Extracts > History of Bradford County, Pennsylvania

From Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice.

Rev. David Craft, History of Bradford County, Pennsylvania with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Some of its Prominient Men and Pioneers (Philadelphia: L. H. Everts & Co., 1878).

Wysox Township

Elisha Whitney came to Wysox with his family in 1816. He was born in Spencer, Mass., in 1747. He married Esther Clark, of the same State, in 1782. Her father's name was Asa Clark, a schoolteacher by profession. She was present with Gen. Warrcn's wife when she learned the sad fate of that gallant officer and patriotic gentleman. She was born in Spencer, Worcester Co., Mass., in 1763.

Soon after their marriage they removed to Stockbridge, Mass., and were among the first settlers of that place. They had ten children born to them at that place, between the years 1783 and 1801. With their family, they moved to the Wyoming valley in 1810, and in 1816 came to Wysox. Mr. Whitney was a Revolutionary soldier. He died July 4, 1832, aged eighty-five years, and Mrs. Whitney died Feb. 1, 1851, aged eighty-eight years, and both are buried in Wysox. Their children were as follows: (2) Rebecca, died at Wysox, unmarried; (2) Asa Clark, married for his first wife, a daughter of Col. Benjamin Dorrance, of Wilkes-Barre. He was a physician of great ability, and practiced throughout the Wyoming valley and vicinity. By his first wife he had three children, (3) Benjamin, a soldier in the War of the Rebellion, in an Illinois regiment; (3) Mary and (3) Nancy, all residing in Byron, Ogle Co., Ill. Dr. Whitney's second wife was Susan Inman, of Plymouth, Pa., by whom he had two daughters, (3) Elizabeth and (3) Jerusha. (2) Asa C. Whitney died Dec. 10, 1824; (2) Elizabeth Whitney, born Dec. 10, 1786, died Sept. 29, 1840. She was married at Towanda, in 1810, to J. W. Piollet, who came to America from his native France, about the beginning of the present century, he was a captain of a troop of horse at the battle of Marengo, and by his bravery won the favor of Napoleon, who promoted him to the position of postmaster in the Army of the Alps. He was a well-educated gentleman, and settled in Wysox, where his wife bore him five children: (3) Victor E. Piollet, born June 24, 1812, married Jane, daughter of Hon. Jesse Miller, of Harrisburg, Pa. He has been for many years prominent in the politics of Bradford County, and has filled many positions of public trust in the State. Was superintendent of North Branch canal, 1839-42; representative in Pennsylvania legislature, 1845--46; paymaster of United States Volunteers in the Mexican war; superintendent of construction of Pennsylvania and New York railroad, 1867-72, and is a heavy stockholder in the same. He, with his brother, Joseph M., occupies the farm formerly owned by their father, to which they have added several thousand acres of the finest lands in the county, and are looked upon as leading agriculturists of the county.

(3) Joseph E. Piollet married Esther Cox, of Harrisburg, Pa., Nov. 29, 1849; she was the daughter of John B. Cox, who married Matilda McAllister.

(3) Theresa Piollet married Alexander Dewing, of Warren, Bradford Co.

(3) Emily Piollet married Thomas T. Wareham, who is a civil engineer, and has held many positions in the State, and is now chief engineer of the Pennsylvania canal company; office at Harrisburg.

(3) Elizabeth Piollet married D. Alanson Saulsbury, and is now deceased. (2) Sally Whitney, died Dec. 3, 1812, unmarried. (2) Elliott Whitney married Maria Goodwin, 1817, had ten children, died March 16, 1836.

(2) Alvin Whitney, born Dec. 31, 1793, married Mary Woodburn, of Rome, Pa., Feb. 11, 1819; and to Nancy Woodburn, of Rome. By first with had eight children; died Nov. 5, 1872.

(2) Ebenezer Whitney, born Dec. 15, 1795, married Betsey Woodburn, Nov. 25, 1818, had 9 children, died April 16, 1838.

(2) Esther Whitney, born Dee. 23, 1799, married Moses Woodburn, in 1818. He died Feb. 11, 1843. Site lives with her children at Yatton, Iowa.

(2) Elisha Whitney, born July 26, 1798, graduate of Hamilton college, N. Y., practiced medicine in Wyalusing, married Sally Brown in 1818, had 7 children. He is now deceased.

(2) Alanson, born July 1, 1801, living at Monroeton, married Laura Towner, has 4 children.

Copyright © 2007, Robert L. Ward and the Whitney Research Group.