Archive:Hallowell, Maine, Vital Records

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Archives > Archive:Vital Records > Archive:Maine, Vital Records > Hallowell, Maine, Vital Records

Hall, Mabel Goodwin, comp., Vital records of Hallowell, Maine, to the year 1892 (Auburn, ME: Maine Historical Society, 1924).


G.R.1 - Gravestone record, Hallowell Cemetery
P.R.1 - Private record, from the newspaper notices of marriages and deaths printed in the American Advocate and Hallowell Register, 1797-1860, now [1924] in the possession of the Hubbard Free Library.


Volume I, Page 311


Ambrose, Nov. 8, 1811, G.R.1.
Anna L., ch. Frank H. and Almeda F., Oct. 17, 1874.
Ellen E. NOTE, Sep. 3, 1844.
Frank H., May 30, 1853.
May, ch. Frank H. and Almeda F., May 9, 1881.
Samuel, Aug. 28, 1777.


Volume V, Page 126


Abigail and Warren Davis, s. Rufus, Oct. 30, 1836.*
Addie NOTE and W. E. Blaisdell [int. 33], Aug. 23, 1890.
Alfred R. NOTE and Hannah V. Gray, int. Sept. 11, 1876.
Eleazer, 66, of Belgrade and Abigail Richards, ab[out] 50, Mar. 14, 1853. [Mrs. P.R.1]
Eliza and Jonathan Bangs of Monmouth, int. Jan. 9, 1848.
Ellen E. NOTE, 29, and Charles B. Smith, 32, Oct. 3, 1873.*
Frances A. and John H. Cook, Sept. 9, 1847. [d. Rev. S., P.R.1]
Frank H., 20, and Almeda F. Cutter, July 31, 1873.*
Jane and Charles Cummings [int.Jr,] of Solon, May 10, 1849.
John G. and Mary Allen, Oct. 26, 1824.*
Julia [int. 20] and Russell Philips [int. Phillips, about 24] of Gardiner, Sept. 27, 1852.
Lucy NOTE of Augusta and Charles McDonald, May 31, 1873.
Melissey of Springfield, Mass. and Hiram H. Goff, int. Sept. --, 1847. [m. Oct. 17, in Cabotville, Mass., P.R.1]
Nathan and Eunice Cottel, int. Mar. 3, 1796.
Nathan of Augusta and Fanny P. Shepard, June 29, 1828.
Samuel, 21, and Hannah Snow, Aug. 15, 1798.*
Samuel (2d m.) and Mary Rich, Apr. --, 1803.*
Samuel (3d m.) and Mary Ring, Sept. 10, 1823.*
Sarah J. [int. 22] and Zina H. Bowen [int. Brown, 28], Apr. 27, 1855. [Zimri H. Bowen, P.R.1].
Simeon [int. of Litchfield] and Sally White, Nov. 24, 1825.
Susan and William Dunn, int. Dec. 17, 1858.
Thomas R. and Emeline H. Wyman, both of Sidney, Oct. 9, 1845.*
Tryphena, 22, and Charles W. Bancroft, 23, (s. Amos and Pamela), int. Jan. 12, 1853. [m. Jan. 14, in Gardiner, P.R.1]

* Intention not recorded.


Volume VI, Page 71


Ambrose, Mar. 26, 1863, a. 51y. 4m. 18d., G.R.1.
Hannah Snow, w. Samuel, Feb. --, 1800.
Mary Rich, w. Samuel, Aug. --, 1822.
-----, infant d. Alb[ert] NOTE, Oct. 3, 1877.

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