Archive:Gardiner, Maine, Vital Records
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Henry Sewall Webster, ed., Vital Records of Gardiner, Maine to the Year 1892 (Gardiner, ME: The Reporter-Journal Press, 1914).
C.R.1. - Church record, Christ Church, Episcopal.
C.R.4. - Church record, Free Baptist Church.
G.R.3. - Gravestone record, Oak Grove,Cemetery
Part I, Page 183
- Abel, Sept. 10, 1811. G.R.3.
- Alice, [twin] d. Thomas R. and Emeline W., July 18, 1855, in Farmingdale. C.R.1.
- Augustine, [twin] s. Thomas R. and Emeline W., July 18, 1855, in Farmingdale. C. R.1.
- Bertha Gertrude, d. Thomas B. and Emily, Nov. 2, 1862.
- Caroline P., d. Gorham, Mar. 11, 1832.
- Charles Sumner, June 15, 1857. G.R.3.
- Chester A., s. Gorham, Jan. 29, 1844.
- Franklin Thomas, s. Thomas B. and Emily, Nov. 12, 1860.
- Gorham M., s. Gorham, Feb. 6, 1840.
- Hannah T., d. Gorham, Apr. 20, 1837.
- Harriet O., d. Gorham, June 16, 1841.
- Lydia [Smith], w. Abel, July 22, 1808. G.R.3.
- Nellie Emily, d. Thomas B. and Emily, Sept. 3, 1864.
- Phebe C., w. Orrington G. Andrews, [------], 1831. G.R.3.
- Rebecca, w. Thomas W. Andrews, [-----], 1815. G.R.3.
- Sarah H., w. Nathaniel Decker, [----], 1809. G.R.3.
Part II, Pages 512-513
- Benj[amin] C., of Salem, Mass., and Carrie E. McCausland, July 29, 1890. *
- Bethsheba, and David Hamlin, int. June 5, 1842. [m. June 22, Augusta Record]
- Cha[rle]s S., and Nellie T. Lambard, Jan. 20, 1892.
- Dunham, and Margarete D. Coombs, int. May 8, 1871.
- Eliza, of Hallowell, and Jonathan Bangs, Jan. 25, 1848.*
- Emily W., Mrs. and John Smith, Sept. 15, 1868.
- Grace M., and James E. Drake, Dec. 18, 1889, in Albion.
- Harriet A., and George L. Smith, Nov. 4, 1867.
- Isaac S., and Mary E. Mitchell, int. Aug. 30, 1852.
- Julia, of Hallowell, and Russell Phillips, int. Sept. 25, 1852. [m. Sept. 27, Hallowell Record].
- Lucy NOTE, of Augusta, and Charles McDonald, May 31, 1873.*
- Martha Cox NOTE, and Rev. Swanton Ranks, Apr. 28, 1858.
- Olive [int. adds H.] NOTE, and Thomas Dana, July 18, 1829.
- Perley M., of Bangor, and Lizzie L. Willey, Dec. 31, 1890.
- Rebecca, of Augusta, and Robert Gould, int. Sept. 9, 1820.
- Rebecca, Miss [Mrs., int.], and Thomas W. Andrews, Dec. 30, 1861.
- Samuel Moray, of Topsham, and Georgianna Mary Robinson, Feb. 17, 1864, in Pittston.* C.R.1.
- Sylvia B., and John F. Townsend, July 8, 1844.
- Thankful, of Augusta, and John Kimball, Nov. 30, 1826.
- Thomas B. [P., int.], and Emily Crockett, Feb. 18, 1860, in West Gardiner.
- Tryphenia, of Hallowell, and Charles W. Bancroft, Jan. 12, 1853.*
- Tryphina, and David Bangs, Nov. 20, 1831.
- William, and Aphiah Church, int. Feb. 11, 1860.
* Intention not recorded.
Part II, Pages 183, 669
- Alice NOTE, of Farmingdale, bu[ried] [---], 1871. C.R.1.
- Aphia, w. W[illia]m, Oct. 20, 1890, a. 57.
- B. M., May 1, 1890, a. 84.
- Catherine P., d. Gorham and Olive, Apr. 16, 1855, a. 23. [Caroline, Apr. 17, G.R.3].
- Chester Adams, s. Gorham and Olive, Sept. 27, 1864. G.R.3.
- Ellen Z., Miss, Feb. 16, 1876, a. 29. [Nellie Z., d. Gorham and Olive, G.R.3].
- Frances H., d. Gorham [and Olive, G.R.3], Nov. 24, 1860, a. 23.
- Gorham, Dea., May 14, 1859, a. 53.
- Hannah, Mrs. NOTE, Dec. 26, 1860, a. 18.
- Hepsebeth, Aug. 20, 1882, a. 71.
- Olive, Mrs., Apr. 15, 1890, a. 80y. 7m., in Green, Michigan.
- Sarah, [----], 1870. C.R.4.
- Sarah S., wid. Thomas G., bu[ried] Dec. 17, 1863, a. 85, in Farmingdale. C.R.1.
- Simeon, Mar. 27 [Feb. 27, G.R.3], 1859, a. 59.
- Thomas, of Farmingdale, Mar. 5, 1881, a. 74. C.R.1.
- Thomas B., Nov. 9, 1865. [a. 29, G.R.3].
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