Archive:Golden Grove

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Archives > Archive:Extracts > Golden Grove

William Lewes of Llwynderw, The Golden Grove book of pedigrees (1765), volume 2.

Of this book, Melville, p. 38, says, "There is a manuscript which even attempts to give the complete line of descent and every marriage. This is the so-called "The Golden Grove," an immense collection of Welsh pedigrees compiled by Hugh Thomas about 1703, now belonging to the Earl of Cawder, and deposited by him in the Public Record Office, Chancery Lane, London. Mr. Phoenix, in his account of the Whitney family of Connecticut, has given it a qualified approval. It undoubtedly contains much truth, but truth so mixed with error, that genealogists, as a rule, consider it of no value, unless confirmed by other records. As regards the Whitneys, it is not improbable that, as there stated, they married daughters or descendants of such distinguished people as Sir Hugh de la Hay, Sir William Eyton, Gilbert Lord Talbot, Sir Rolf Villers, Sir Eustace Le Grose, Rolf Lord Stafford, Sir Hugh Mortimer, Sir Jasper Croft, Sir Rolf Cromwell, Sir Thomas Oldcastle, Sir Thomas Russell, Sir John Ludlow, Sir John Lingen, and James Lord Audley; but some generations are omitted, and in several instances the relationship of parties can be proved to have been otherwise than therein set out." Let the reader beware!

Introduction and Description

The Whitney family is covered under "Advenae Radnor", i.e., foreigners in Radnorshire:

Volume 2, Page 182

(182) Advenae of Radn: Sh: &c. Efrog Earls of Ewyas & Ergayn I have allso inserted in (as Walter H:) m/: this Place ye Whitneys ______| not but ye Tthink them | British Orignally but Sr. Predyr Efrog Kt. of ye round Table to K. Arthyrs in regard yt they soon time he Lived att his Castle att Coedmore in turned their names acor= Cardiganshire :ding to ye Norman method ______| I thought fitt to place them | among the Adventurers Gware or Garett ld of Ewyas &c and Advenae. m/: ______| | Sr. Gallhihant &c. m/: ______| az. a cross checky | or: gu: Emrys Ld of Emrys Caslte m/: ______________________________________| | Sr. Baldwin ld of Whitney ap Baldwin ld of Talgarth and Emrys Castle ap Morgan Ld &c ap Eustace &c ap Baldwin &c ap Eustace &c ap Baldwin &c ap Sir Hector &c ap Arthyr &c ap Emrys &c ap Baldwin &c ap Emrys aforesd m/: ...... Pichard ______| | Sr. Baldwin de Whitney &c Kt m/: Emma f: Sr. Hugh delahay Kt. ______| | Sr. Eustance W. &c Kt. m/: Joice f: Sr. Wm. Eyton Kt. ______| | Baldwin W. &c m/: Anne fili: Richd. Talbott f: Gilbert ld Talbott her mo: Anne f: Sr. Ralph Villers Kt. ______|___________________________________ | | Sr. Baldwin W: &c Kt m/: Anne fili: Sr. Jenett m/: Wm. Harpway Eustace legrosse Kt. (br:245) ______| | Sr. Baldwin W: &c Kt. m/: Sibil fili: Ralph Ld Stafford ______| | Sr. Baldwin W: &c Kt. m/: Mary fili: Sr. Hugh Mortimer Kt. p: 190 ______| | Sr. Hugh W: &c Kt. m/: Isabel f: Sr. Jasper Croft, Kt. |_____ | Sr. Baldwin W: A: p: 183.

