Archive:Cummington, Massachusetts, Vital Records

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Archives > Archive:Vital Records > Archive:Massachusetts, Vital Records > Cummington, Massachusetts, Vital Records

William H. Streeter and Daphne H. Morris, Vital Records of Cummington, Massachusetts, 1762-1900 (Cummington, MA: Streeter, 1979).


o.r. - original town clerk's record book F.S. - female single M.M. - male married G.R.6. - West Cummington Cemetery, Route 9.


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Almira, d. George and Miriam [Meriam, o.r.], Sept. 3, 1796.
Maud Lillian, d. of William L., farmer, (b. in Westford), and Hannah M., (b. in Hinsdale), June 2, 1882.


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Hattie P., 18, laborer, of Cummington, b. in Cummington, dau. of William L. and Hannah M. (Francis), and Harry N. Stetson, 22, painter and paperhanger, of Cummington, b. in Plainfield, s. of Charles S. and Rosalia (Mason), Sept. 28, 1894 in Windsor.
Minnie May, 22, of Cumm., b. in Bernardston, d. of Elliot and Lydia, Feb. 24, 1886 in Conway, and Charles A. Wells, 29, laborer of Cumm., b. in Chesterfield, s. of Alexius and Lydia.


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Maud L., (F.S.), b. in Cumm., dau. of W[illia]m L. and Hannah, d. entuitis, Aug. 29, 1884, age 1y. 2m. 27d.
William L., farmer, (M.M.), b. in Westford, [b. Dec. 12, 1848, G.R.6], s. of Oramel and Judith (Holbrook) d. pneumonia 8 days, in Pittsfield, June 12, 1896, age 47yrs., 6mos.


From "Massachusetts Vital Records, 1841-1910," from original records held by the Massachusetts Archives. Online database: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2004.


Whitney, Maud Lillian, birth, 1883, vol. 341, p. 6:

[number] 4; [birthdate] June 2, 1883; [date of record] --; [name] Maud Lillian Whitney; [sex] Female; [birthplace] Cummington; [parents] William L. & Hannah M. Whitney; [residence of father] Cummington; [occupation of father] Farmer; [birthplace of father] Westfield, Mass.; [birthplace of mother] Hinsdale, Mass.


Whitney, Hattie P., marriage, 1894, vol. 443, p. 9:

[number] 5; [marriage date and place] Sept. 28, 1894, Windsor; [date of record] Oct. 3, 1894; [groom] Harry N. Stetson; [residence] Cummington; [age] 22; [occupation] Painter & paper hanger; [birthplace] Plainfield; [parents] Charles S. & Rosalie (Mason) Stetson; [number of marriage] First; [bride] Hattie P. Whitney; [residence] Cummington; [age] 18; [occupation] Laborer; [birthplace] Cummington; [parents] William L. & Hannah M. (Francis) Whitney; [number of marriage] First; [officiant] S. M. Andrews, Clergyman.

Whitney, Minnie May, marriage, 1886, vol. 371, p. 6:

[number] [1]; [marriage date and place] Feb. 24th 1886, Conway; [date of record] Feb. 25th, 1886; [groom] Charles A. Wells; [residence] Cummington; [age] 29; [occupation] Laborer; [birthplace] Williamsburgh; [parents] Alexius & Lydia Wells; [number of marriage] First; [bride] Minnie May Whitney; [residence] Cummington; [age] 22; [occupation] At home; [birthplace] Bernardston; [parents] Elliot & Lydia Whitney; [number of marriage] First; [officiant] George H. Clarke, Clergyman, Conway, Mass.


Whitney, Elliott, death, 1910, vol. 1910/33 (death), p. 141:

[number] 141; [death date and place] Oct. 20, 1910, Cummington; [date of record] Oct. 20, 1910; [name] Elliott Whitney; [sex] Male; [marital status] Widowed; [age] 84 4 10; [cause] Chronic nephritis; [residence] Cummington; [occupation] At home; [birthplace] Halifax, Vt.; [parents] Elizah Whitney, Fanny Hook; [parents' birthplaces] Halifax, Vt., Buckland, Mass.; [buried] Cummington Village Cemetery.

Whitney, Maud L., death, 1884, vol. 356, p. 6:

[number] 127; [death date and place] August 29, 1884, W. Cummington; [date of record] Aug. 30 1884; [name] Maud L. Whitney; [sex] Female; [marital status] Single; [age] 1 2 27; [cause] Enteritis; [residence] W. Cummington; [occupation] At home; [birthplace] W. Cummington; [parents] Wm. L. Whitney, Hannah Whitney; [parents' birthplaces] Westfield, Hinsdale.

Whitney, William L., death, 1896, vol. 464, p. 11:

[number] 7; [death date and place] June 1, 1896, Pittsfield, Mass.; [date of record] Feb. 2, 1897; [name] William L. Whitney; [sex] Male; [marital status] Married; [age] 47 6 -; [cause] Pneumonia of 8 days duration; [residence] Cummington; [occupation] Farmer; [birthplace] Westfield; [parents] Oramel Whitney, Judith (m.n. Holbrook) Whitney; [parents' birthplaces] Windsor, Mass., Peru, Mass.; [buried] Cummington.

Copyright © 1999, 2006, 2008, 2015, Robert L. Ward and the Whitney Research Group.