Volume 2, Page 183

Advvenae of Radn: Shire &c. (183) A: P: 182 ______| | Sr. Baldwin W: &c Kt aforesd m/: Jane f: Roger Vawr of Lechryd (br:109) ______| | Sr. Eustace W: &c Kt. m/: Mary f: Sr. Ralph Cromwell Kt. ______| | Sr. Rober &c Kt. m/: . . . f: Sr. Thos Oldcastle Kt. ______|________________________________________ | | Sr. Robert Wh: &c Kt. m/: Angharad f: Madc. Blanch m/: Sr. Lawrence ap Yerth goch of Cory Bullen Kt. (br:217) p: ______|______________________________________________ | | Eustace W: &c m/: Jenett f: Sr. Thos. Trussell Kt. Thos. m/: her mo: Margery f: Sr. John Ludlow Kt. and |___ her mo: Eliz f: Sr. John Lingen Kt. | ______| 2d he m/: Jane f: Sr. Robert Isabell m/: Wm. ap Reynallt | Clifford Kt. (cad:87) Io Edwin p: Robert W: &c m/: |______ Constance f: James | Touchett Ld. Awdley Penelope m/: Wm. | 2d Eliz f: Thos. Abrahal (Eng: p: | Van. (br:114) | |_____________________________________________________________________ __|___________________ | | | | | | Elenor m/: John | John W: of Hugh: W: of ye Hay Elenor fili: m/: Sr. Thos. | Pilston (br:23) | Bacherwyd m/: - | Van. of Bredwarden | _____________| _____| Kt (br:110) mor: | | | Waresyn p:2: | James W: &c m/: Blanch fili: Eustace W. of ye hay m/: ______________________| Sr. Symon Milbourn Kt. (p:mm) Constance f: Sr. Richd. | ____________________| Van. (br:110) Jane fili: m/: Roger | | ____| Van. of Talgarth | Robt. W: &c Esqr. m/: Margtt f: Thos. | (br:110) | Wy of Lypyard, Sa: on a fesse or Thos. W: &c m/: _________________| 2 hares heads Coup'd Sa: in a Cheif ____| | 3 slates | | Watkin Whitney m. Margt D & h Jenkin | | Van. of Clyro | | |______________ | | | | | | Jenkin Whitney Cath. m. Robt. Clough | | of Salop. | | __________________________________|________ | | | Thos. W: &c m/: Eliz Sr. Robt. W: &c Kt. m/: Eliz f: Sr. James Joan m/: Eustace f: Roger Van. Baskervil Kt. p:180 + knighted 1568 Van (br:113) (br:114) | ____| _______________|_____________________________________________ | | | Wm. W: of Greenpitt [illegible] Eustace W: &c Esqr. m/: Catherine fili: Anne m/: John m/: Sibil f: Edwd. Wm Van. of Glasbury (see Drymb- Price (rad:18) Games (br:49) | enog Book p2 Elist p: _______|____ | sid 9 | | ________________|____________________ Tho. Whitney William Whitney of Gwernffydd | | | | | | in Clyro m. ---- obt. 1684 Elenor m/: Sr. Henry Wms. | | Wm. Thos. W: | ________|____ of Gwernivoet (br:71) | | Wh. | | | ______________________| |___ Walter Wh. Eustace Wh. Jno. Whitney | | of Llandbedr | _|________ Joanna m Jno Wigmore of Ington Sr. Robert Painscastle | | | [illegible] A: p: 184 | William W. Walter W. ____________________________________________________________________________| | | | | | | Esther Mary Martha Anne Eustance W. Jno. W.

Volume 2, Page 184

(184) Advenae of Radnor Sh: A: p: 183 Wm. W: of Bringwing _________| he m/: | |___ Sr. Robert W: &c aforesd. m/: . . . | fil: Tho. Lucy of Charlecott in Warwick Sh: . . . m/: Watkin Van. __________|_____________________________________________ (br:116) | | | | Robert Lucy fili: m/: . . . Elenor fili: m/: . . . Dr. | s p Smallman Wright | ________________________________________________________| | Anne fili: m/: . . . Rodd Susan fili: m/: Henry Wms. (br:27) James Whitney q: he m/: Sibil f: Harry Miles (br:172) Richd Whitney of Rhydhelig q: he m/: . . . f: Henry Van. of Mercas (br:120) John Whitney q: he m/: Jenett fili: Jenkin Havard (br:217) |_____ | Eustace W.

Thos. Whitney of Tyryninadd in Boughrood Proll [illegible] in Llanstephan Esqr. obt. 1589 leaving Issue Eustance Elinor John Richard Robert James Hugh Watkin & George Whitney (and Dr who m: James Duppa)

Robert Whitney of Boughrood Hall Gt. died 23d Novr. 1731 aet 46

John Whitney of Do Gent Decr. 29 1742 aet 47 } Eliz their Dr m. Evan Price of Blarheath in Salop. Elizabeth his Widow Feby. 7 1742 aet 73 } by whom she had a Dr. Eliz who died 4 Jany 1754 aet 19

Eliz Whitney of Clyrow Widow died 1722 leaving Issue John, Walter, Lydia, Susan & Elizabeth

Robert Whitney of Renadd in Bryngwyn Gent died 1707 leaving Issue Robert Mary Thos. Eliz Sibil James & Martha Whitney

Copyright © 2006 Robert L. Ward and the Whitney Research Group